PART 6

                                      MARY BOLTON & ROBBIE WOOTEN

Sarah was up early. She had decided that she was going to church. She wanted to go and see what happened when no one showed up to play for the services. Melissa was up before she left.

“Have a good time with Cody at the dance?”

“It was okay. Of course none of the Goodie Two Shoes from the congregation were there to see that I wasn’t with Buck! Did you do okay last night? You were already in bed when I got back...”

“Yeah, I did a little reading, when I could keep my mind on it. I turned in early.”

“Where are you headed this morning?”

“Thought I would go to church. I wanted to see how the congregation acted when no one showed up to play the organ. It should be interesting.”

“Serves them right. Had they acted like Christians, they might still have a person to play music for them. That’s their problem now though. I’ll start lunch. See you when you get back.”

Sarah slipped on her coat and went out to saddle her horse. She rode towards town at an easy gallop.

Melissa kept herself busy for the most part. She made the beds, and enjoyed a last cup of coffee, trying to decide what to have for lunch. When a knock sounded on the door about an hour after Sarah left, she just knew it was Cody. Opening it, she laughingly said, “Cody, I told you…” But it wasn’t Cody. For a moment Melissa stood there not being able to find her voice. Then she was jumping into her brother’s open arms. “DUELL!”

Smiling he caught her and swung her around. It was so good to see her after all these years. “Hey little sister! I’ve sure missed you!” He replaced her on the floor and stood just looking at her.

“I’ve missed you too. Come in.” She let him pass and then she stepped out onto the porch. “Are you alone? Where are Nora and Ethan?”

“I’m alone. They’re still in California. You’ll just have to be happy with me this visit.”

Melissa grinned and hugged her brother again. “I can’t believe you’re here. Have you had breakfast yet?”

“Yeah, I ate at the hotel. I rode in late last night and stayed there. Then I asked directions out here this morning. I’ll take some coffee though, if you have any.”

“Sure. Come sit down in the kitchen. I’ll fix you a cup.”

Melissa quickly got the coffee and sat down with him at the table. They spent most of the morning catching up on things. Melissa didn’t mention Buck. She knew that there would be time for that later. “Why didn’t Nora and Ethan come with you? Ethan must be nearly two years old now. I’ve never seen my nephew!”

“Well, when I got your letter, I wasn’t going to come right away. Things just haven’t been all that great for us.”

“But why not? I thought after the pardon that it would all be okay. The two of you got married, and I knew things would settle down. Haven’t they?”

“Oh, they’ve settled down, but Nora and I never got married.”

“WHAT? Never got married? Why not? You mean that little boy of yours doesn’t even have a last name? Duell, how could you?”

“It isn’t that I didn’t want to marry her. I love Nora and Ethan. It’s just that things were so different all of a sudden. I was on the run for so long. Then all of a sudden I didn’t have to run any longer. I’ve had a hard time getting adjusted to it all. Then I started wondering if I could live in one place for the rest of my life. Bein’ on the run became a part of me. I just don’t know what to do.” He took a swallow of his coffee and was silent. His face held a worried frown.

“So does Nora know where you are? Or did you just leave her again?”

“No, she knows. In fact, she suggested that I come. She thought that if I got away for awhile that I might be able to make a decision.”

“Then I’m glad that you’ve come. It will do you good to get away for awhile. I’ll talk some sense into you before it’s time for you to go back to California!” She looked his way and grinned.

Duell laughed. “Think you can little sister?”

“I know I can!” She got up and moved around the table to give him another hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Just then the door opened and Sarah walked in. She was surprised to see Melissa hugging a man that she didn’t know, in her kitchen. She turned towards her, a big smile on her face.

“Sarah, I’m glad you’re back! This is my brother Duell McCall!”

“Duell? At long last!” Sarah told him evenly with a small smile as she crossed over to him holding out her hand. “It’s so nice to make your acquaintance. I know that Melissa has been hoping that you would be able to come.”

Duell wasn’t sure what had hit him as he stood quickly and returned her handshake. She was one of the most beautiful women that he had ever seen. When he touched her hand, he felt a tingle go through him.

“It’s right nice to meet you, Miss Sarah. I hope that I won’t be imposing on you.”

It suddenly hit Sarah that her eyes were looking at one of THE most gorgeous men she’d ever set eyes on in this lifetime. His light brown hair fell to his shoulders. His eyes were electric blue. His face was, in a word, handsome. He was tall and nicely built.

“Nonsense, Duell. And it’s Sarah. Any member of Melissa’s family is welcome here for however long they want to stay. Are your wife and son resting?”

Duell quickly looked at Melissa, then back at her.

“Um...they didn’t come with me on this trip,” he told her.

“That’s too bad. So, is lunch ready, or did he distract you?” Sarah asked Melissa.

“It’s ready.”

“Then you stay out here with your brother, and I’ll call you when it’s on the table.”

Duell watched her leave the room.

“Was all that genuine?”

“Excuse me?” Melissa asked him.

“With Sarah? Did she mean what she said?”

“Sarah never says what she doesn’t mean. She’s one of the most honest people that I know.” She watched Duell nod his head.

“She sure is a beautiful lady. Is she seein’ anyone?”

“The man that she was seein’ just let her know he didn’t want her in his life anymore. Duell…you’re not thinking…”

Suddenly his very blue eyes were on her.

“Don’t worry, little sister. I got enough woman problems right now. I’m not lookin’ to git anymore. Sides…I only picture her as bein’ another little sister to me. That make you feel better?”

“Yes, it does,” she admitted. “Cause Sarah’s been hurt bad. She doesn’t need anymore hurt in her life right now.”

“Lunch is on.” they heard Sarah call.

The food was dished out and Sarah turned to Melissa.

“Well ask…I know that you’re dying to know what happened at church today.”


“When they realized you weren’t there, there was a lot of behind the hand whispering. The Reverend made a point of chastising them once again during his sermon. When they realized that I was there, they quickly quieted down.”

“I feel like I’ve missed somethin’,” Duell said.

“Melissa was seeing someone the town didn’t approve of. His name is Buck Cross, and he’s a half-breed. He’s only one of the most wonderful men that you’d ever care to meet. Anyway, the high and mighty Christian church folk decided that our Melissa shouldn’t sully herself with this savage, and they’ve been very nasty to her. She had been playing music at church and working with the children and helped them form a choir. She’s only the best thing that happened to this town!” she stated indignantly.

Duell felt anger go through him at these people for hurting his sister.

“So what did you do?” he asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

“Quit playing. I realized that the music wasn’t as important as I thought it was.”

“And what happened to this Buck?”

“He’s not around any more.” Melissa stated quietly.

“He thought it best for Melissa if she stopped seeing him. He didn’t want her reputation ruined in this town.”

“Maybe that’s for the best if he doesn’t have the courage to stand up to these folks.”

“He’s my blood brother, Duell. Buck has plenty of courage. You weren’t here, and you don’t understand the situation. I’m sure when he’s had time to think about it, he and Melissa will get back together,” she stated, defending him.

“Your blood brother?” he asked incredulously.

“Is that so hard to believe?” Sarah asked. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go take care of the horses. That was a wonderful lunch, Melissa.” And she was gone.

“I suppose I owe her an apology,” Duell stated after he’d thought about what he’d just said. “That is one unusual woman.”

“Yes, she is. She and Buck are very close. They know how each other thinks, and I think that she gives him some stability in his life. And she’s right. Buck is very courageous. It’s just that he’s been fighting the battle for so long to be accepted in the white world that he knows how futile it is. I think he wants to spare me that,” she said as a tear slipped out of her eye.

Duell’s arms went around her.

“I’m sorry ‘Lissa. It’s just that I hate to think of any man hurtin’ you. I know I ain’t been ‘round to protect you most of your life. I missed all your growin’ up years. I hope that you’n I can use this time to catch up some...git to know each other again.”

“I hope so too. Now why don’t you go out and find Sarah and get in your apology. I don’t want her to think that my brother is an unfeeling bumpkin. I’ll clean up the lunch things, and then we’ll go for a ride. I’ll show you some of Sarah’s ranch.”


Sarah had changed into her pants and had gone out to check on Mariah. He came over to her right away and stuck his nose in her lap as she sat on top of the corral fence. For some reason, the stallion always made her feel closer to Jimmy. She stroked his soft nose and cooed to him.

“Do you have all males eatin’ outta your hand?” she heard Duell ask from somewhere behind her.

“Not so as you’d notice,” she told him without turning around. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t sneak up on me.”

He climbed up to sit on the fence next to her.

“I’m sorry for what I said about Buck. I’m just real protective of ‘Lissa although I don’t have any right to be. I just ain’t never heard of a woman bein’ blood brother to an Indian. It tells me a lot ‘bout you…that you’re very tolerant of people. I hope that you’re tolerant of me too.”

He sounded sincere. She turned to look at him.

“I think that I might be just as long as you don’t speak badly about my friends.”

“Agreed, ‘cause if’n they’re friends of yours, they’re probably decent folk.”

She smiled at him.

“So tell me about this Buck. I have a feelin’ that ‘Lissa won’t tell me about him.”

“Like I’ve already told you, he’s a fine man. I’m honored to have him as a friend. He loves Melissa with all his heart. He just needs to figure out a way that he can be with her, and yet protect her from all those old biddies in town. He doesn’t want her hurt, and he doesn’t want her to have the reputation of being his squaw or letting them think that he shares her with everyone at his brother’s village. He’s caring, strong, and very courageous. He tried to take the whole church on one Sunday when they were being nasty to her.” She smiled at the remembrance. “He carries a lot of knowledge with him, and he’s very spiritual. I think that you might like him.”

“Yeah, I think that I might too. That’s a fine lookin’ piece of horse flesh.”

“This is Mariah. He’s still a bit wild, but he’s just a big love.”

“And that stallion over there?”

“Thunder Heart. Buck named him. I still don’t know him too well. I’ve just started working with him.”

“It looks like you have a fine spread.”

“Thank you. I’m sure that Melissa will show you around.”

“She’s going to after she finishes with the lunch things. Until then, you need any help?”

“There’s always something to do around her. But this is your first day. You don’t work on your first day. You’re still a guest. Tomorrow you can work!” She chuckled.

He liked the sound of it.

“Alright, tomorrow I’ll start helping you out round here. You don’t have any help?”

“The Riders from the Pony Express Station give me extra help when I need it. There’s also another man on the next ranch over that I occasionally ask for help. So far, Melissa and I have managed quite well.”

He could feel admiration growing inside of him for this woman.

“You ready to go?” Melissa asked as she joined them.

“Sure,” he smiled down at her.

“Have fun. I’ll have supper ready around five.”

“Alright,” Melissa waved at her as she and Duell headed for the barn.

“Well Mariah, I guess I best go to work. I need to work Thunder Heart, and I know you won’t like that, but so it goes!”

She went over to the stallion’s corral, sweet talked him into coming to her, grabbed his halter, and led him into the barn so she could saddle him. She grabbed the saddle horn so she could pull herself up, and then sedately walked him out of the barn. He was throwing his head about and issued a shrill scream to Mariah, who obliged him by answering with his own challenge.

“You two are going to have to learn to get along,” she scolded as she gave him a little more rein, and they trotted out of the yard.

Sarah really didn’t have any destination in mind, and was almost surprised when she ended up at the waterfall. She reined in Thunder and just sat and took the scene in. Had her time with Jimmy only been a couple of weeks ago? She closed her eyes and felt the pain all over again. Then she thought of Buck and Melissa...and what she and Buck had talked about. Tears started to fall as she slid off the stallion. She walked over to the water’s edge and sat down still holding Thunder’s reins so he could nibble at the grass.

“I shouldn’t let you do that,” she told him, but didn’t have the strength to get back up on him yet.

Buck and Jimmy had been working along side each other, when suddenly the strangest feeling went through Buck. He stood up.

“Hand me that hammer,” Jimmy asked him as he held up a piece of wood. They were still working on the endless fence.

Sarah went through his head, then a feeling of sadness. He grabbed up his shirt and started to walk off.

“Buck! Where are you goin’? We got this fence to finish!” Jimmy called after him.

“Later...I gotta go.”

Jimmy hurried to catch up to him.

“You’re goin’? Jist like that?”

“My sister needs me!” he said as he pushed by him and hurried to saddle his horse.

“You ain’t got no sister!” Jimmy called after him. Buck galloped out of the barn a couple minutes later.

Jimmy just shook his head and went back to the fence.

“His sister! What next?” he muttered, and then stood straight up looking at the dot that was Buck in the distance. Then realization came to him. “Sarah! She’s his sister! How did he know?” He immediately wanted to throw everything down and head for her ranch, but made himself stop. If anything were wrong, Buck would handle it. He didn’t need to mess with Sarah, especially if she was in trouble. He didn’t need to start all that nonsense all over again.

Buck hurried towards the ranch, but then slowed. No, she wasn’t there! He turned his horse to head to the waterfall.

Sarah pulled off her boots, then her socks and stuck her toes into the water. That felt good. The water was still warm enough, and it called to her. She quickly tied the stallion to a tree branch and peeled off her clothes. She jumped in and let the water rush over her. Surfacing, she was again faced with memories of Jimmy. How he had carried her into the water, how they’d made love here. Damn! How could this hurt so bad? She heard horses hooves pounding towards her. Oh great! There was no way she could get to her clothes! She hunkered down to see who was coming, and was greatly relieved when Buck rode into the clearing. He jumped off his horse even before it stopped, and looked around him.

“Sarah?” He called out, seeing Thunder Heart.

“Over here! In the water.” he heard her.

He hurried over to her. “Are you alright? I came as fast as I could.”

She laughed out loud. “I’m sorry! I bet you felt how upset I was?” She saw the nod of his head.

“I rode over here and was remembering all that happened here a couple weeks ago. It made me very sad. I guess I need to be more careful with my feelings.”

“I must have been in there somewhere or else I don’t think I would have felt you.”

“Don’t worry. You were. It’s interesting to know that I can call you with my mind!”

He held his hand out to her.

“Now that you scared the livin’ tarnation outta me, come on out and talk to me,” he smiled.

“I’d love to, but I’m skinny dipping. Why don’t you come in for a while? It really feels good.”

“Jimmy wouldn’t like that much.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t think he has much to say about anything in my life anymore, Buck.”

He sat down on the bank and pulled off his boots.

“Did Melissa go to church today?”

“No, and I doubt that she’ll ever go back again, Buck. I went though. It turned out to be an interesting experience, but I don’t think I’ll go back either.”

“Was Harvey there?”

He watched her shudder as she remembered him.

“No, thank God!” She stated fervently. “He’s an awful person, and I think that God would be real upset every time that Harvey steps foot into a place of worship.”

He stood up and pulled his shirt out of his pants.

“I feel bad about Melissa not goin’ back ‘n all. I know how much her music means to her.”

“Dreams change, Buck. Hers changed. And if music means that much to her, I think she’ll find another way to use it in this town.”

His hands went to his pants, and he gave her a look that told her to turn around in the water, which she did. When she heard him dive in, she turned around. He surfaced next to her.

“Don’t worry…I didn’t look!” he smiled at her.

“I bet!” she told him with a playful push.

“Okay...maybe a little,” he admitted with a slight blush. “What I saw warn’t bad!”

She just laughed and shook her head.

“I never thanked you for what ya did for me at the church.” he said. “Teaspoon told me about you climbin’ over all them pews to attack Harvey. I wish I’d seen that!”

“It wasn’t very ladylike, but I was so damn mad at those people all ganging up on you. You’re my brother and all. I couldn’t let them hurt you without me trying to help you.”

“Well, thank you. You’ve got a strong, brave heart. Maybe in another time you would have been a warrior woman.”

“They had those?”

“Among some of the tribes, very brave women who had proved themselves could ride with the braves. They were respected.”

“That’s interesting. Now would you like to swim?”

“So when you goin’ to talk to Jimmy again?”

“Never. When you going to talk to Melissa and get all of that straightened out?”

“Never,” he replied as he swam next to her.

“Buck! You just going to let Cody have her without a fight?”


“Now you sound like Jimmy!” she told him as she smacked his arm with her fist before she dove under and swam towards the waterfall. She surfaced underneath it and let the water beat down on her.

“You didn’t have to hit me!” he complained as he surfaced next to her.

“Sometimes that’s what men need. They need sense beaten into them. I’ve told you that her dreams have changed of her own free will. She doesn’t care what the people in this town think! It’s not like we live right in town anyway. Besides, you could move out and live with us, so you wouldn’t have to deal with it that often,” she yelled at him. The water was quite loud behind them.

“And then you would lose business. Ever think of that?” He yelled back at her before she dove under again and swam for the shore. He hurried to catch up with her.

“I am not going to lose business. A lot of my business comes from people that live in other towns. If they complain, I’ll tell them that you’re just the hired man. After all, isn’t that what savages are good for?” she told him cheekily as she hoisted herself out of the water.

“Sarah!” he yelled at her, surprised by her brazenness.

“Oh for God’s sake, Buck, it ain’t nuthin’ you haven’t ever seen before! Besides, you Indians are supposed to be more open about nakedness anyway,” she said as she picked up her shirt and started to dry herself off.

She had a great body. He knew that Jimmy would not like this, but he had to admit that he didn’t mind it. If he stared at her long enough, he knew that he would get aroused. She started to pull her clothes on as he came out of the water. She gave him an appreciative glance. He dried himself off with his shirt also.

“Sarah…there is somethin’ that you ‘n I have to bring up if we’re gonna keep doin’ this.”

“And that’s?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

“Did you ever think...maybe you ‘n I?” He started to pull on his clothes, following her lead.

“Oh, it’d be real easy to fall that I’ve made love with a man. I think you’re a very desirable man. Hopefully you feel that way about me as a woman, but I think it’s something that we would regret at this point in our lives. You’re in love with Melissa. I’m in love with Jimmy.”

She saw him nod his head.

“And as soon as you get your head together on it, you’re going back with Melissa, and it would be real hard for you to face her if you and I got together.”

She sat down on the grass and sighed. He sat next to her.

“I think you’re real desirable, Sarah,” he told her with a smile. “And I think you’re right about the other stuff too. All but where I git back with Melissa.”

“It’s what you want to do, and you know it. Remember, I know how you think and feel!”

“Of course I want to do that, but it ain’t any good for her. I should just find myself some nice Indian maiden and settle down.”

“You already did that. Melissa’s part Cherokee,” she reminded him. “Can I ask you something?”

“Shore,” he told her as he watched her fingers comb through her hair.

“Do you think...maybe one day...that Jimmy might come around and want to be with me again?”

“I don’t know Sarah. He can be stubborn. But I know for a fact that he cares a lot for you. He might rethink it at some point. Maybe you should be thinkin’ on findin’ someone else though.”

“I don’t want anyone else,” she sighed again. “I want that Hickok fella! I can just see it now…I’ll be this little old lady, still wishing for Hickok!”

“Not a pretty lady like you. Some fella’s gonna come along and knock you off yer feet!”

“I don’t think so. Well, I best get back to the ranch. I did promise to make supper for Melissa and her brother. Oh yeah, her brother, Duell is visiting. He seems real nice. I think you would like him.”

“How long is he here for?”

“I don’t know. I have a feeling that it might be a while. I hope for her sake that it is. I don’t think they’ve ever spent a lot of time together, and they need to.”

“Maybe he’ll talk some sense into her about me.”

They both stood up, and what he said angered her. She grabbed his face between her two hands and looked up at him.

“Damn it all, Buck. I love you! You’re condemning yourself, and you’re condemning the part of you that I carry in me. Why are you doing that? Every problem can be worked through.” she stated intensely. “You are a good, decent, caring man. Any woman, white or red, should be proud to know you. I know that I am, and I know that I would fight to the death to defend your good name.”

Buck saw the fire in her eyes, and he felt bad for what he had said. She did carry a part of him with her…just as he carried a part of her in him. And he was touched for her depth of feeling for him.

“I’m sorry for what I said. I love every part of you too. Even the parts that have me in them. And I, too, would defend you to the death. It’s just that when you’ve lived with hatred as long as I have, it jist does something to you.”

“Promise me that you’ll seriously think about getting back together with Melissa.”

“If’n you let go of my face, I promise.” he chuckled down at her.

She stood up on tiptoes and kissed his lips quickly.

“Alright. I’ll be seein’ you.”

“Want a leg up onto that beast?” he asked her as he walked over to Thunder Heart.

“That would be nice.”

He gave her one and watched her ride off. Then he decided to just stay where he was for awhile and talk to his spirits.

Melissa and Duell came in, laughing, from their ride. Sarah looked up to smile at them, but her smile seemed to get caught before it got let out. From across the room, Sarah could tell how blue his eyes were, and as soon as they lit on her, she forgot what she was going to say. This was ridiculous! The man was married, with a child yet! And he was Melissa’s brother!

“Have fun?” she managed to get out before she turned back to the sandwiches and vegetables she was making.

Duell was trying very hard to get his breathing back to normal. What was it about this woman that was affecting him so? He’d been around a lot of pretty women, and he’d never felt this way about any of them.

“Yes, Duell and I just talked and talked.”

“Your ranch is real nice, Sarah. You should be proud of it.”

“I am,” she replied, still with her back to them. Without looking at him, she turned and started to lay the food on the table. Then she put on a large pitcher of lemonade. “I think we can eat.”

“I was thinking, Sarah…” Melissa began.

“About what?”

“Tomorrow I’d like to go to the church and pick up the music and things that I had there. Maybe while I’m doing that, you could show Duell around Rock Creek…maybe introduce him to Marshall Teaspoon and Mr. Tompkins at the General Store.”

“I suppose I could do that. You wouldn’t want us to help you?”s asked as she passed the plate of sandwiches to Duell.

“I’ll be fine. No one will be around except maybe the Reverend.”

“If he is, he’s going to try and talk you into coming back.”

“I know,” she sighed. “But it won’t work this time.”

“I was thinking...maybe if those people come over from Black Creek and buy those five horses they were talking about, we could afford to buy a piano. Maybe then you could give piano lessons to some understanding folk’s children.”

“Now that would be a great idea. That way you could still work with your music, and those kids that you liked so well,” Duell approved.

“I don’t know if we have any understanding folks in Rock Creek. And besides, you have better uses for your money than a piano.”

“I hear the saloon has an extra one they’re thinking of selling. Duell, why don’t you and I go to see about that tomorrow?”

“But Sarah…”

“And winter’s coming and there will be a lot of snow on the ground. What else will there be to do but listen to you play wonderful music?” Sarah smiled at her friend.

Duell was quickly realizing what it was like to have Sarah as your friend. There wasn’t anything that she wouldn’t do to defend you. Nothing she wouldn’t do within her power to make you happy. It was then he knew that he really didn’t have to worry none about his sister.

Melissa just smiled and shook her head. “I guess it’s worth a try, but I’ll be the first to say I told you so when no one sends their children for piano lessons.”

“I’ll bully them into it!” Sarah declared.

The rest of the meal was spent in chitchat. Sarah insisted on cleaning up, and then turned in early so Duell and Melissa could spend time together. Once in her room, she looked out the window. What was Jimmy doing now? Was he thinking of her? Probably not, she concluded as she changed into her nightdress and climbed into bed for another night of tossing and turning.

Buck rode slowly into the station. Lights were on in the house, so he figured that anyone who was here would be eating their evening meal. What Sarah had said was weighing heavy on his mind. Clearly, she felt he was wrong in all this. He was beginning to wonder about it himself. He pulled the saddle off his horse, and started to brush him. He heard someone come into the barn in back of him.

“Was she alright?” he heard Jimmy ask.

“Physically she’s fine. You’re really hurtin’ her, Jimmy. I think you’re wrong in what you’re doin’ to her.”

“And you’re right about what you’re doin’ to Melissa?” Jimmy quizzed him over Buck’s horse’s back.

“I ain’t so shore anymore.” he replied. “You been worried ever since I lit outta here, admit it.”


“You love her, jist like I love Melissa. If you’re lucky in life, you find that one person who you know will make you happy forever. If you throw it away, it ain’t gonna come with someone else.”

“I don’t love no woman.”

“You’re lyin’ and you know it.”

“Men like me don’t need noone.”

“You’ve been tellin’ yourself that for so long you’re believin’ your own lies!” Buck told him as he put his horse back into its stall. “Your life might change somewhere down the road.”

“We both know that ain’t true.”

“She could look after herself and your kids.”

“I don’t know that.”

“I’m tellin’ you she could. She’s part Indian now.”

Jimmy sort of laughed and looked down at the ground, shaking his head.

“You jist don’t give up, do you?”


“All I would do is cause her pain. She don’t need that in her life. She needs to find someone else…someone who ain’t always lookin’ back over his shoulder to see who’s tryin’ to sneak up on him.”

“You’re causin’ her more pain now than you ever would if’n you got hitched and then got kilt…and you know that. I’m hungry. Any food left?”

“I think so.”


“No.” he told him. He went out into the darkness and sat on the corral fence. As always, his thoughts were with Sarah. Was Buck right? No! He’d lived his whole life thinking like this. Everyone he’d ever loved had been taken away from him. What if it was Sarah getting killed and not him? No, she was safer with him staying away from her.

“She’s gonna be fine,” Duell assured Sarah as they walked down the boardwalk of Rock Creek. He had seen the worried look on her face.

“I hope so. Here’s the general store. Let me introduce you to Mr. Tompkins. He blusters a lot, and he’s not very sure if he likes Buck, but deep down he’s alright.”

Melissa just sat on the organ bench, looking around the church. It made her feel a little sick to be in here, as she remembered the bad things that had happened to her. Then she forced herself to remember the good things, the looks on the children’s faces as they smiled up at her. She gathered her music up and started out of the church. Suddenly the need to pray came over her, and she slipped into a pew.

“Dear Lord, I know that I’ve been doin’ things that I shouldn’t be doin’, but I really love Buck. Could you please do what you could to change his mind about being with me? I know that we’re supposed to be together, and anything you can do to help, well, I really would appreciate it. And as long as we’re on the subject, Sarah and Jimmy can use all the help they can get too. Could you please stop sending those bad men after him? Let him see that he has a future with my best friend…”

“And this is Marshall Teaspoon’s office,” she told him as she ushered him into it.

“Why Miss Sarah! To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? I ain’t seen you round much lately.”

“I’ve been busy. I’d like to introduce you to Melissa’s brother, Duell McCall. He’ll be staying at the ranch for awhile, while he and Melissa catch up on each other.”

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Teaspoon aid as he shook his hand. “You from around these parts?”

“No...I live in California, which is why ‘Lissa and I don’t see much of each other.”

There was something about this man...Teaspoon felt as if he’d heard the name before.

“Welcome to our town. I hope that you have a good visit here.”

“I think I will.”

“Teaspoon, Rachel wanted me to…Sarah!” Jimmy stated as he hurried into the Marshall’s office on an errand for Rachel. The last person he had expected to see was Sarah. And he certainly would have never expected to see her with a strange man who immediately sized him up as he was sizing him up.

“Jimmy!” Sarah gasped, feeling bewildered suddenly. For some reason, she didn’t think that she would see him around here, which was silly since he and Teaspoon were so close.

Teaspoon was getting an eyeful. He realized immediately that the reason he hadn’t been seeing Miss Sarah was because Jimmy wasn’t seeing her anymore. And he knew that Jimmy was not happy about seeing her with Melissa’s brother.

Sarah mentally shook herself. Don’t let him see how much it hurt to be around him.

“Duell McCall…Jimmy Hickok.”

“Hickok?” Duell stated softly as he shook the younger man’s hand. He’d heard a lot about this man, and he knew, in an instant, that he would be a formidable foe...that perhaps he was a little of what the stories had said he was. He also knew that he wouldn’t want to face him or be called out by him. And there was something going on between him and Sarah.

“Yeah…Hickok,” Jimmy stated shortly. With the grasp of the strong hand in his, Jimmy instinctively knew that if anyone could beat him, this would be the man to do it. Who was he? And why was he with Sarah?

“We best be moving on. Good day, gentlemen,” Sarah said as she turned to leave. Duell wasn’t sure what made him do it, but he put a protective arm around Sarah’s shoulders as they left. He tipped his hat to the two men in the office.

“Who is he?” Jimmy demanded.

“You heard Miss Sarah...Duell McCall,”  Teaspoon stated, pleased with Jimmy’s jealous reaction to the man. Maybe this would help him do something about being apart from her. “You and Miss Sarah ain’t seein’ each other no more?”

“Nope. Who is he? I ain’t never seen him a fore.”

“He’s Melissa’s brother, so I suppose that Miss Sarah has known him for quite some time. He’s visitin’.”

“Stayin’ out at the ranch?”

“Yup. Now why were you in such an all fired hurry when you came in here?”

But Teaspoon was talking to empty space. Jimmy had left the office, and was out on the boardwalk, staring after Duell McCall and Sarah. Teaspoon just shook his head. He was glad that he wasn’t young anymore!

Jimmy watched Duell take Sarah’s elbow as they walked along. There had been something about him...a ruthless part to him…a wildness that he recognized because he had it in himself. He’d been very assured, a little cocky, and more than just a little good looking. Would he turn Sarah’s head? Had he already? Had she forgotten him already?

“You’ve heard of Jimmy?” Sarah asked him.

“I’ve heard the name. It probably wasn’t the same Hickok. Now where are you going to take me?”

“Let’s go find Melissa. I’m beginning to get worried about her.”

But in truth, Sarah was badly shaken from her encounter with Jimmy. She’d just wanted to throw her arms around him. Now wouldn’t that have gone over real well? In a way, she was glad that she’d had Duell with her. Maybe he’d think that she’d found someone else and that she wasn’t pining over him.

“Now didn’t you tell ‘Lissa that you ‘n I would go and look at a piano?” he reminded her. “And I’m sure she’s doin’ just fine.”

“You’re right. I’m sure that she is. The piano is at the saloon.”

“You feel comfortable goin’ in there?”

“If I can climb over church pews, I think I can go onto the saloon,” she replied as she led the way.

Duell just shook his head as he followed her. There were many levels to this lady, and he was beginning to find that he wanted to know all of them.

Melissa finished her prayers, gathered her music up, and left the church. She slowly strolled through the town, wondering where Sarah and Duell were. She was acutely aware of the looks that she was receiving from the townspeople, but she knew that in time, they would forget that she’d been with Buck. A sob caught in her throat.

“There’s that injun lover,” she heard from behind her before someone bumped into her. She lost her balance and pitched forward. Her sheet music went flying as she hit the ground hard.

“Word has it that she sneaks out to service all them injuns at the village,” she heard another voice say.

Jimmy had been watching the progress of Duell and Sarah, but something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He turned and saw a crowd standing around someone. He quickly hurried over and was angered to see Melissa on the ground. He pulled his gun and demanded,

“What’s goin’ on here?” He held his hand down to Melissa and pulled her up. “Did they hurt you?” he asked without taking his eyes off the crowd.

“Nnnnoooo…” she said shakily.

“All of you best leave here now!” Jimmy threatened. He knew that none of them were stupid enough to draw on him. He put a protective arm around Melissa. And he kept it there until the crowd had broken up. Only then, did he holster his revolver and look down at her tear-streaked face. “What happened? Was it the Indian thing again?”

“Yes…silly me...and I was just thinking that in time these people would forget that I’d been with Buck.”

“So are you really alright?” he asked her as she wiped her face off.

“Yeah...I’m even starting to get used to it. Thanks for coming to my rescue once again,” she told him.

“It’s the least I can do.”

“You haven’t by any chance seen my brother and Sarah around, have you?”

By the look that went across his face, she could tell that he had. She started to pick up her music, and he helped her.

“Yeah, I think they went to the saloon. How long’s he stayin’?”

“A long time, I hope. Did you meet him?”

“Yeah. Is he ‘n Sarah seein’ each other?”

Melissa smiled to herself.

“Who knows what will happen since you stopped coming around. He’s a good man, you know.”

She watched him open his mouth to say something, but he quickly closed it again.

“Just why did you stop coming around? I thought you and Sarah had something good going.”

“She don’t need the likes of me in her life,” was all he said.

“Melissa! What happened?” They both heard Sarah yell. Jimmy jerked his head around to see Sarah running towards them. Duell was right behind her.

“Nothing,” Melissa quickly stated. “I just had an accident and dropped my music all over. Jimmy was being a dear and helping me pick it up.”

Sarah had only seen Melissa in the middle of the street, and had totally missed Jimmy. She quickly turned to him.

“What really happened?” she asked him point blank.

She saw Jimmy throw a look to Melissa over her head.

“It was like she said,” he told her as he handed the music he had collected to Melissa.

“Thanks for your help Jimmy,” Melissa smiled up at him.

Sarah was shaking her head.

“No, there is more to this. You two are lying to me; they’re lying Duell.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it,” Melissa told them.

Duell noticed that Jimmy was watching Sarah like a hawk. Was he the one that had just broken up with Sarah?

“If’n that’s the case, I guess we don’t have no choice but to take their word for it. Ready to go?” Duell asked his sister.

“Yeah. Thanks again for your help, Jimmy.”

“A pleasure,” Jimmy tipped his hat to her as Duell took Melissa’s arm and started to walk off with her.

“What was her accident, Jimmy?” Sarah demanded again. “Were these folks giving her a hard time about Buck again?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think she wants her brother to know bout that.”

“I don’t think so either. I’m glad that you were there to help her,” she told him as she laid her hand on his arm.

Jimmy felt as if a bolt of lightening had gone through him with her touch.

“Me too.”

“You doin’ alright?” she asked him, not wanting to leave him.

“Yeah…you?” he lied.

“Just fine. It’s great having Duell here. I guess I best catch up to them. Bye.” she told him as she forced herself to smile up at him.

He watched her walk away as his heart threatened to leap out of his chest. How he missed her. He wanted to call out to her, but he made himself stay silent. He would keep his original resolve.

It was all Sarah could do not to let the tears flow as she walked farther away from Jimmy. How could he not see how perfect they were for each other? She’d only been trying to make him jealous with Duell, but there hadn’t been any reaction when she’d said his name. Maybe he truly didn’t care about her or what happened to her anymore. And into her sadness, an image of Buck came to mind. They had gotten to their horses, and Sarah turned to the other two.

“I need to run another errand before I head back to the ranch. Why don’t you two go ahead, and I’ll meet you there in time for lunch?”

“Alright.” Melissa smiled her way as they mounted up.

“Are you really alright?” Sarah asked her, looking into her eyes. Melissa could tell that Jimmy had let her friend know what had happened.

“Yeah, it’s getting to be an old thing by now. See you later. I’ll have lunch ready.”

Just as Sarah was preparing to leave, Cody, who had been riding through town, reined in next to Melissa. He looked strangely at Duell, but tipped his hat to both ladies. “Mornin’ Miss Sarah…Melissa. I’m glad that I caught you afore you left town.”

Melissa smiled at Cody. “Cody! How nice to see you. I’d like to introduce you to my brother, Duell McCall. He’s visiting for awhile.”

Cody, feeling strangely relieved, held his hand out to Duell. Duell grasped it, and they shook.

“Pleasure to make you acquaintance, Duell.”

“Cody rides for the Pony Express,” Sarah explained. “What can we do for you, Cody?”

“I wanted to ask Miss Melissa if’n she’d go to the dance with me on Saturday.”

Melissa wanted to go the dance with Buck. But she knew that Buck wouldn’t ask her. Maybe she would at least see Buck there...and just maybe, she’d get to dance one dance with him, so she turned her smile back to Cody.

“Why that would be lovely. Duell, perhaps you could escort Sarah, and we’d all have a real fun time.”

“I would be honored to escort Sarah if she’d have me,” Duell smiled over at her. Sarah’s stomach did a somersault. What was it about this man? And he was married! But she knew that he was only asking because Melissa had suggested it. So why couldn’t she have a friendly time?

“I think it would be fun too. I’d love to have you escort me, Duell.”

“Good!” Cody approved. “I’ll get a buggy from the livery stable and be by round 6.”

“Come by at five and eat supper with us,” Melissa invited.

A huge smile crossed Cody’s face. “I’ll do it. Thanks for invitin’ me.”

Duell watched him ride off with a smile.

“I’d say that young man is tryin’ to court my little sister. Do you like him?”

“Cody’s a nice man,” Melissa told him. “But I’m not serious about him or anything. I enjoy spending time with him.”

“Well, ya gotta start somewhere,” Duell told her.

“I’ll be off. See you two later,” Sarah said as she turned her horse towards the waterfall and galloped away.

“Where’s she headed to?” Duell asked.

“Don’t know. She said she had an errand to attend to.”

“It was Hickok wasn’t it? The one who left her?” he asked playing a hunch he’d wanted to pass in front of her to see her reaction to it.

“Yeah, but I think he still loves her. It’s just that he always has these people coming to look for him; I think he worried about Sarah’s safety if she stayed with him. He thinks it’s better if he doesn’t have anyone in his life.”

Duell nodded his head, knowing exactly how Jimmy felt.

“So the stories ‘bout him are true?”

“What stories?” Melissa asked.

Duell shrugged. What good would it do to bring them up now? Especially since he wasn’t seeing Sarah any longer.

“Best to leave ‘em be.” was all he said.

Buck waited patiently as he leaned against a tree, looking at the waterfalls. He was chewing on a blade of grass, but spit it out when he heard a rider coming. He stood up, and smiled as Sarah walked her horse into the clearing from the tree. Buck went over to her and helped her down from her horse.

“What’s up?” she asked him with a smile as she gave him a hug and tied her horse to a tree branch. “Did you come to tell me that you changed your mind, and you’re getting back together with Melissa?”

“You don’t give up, do you?” he asked shaking his head.

“Nope, you two belong together!”

Buck walked over to the water’s edge, so Sarah followed him.

“I think that you have this idea of me that ain’t right. I ain’t the person that you think I am.”

“Oh? How do you figure that? I mean I think I know you pretty well. My spirit knows yours, and the last I heard, you haven’t been going around murdering people in cold blood and scalping them.”

He sort of chuckled at that as he sat down on the grass. He pulled her down next to him.

“You’re a good man, Buck. You’re caring; you do all you can to help your friends out. You’re honest, and I’d trust you with anything.”

“Sometimes I ain’t that honest, Sarah. Sometimes my Indian side comes out and I do things that I probably shouldn’t do.”

“Give me a for instance.”

Buck really didn’t need to think about it.

“The man that shot Ike...I killed him in cold blood. That was more the Indian side coming out though. It’s bred into us that if anyone kills a member of your family or a close friend, you have the right to take your revenge on them by killin’ them. That man didn’t deserve to live, so I killed him. And I would do it all over again without thought.”

Sarah let that absorb into her. “So what aren’t you telling me about all this?”

She watched the frown come over his face.

“I’d really like to know the whole story, Buck.”

He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Talking about Ike still had the power to bring sadness to him.

“Ike had fallen in love with Emily, and this guy had been doggin’ him. When he found out Ike ‘n I was best friends, he started goin’ outta his way to dog me, callin’ me a savage, you know, the usual half-breed stuff. Emily went after this guy cause he shot her pa, and Ike got into the middle of it and got kilt. In the process the guy was wounded so Teaspoon kept him in jail for a couple of days. When he let him out, I was there, and I drew on him. He told me I didn’t have the guts to kill him. I did.”

“So how did you keep from getting thrown in jail?”

“There was a witness who swore he didn’t see anything. I think he hated the guy too.”

“So if someone killed Melissa or me or anyone you considered family, you’d go after them and kill them?”


“Okay, so when are you getting back together with Melissa?” she asked, turning to him.

“Ain’t you listenin’ to me?” he asked her, surprised.

“I listened to every word you said. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. It wouldn’t change the way Melissa feels about you. Given the same circumstances, I might have done the same thing. If anyone kills Jimmy, I’ll probably go after them myself. It’s that simple.”

“He still worries about you.”

“No, he doesn’t. I just ran into him in town. Duell was with me. He didn’t appear to care that I was with another man.”

“Ain’t you learned yet that Jimmy’s good at masking what he’s feelin’? He’s had to do that for so long it’s become a way of life for him. He cares, and he worries about you.”

“Well, good for him. He isn’t doing anything about it. So, why did you want to see me if you aren't going to tell me that you're coming back to be with Melissa?”

“I cain’t see you just to talk? I like talkin’ to ya.”

She laughed. “I know that. I just had a feeling that you wanted to tell me something.”

“Yeah, I did. I just wanted you to know I’m goin’ to my brother’s village for a couple of days, and I didn’t want you to worry none if you didn’t see me.”

She nodded her head.

“Use your time there to talk to your spirits. They’ll tell you that you should be with Melissa.”

“You just don’t give up, do you?”

“Buck, you two are supposed to be together. I’m not going to give it up. I’m hoping that one day I’ll wear you down.”

He just shook his head, choosing to make no comment.

“Before I left town, Cody asked Melissa to the dance on Saturday night. She’s going with him. Will you be there?”

“I don’t know.”

“Buck! I swear! How can you just let Cody waltz in and take over? He’s thrilled you’ve given up the chase. I like Cody and all, but he’s not supposed to be with her.”

“He’d be better for her, ‘n you ‘n I know it!” he said, hating every word that was coming out of his mouth.

“No he wouldn’t be, and you’ve gone all tense on me. You hate the idea, Buck Cross. I just don’t understand you!”

He shrugged his shoulders and wouldn’t look at her.

“Damn it all! Now you’re reminding me of Jimmy. That’s just what he would do. You don’t want to end up like him, do you?”


“Then you’d best think about it while you’re at your brother’s village!”

“I gotta go!” Buck stated as he stood up quickly and headed for his horse. Sarah quickly caught up with him.

“Should I apologize? Did I over step?” she asked his rigid back.

Buck turned slowly around.

“No and no. I’ll see you when I get back, my sister.”

“Alright. Be careful,” she told him as she hugged him, kissed his cheek, and let him go.

“I will.”

“Come back for the dance. I know she’d love to see you.”

“I’ll think about it. You be careful too.”

“I will.”

“Are you goin’ to the dance?”

“Yeah, with Duell at Melissa’s suggestion.”

“Maybe I should go just to drag Jimmy along!” he laughed as he turned his horse away from her.

Sarah watched him ride off, and then took herself off to her ranch. Why did life have to be so complicated at times? Why couldn’t people see when they belonged together? Buck was being incredibly stubborn; so was Jimmy as far as that went. Did he really still care for her like Buck said he did? She supposed it was true that Jimmy was well versed at hiding his feelings. If that was true, she hoped that he would come to the dance Saturday night and see her with Duell. Maybe that would get him angry enough to act! As far as she knew, Jimmy didn’t know that Duell was a married man. He didn’t need to know that either.

“Well, are you goin’ to tell her?” Sarah asked Duell as they ate lunch.

“Tell me what?” Melissa asked innocently.

“I thought I’d let you tell her since it was your idea,” he replied.

“What?” Melissa asked again.

“Since you invested half the capital, I think you should tell her,” Sarah stated calmly.

“What are you two talking about?” Melissa finally demanded.

Duell took pity on her. “Sarah ‘n I bought you the piano that was on sale at the saloon. They’ll deliver it later today.”

“Really?” she asked, her eyes lighting up.

“Really!” Sarah confirmed.

“But you shouldn’t have…should you?” Melissa asked them. They were both grinning like fools.

“Why shouldn’t a big brother buy somethin’ for his little sister?” Duell asked her.

“And why shouldn’t a best friend be allowed to buy something for someone that feels more like her sister?”

“Thank you then!” she squealed as she quickly got up and hugged them both. “I’m so lucky to have the world’s most wonderful brother, and the world’s best friend!”

Red Bear was happy to see him, but looked puzzled that he came by himself. He didn’t say anything though. Buck was given lunch by Morning Flower and he and his brother sat and spoke of what was going on with the tribe. While part of Buck felt peaceful that he was here, part of him felt like an important part was missing. He knew it to be Grey Eyes. Maybe here he could think about her clearly.

Duell, Sarah, and Melissa worked along side each other companionably. At one point, Melissa went in to get some refreshments for them, so Duell turned to Sarah.

“I hope you don’t mind that Melissa sorta forced you to go to the dance with me.”

Sarah looked over at him leaning against the fence. He’d taken his shirt off, and his sun browned upper body was very fine indeed with his muscled arms, hairy chest, and not an ounce of fat to be seen. She felt her breathing quicken.

“Now Duell…..what woman in her right mind would mind going to a dance with you? Unless you can’t dance and will step on my toes all evening?” she flirted. Now why was she doing that?

It pleased him that she felt that way.

“I’ll try not to do too much damage to your toes.”

“Then I definitely won’t have a problem with it. Now, how would you like to help me do some work with Thunder Heart?”

“Let’s do it.”

Buck sat by the creek, tossing pebbles into it. He’d been in the village two days, and knew it was time to head back to Rock Creek if he wanted to make it to the dance. He wanted to be sure that Jimmy went to it. He also had to admit that he wanted to see Melissa.

“Why is Running Buck so deep in thought?” Red Bear asked as he sat down next to him.

“I’m deciding when I should leave. I need to get back to town. There’s something I need to do.”

Red Bear nodded his head.

“Was Grey Eyes too busy to come with you this time? We miss her.”

“Yes, she was busy,” he lied. How could he explain all of that to his brother? Maybe the next time he wouldn’t bother to ask about her.

“She is alright?” he asked him, detecting something in his voice. He knew his brother was sad for some reason.

“She’s fine. It’s just that there’s a lot of work at the ranch this time of year. Sarah couldn’t spare her.”


“My blood sister…”

Red Bear nodded his head.

“Very well. Bring her with you next time. You go soon?”


“Come by my lodge before you leave.”

“I will,” Buck assured him.

Buck wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting there, when a mist started to swirl around him. He could feel the hair on his neck standing up as he quickly wrapped his hands around his medicine bag. Suddenly, there was an apparition in front of him, one he’d seen before.

“You displeasure me Running Buck! Why do you ignore me?”

“I am sorry Wise One. I do not ignore you.”

“You do! You are not with my granddaughter. You are the one that has been chosen.”

“No! I have only brought her pain!”

“You have also brought her great joy.”

“But she has to live with those people. You’ve seen how they treat her because of me.”

“You will both find a way around live with it. You are to be together. Heed my words. Do not ignore me again.”

And with that, the mist cleared. Lying on the ground in front of him was one perfect eagle feather. He slowly picked it up as he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. “You don’t understand old woman!” he whispered to the spirit. “I can’t do this!”

“She’s you sister’s best friend…she’s your sister’s best friend…she’s your sister’s best friend,” Duell kept repeating to himself as he dressed for the dance. He had to remember that.

“Do you think Buck might be at the dance?” Melissa finally asked Sarah as her friend helped button her up.

“It’s possible. Do you think Jimmy might be there?” she asked biting her lip hoping that Buck was there, and that he somehow managed to drag Jimmy with him.

“It’s possible.”  Melissa giggled nervously. Sarah joined in with her. “Now let me help you with your hair.”

Buck watched Cody prepare for the dance. He was beginning to get irritated by him, but he did his best not to let him know that. He looked over at Jimmy, who was sitting at the table flipping cards into his hat.

“You goin’ tonight?” he asked in his direction.

“Nope...don’t have no reason to. You goin’?”

“Thought I might help Teaspoon with the Hankins girl. It ain’t fair that he’s the only one to dance with her.”

Jimmy sort of smiled, shaking his head.

“Better you than me!”

“I’d appreciate the company. What if I swear that I won’t let Teaspoon make you dance with Mary Jane?”

“Good evening, gents!” Cody stated as he waved with a flair and left them.

“He takin’ Melissa?”


“Then why ya goin’?”

“Cause I sorta promised someone I’d be there.”



“Then I cain’t go.”

“Yeah, you can. You know you wanna see her. What better place than a dance where there’s lots of people? You cain’t totally ignore her since we live in the same town. And there ain’t no reason you cain’t be friends.”

“We tried that already,” Jimmy told him dryly. “Will Melissa’s brother be there?”

“I suppose so,” he replied.

“Then he’ll be with Sarah...or did you ask her?”

“I didn’t really ask her, but she knows I’ll be there so she might not be with no one. Come with me.”

“I’ll think ‘bout it. Let’s see what’s for supper,” he said as he heard Rachel ringing the dinner bell.

Buck knew that’s as good as he would get. Confident he’d done all he could, he followed Jimmy out.

Duell couldn’t find anything wrong with Cody. He treated his sister well, and he could tell that he had deep feelings for her. The problem was, he wasn’t sure that his sister would be able to return the feelings since she already had them for the half-breed, a man he had yet to meet. They’d eaten dinner and Cody had driven them all to town. He knew he was enjoying sitting close to Sarah on the ride in way too much. He also knew he’d never seen anyone more beautiful as she was, dressed in her frilly blue dress. She smelled good too. And she smiled down at him so prettily as he helped her out of the buggy. “She’s your sister’s best friend!” he told himself firmly for the hundredth time.

Cody felt like he was the luckiest man alive with Melissa on his arm. She was wearing a dress of silver grey that just about matched her eyes. The townsfolk looked surprised to see her with him, and he hoped that they all got an eyeful and forgot their hard feelings about her. She deserved to be treated much better.

Sarah knew that Duell was receiving second and third looks from many of the women at the dance. He looked truly gorgeous in his dress up clothes, and he was treating her as if she was the most cherished person in his life. He was a gentleman in every sense of the word. She wondered if she, as a friend of Melissa, received this sort of treatment, what did he give to his wife? She must be a very lucky woman indeed. Her heart was fluttering overtime, but it went into overdrive when she looked towards the door and saw Buck and Jimmy arrive. Jimmy looked as devastatingly handsome as always. Buck caught her eye and smiled, but made no attempt at that moment to come over to her.

Duell had been talking to some people standing next to them as they waited for the music to start, but then he suddenly turned to her.

“So what do you think of my baby sister and Cody?”

“I think her heart lies elsewhere. But I like Cody. I hate to see him get hurt.”

“Will he be?”

“If Buck comes to his senses, he will be.”

“Am I ever going to meet this Buck?”

“I’d say that it will probably happen tonight. He just arrived with Jimmy. You aren’t going to say anything to him, are you?”

Duell smiled down into her worried face.

“I know how much he means to you. I’m not going to say a thing that would embarrass you or ‘Lissa.”

“Thank you.”

“The music’s startin’. How about this dance?”

Duell held his hand out to her, and she accepted it graciously. He led her to the floor and swept her into his arms. She felt good…as if she belonged there.

Jimmy’s eyes immediately picked Sarah out in the crowd on the dance floor. She looked so beautiful. And his stomach felt sick when he saw her in McCall’s arms. He remembered all the dances that they had shared, and his arms longed to go around her. Should he risk a dance with her? Would she even dance with him?

Buck danced by her with Mary Jane Hankins in his arms, and Sarah had to laugh at the pained look on his face. At the next dance, Buck steered Mary Jane over to them.

“Switch partners?” he questioned. Mary Jane looked as if she would swoon when Duell nodded good naturedly and took her onto the floor. Sarah went into his arms.

“I see you somehow managed to talk Jimmy into coming.”

“And hopefully he’ll ask you to dance.”

“You gonna ask Melissa to dance?”

“You funnin’ me? These people would stone her to death if I did that!”

“Nonsense. One dance isn’t gonna hurt anything! How did it go at the village?”

Buck briefly thought of the old one’s visit. “Alright. It was uneventful.”

“Did you think about things?”

“Yes, and I ain’t changin’ my mind.”

Sarah just sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. Jimmy happened to look over at that moment and couldn’t believe how jealous he felt. He knew how foolish that was though since he knew Buck loved Melissa. He wanted to cut in, but instead forced himself to ask another lady to dance.

When the music stopped, Sarah steered Buck over to Duell.

“Buck, I want you to meet Melissa’s brother, Duell McCall. Duell, this is Buck Cross, a good friend of mine.”

The men shook hands.

“I’m pleased to meet you, Buck. Sarah tells me that you’re a good friend to her.”

Buck smiled at her as he put his arm around her shoulders.

“Sarah and I are very close.”

Duell could sense the rapport between the two of them, and as much as he wanted to dislike him, he found that he couldn’t. Duell knew what Buck’s life had been like, and there was a part of him that grudgingly respected him for wanting to protect Melissa from that life.

“That’s what I hear,” Duell told him. “How long have you lived here?”

At that point, Sarah was claimed for another dance by one of the townsfolk, so she left them talking and getting to know one another.

Melissa had been watching Buck out of the corner of her eye since he had arrived. She saw him dancing and talking to first Mary Jane, then Sarah. And now he was talking with her brother. What could they have to say to each other? Cody was keeping a close eye on her, so she knew that she wouldn’t be able to come up with an excuse to wander over and at least say hello. How she wanted to just run over and hug him and tell him not to leave her.

Teaspoon arrived at the dance and quickly found the man he was looking for, Duell McCall. He strode purposefully over to him and Buck.

“Evenin’ marshall,” Duell told him.

“Mr. McCall, I was wonderin’ if I could have a few moments of your time?”

“Sure, Buck, look after Sarah for me while I’m gone,” Duell asked him. Buck nodded, looking for his friend in the crowd. The song ended and another began.

“Where’s Duell?” Sarah asked him as she made her way over to him.

“Teaspoon wanted to talk to him for some reason. He told me to look after you.”

“Now’s your chance. I’ll go and ask Cody to dance with me, and I’ll keep him occupied. You can go and ask Melissa to dance!” she told him.

“But Sarah….!” he started to protest, but she was already gone. He saw her approach Cody and take his hand and point to the dance floor. Cody laughed, but as was his nature, escorted her to the floor. He felt rooted to the spot.

“Oh go on and do it!” he heard Jimmy tell him. How had he known what was going on?

“Why? I cain’t let nuthin’ happen.”

“Cause you want to,” Jimmy stated as he followed Sarah and Cody with his eyes.

Buck turned to him. “Tell ya what...if’n you ask Sarah, I’ll ask Melissa. We know we wanna do it.”

Jimmy’s arms ached to hold her, and it would be alright here.

“What do we do with Cody?”

“I’ll go tell Lou to cut in. She’ll help us out.”

“Okay...what if’’n she won’t dance with me?”

“She’ll dance with you, Jimmy.”  Buck assured him as he headed for Lou. He explained what he needed and Lou, with an understanding smile, went off to cut in on Cody. Then Buck went over to Melissa.

Melissa gasped as Buck came to stand in front of her. He held out his hand.

“Can I have this dance?”

She could only nod her head as she willingly went into his arms.

Jimmy watched Lou go over and cut in on Cody. Sarah gave a good natured smile as she made her way back to the sideline. He took a deep breath and before he could change his mind, he hurried over to her.

“Will you dance with me?” he asked her. He could tell that she was surprised. He could also tell that she was debating with herself.

“Alright,” she finally said, as he took her into his arms and breathed her in as he pulled her close. Why couldn’t the world stop now?

Duell followed the marshal to his office, not feeling good about the fact that Teaspoon wanted to talk to him.

“What can I do for you marshal?” he finally asked.

“I hope you have a good story to tell me about this,” Teaspoon said as he picked up a wanted poster from his desk and handed it to Duell.

Duell was looking down at something that was very familiar to him. His likeness was on the poster along with all the crimes that he supposedly committed.

“I didn’t do any of this,” Duell told him as he handed the poster back to him.

“Is there any reason I should believe you…other than the fact that you’re Miss Melissa’s brother?”

Duell was impressed with the Marshal. Anyone else would have already had him in jail.

“I received a full pardon from the governor,” Duell said as he pulled some papers from his pocket and handed them to the Marshal. This had happened more times than he cared to think about, so he always had the papers with him.

Teaspoon read them over carefully, and saw that Duell had told him the truth. He gave them back to the man.

“Those are some pretty impressive charges. How’d it happen?”

“I was framed for a murder I didn’t commit. After that, charges just seemed to pile up. Can I go back to the dance? I have a mighty purty lady waitin’ on me.”

“Miss Sarah?” Teaspoon asked.


“A nicer lady you couldn’t find,” Teaspoon told him.

“I know. Evenin’ Marshal,” Duell told him as he tipped his hat and left the office.

Teaspoon put the wanted posted into a drawer in his desk and headed back to the dance, relieved that he wouldn’t have to arrest Melissa’s brother. His eyes swept the dance floor, and they lit on Miss Melissa, who was in Buck’s arms. The looks they were exchanging left him in no doubt about how they felt about each other. So where was Cody? He found him with Lou. And there was Jimmy with Miss Sarah! Was everyone getting’ back together? He wondered. Jimmy and Miss Sarah were looking at each other as if they could see no one else…he could feel the love from halfway across the room! Duell was off dancing with one of the town ladies. Teaspoon shook his head. It was good not to be so young anymore.

Melissa couldn’t take her eyes off Buck’s. He was so gorgeous, and this was the man she wanted. This was who she was meant to be with! Why couldn’t he see that? He kept looking at her, and had her pulled tightly against him. She didn’t want the music to ever stop. Buck was thinking much the same thing. Melissa had never looked more beautiful to him, and it went against everything in him to turn her back over to Cody. Maybe this dance had been a mistake.

Jimmy must be able to feel her heart thudding in her chest. It was beating so hard. His strong arms held her securely, and he had a half smile on his face as he looked down at her. How could this man want to dance with her, but not want to have her in his life? She loved him so much, and it was all so futile! Almost against his will, Jimmy pulled her tighter against him. It felt so right to have her against him again. He had missed her terribly, and he knew that Duell would be waiting to reclaim her as soon as the music stopped. He would be the one holding her and kissing her tonight…not him!

Melissa finally leaned her head against Buck’s shoulder, and she felt him caress the back of her head. She wanted to remember all these feelings…

Jimmy tried to convey, with his eyes, that he still cared for her...that he didn’t hate her. He wondered what she was trying to tell him, almost afraid to think too much about it.

As the dance ended, Duell slid up to reclaim Sarah, wondering at the wordless communication the two were having. He’d been surprised to find out that he hadn’t been that happy to find Sarah with Hickok! He once again told himself that she was his sister’s best friend, and he couldn’t feel that way about her.

Sarah didn’t want Jimmy to leave her, but she had no choice in the matter. He was already heading for the door. She turned her attention to Duell.

“Did you finish up your business with Teaspoon?”

Just how much did Sarah know about him?

“Yeah. He’s a good man. I hope this town appreciates him.”

“I think they do.”

“Ready to dance again?” he asked her.

“I think I’d better say yes, or else I may never see you again tonight. All those lovely young ladies against the wall are eyeing you. Do you always get this much attention?” she asked him as he moved her around the dance floor.

“I ain’t never paid it no mind, plus I don’t go dancin’ very often!” he admitted.

“Not even with your wife?” she asked.

No, Melissa hadn’t told her much about him.

“Nora and I ain’t never been dancin’,” he admitted.

“You’ll have to rectify that when you get home!” she declared to him.

His blue eyes pierced through her, and she couldn’t have pulled away from him no matter how hard she had tried. She had a feeling that if they weren’t in this dance hall, he would have kissed her then. That thought did make her move her eyes away, but not before her cheeks felt a bit warm. She had to be mistaken. He was married! And he was Melissa’s brother! She was imagining things! Being in Jimmy’s arms was definitely affecting her strangely.

Melissa groaned inwardly when Cody came back to claim her. She just wanted to go home, or follow Buck to wherever it was he had gone. She didn’t want to dance with Cody anymore. She wanted to throw herself over her bed and cry her heart out.

“ you mind if we leave? My head feels as if it’s about to split in two.”

Cody pulled away, alarmed. He thought she looked a little pale.

“Will you be alright while I get the buggy hitched up? Want me to go get Sarah for you?”

“I’ll be fine if you get Sarah. She can stay with me while you hitch up the buggy.”

“You sit right down here, and I’ll get her for you.”

He hurried away, and she hoped that Sarah didn’t mind leaving the dance. Of course she wouldn’t mind, she was only with her brother, which caused her to frown again. She had a feeling that no matter what Duell had said, he found her friend very attractive.

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked her as she knelt in front of her. Duell took the seat next to her and put a concerned arm around her.

“It’s nothing really. I’ve just had enough of the dance, and my head is pounding. I’ll be fine once I get out of here. You know Cody. He over reacts. I hope the two of you don’t mind leaving early.”

“Of course not if you don’t feel well,” Sarah fussed over her, glad that she would be leaving too. She was too attracted to Duell, but knew she really wanted to be with Jimmy.

It didn’t take Cody long to return, and soon he had all of them at the ranch. Melissa soon dispatched Cody, and Sarah followed Melissa into her room.

“Will you be alright? Would you like me to sit with you for awhile or get a cold cloth for your head?”

“No, I’m just sad because of Buck. Did you get to dance with Jimmy tonight?”

“Yes. He asked me for one dance.”

“Same with Buck, so you know how I’m feeling. I’ll be alright by morning. I just want to be alone and cry a couple of tears, ya know?”

Sarah hugged her. “Yeah, I know. See you in the morning. Sleep well.”

“Thanks,” she said returning the hug. “You too.”

Sarah sighed to herself as she went to her room. The last thing that she wanted to do was go to bed. Maybe she’d go for a late ride. She quickly changed her clothes and headed out to the barn. Because Mariah made her feel closer to Jimmy, she decided to take him out. He greeted her with a whinny as she appeared.

“How bout a run?” she asked him softly as she scratched his nose.

“I hope you ain’t plannin’ to go out on your own,” she heard Duell tell her from behind her.

She jumped and turned to him with a smile.

“I told you not to sneak up on me! What are you doing out here?”

“I thought I’d check to make sure that things were okay afore I turned in. You goin’ for a ride?”

Sarah knew that there was no way he would let her go on her own, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to go with him, mainly because of the feelings she had for him, which shouldn’t be there.

“No, you’re right. I shouldn’t go by myself.” She patted Mariah, regretfully.

“I’ll go with you if’n you want to go.”

“No, I don’t really want to, but thanks for the offer,” she said as she walked out of the barn and climbed to the top rail of the corral fence.

Duell climbed up to sit next to her as Thunder Heart came over to say his hellos. She whispered a few words of affection to him. Thoughts of her trip to bring the stallion back swept over her, and she felt a tear go down her cheek.

“You ain’t okay, are ya? It’s Hickok, ain’t it?”

“How’d you find out about that?” she asked him.

“I purty much figured it out when I saw you with him in town. And I asked Melissa. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, it’s all in the past. It’s just sometimes memories come unexpectedly and mess me up."

“No chance of you two getting together again?”

“I don’t think so. He’s being pretty stubborn. He says he’ll always worry about me since guns come to call him out. I guess word has gotten out how fast he is, and they come looking for him. He’s afraid they would use me to get to him. Plus he says he don’t need a woman anyway.”

“He’s right. They could use you to get to him,” Duell mused.

“I can take care of myself,” she insisted.

“Oh, I’m sure you can!” he laughed. “But I don’t blame him for worryin’!”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t do anything to convince him, so that’s that.”

“Someone else will come along for you, a lady as pretty as you.”

“Thanks, but I don’t even want to think about that right now.”

“You should. You weren’t meant to be alone.”

“I’m doing okay so far.”

“That’s true enough,” he agreed.

Sarah yawned and stretched.

“I think that I’ll turn in. You about ready?”

Duell hopped off the fence and held his arms open to her.

“Yeah, I think so,” he told her as he caught her after her jump.

On their own, his arms closed around her, and he looked down at her. By the light of the moon, she was more beautiful than ever.

“I had a good time at the dance tonight. Thanks for goin’ with me.”

“I had a good time too,” she agreed, unable to pull her gaze from his.

The moon worked its magic as he slowly lowered his mouth to hers and caressed her lips. Not giving it a lot of thought, Sarah’s arms crept around his waist and she felt herself pulled more securely against Duell’s hard male body. His mouth came to rest on hers again and became more demanding as his lips did their best to make her aware of him. And they were succeeding. Duell was an expert, and soon his tongue invaded all her senses, and it felt so good to her. Just as quickly, they pulled away from each other and just stared at each other, breathless. Duell pulled her head against his shoulder, and held her tightly.

“I’m sorry Sarah. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

All Sarah knew was that she didn’t want to leave his arms, and that scared her.

“It’s alright Duell. I wasn’t pushing you away, now was I?” she smiled up at him.

“No, you weren’t,” he returned the smile.

“So let’s just say it was the fact that we were dancing all night and then we were sitting in the romantic moonlight. You’re a handsome man. Kissing you was pleasant, but we both know it won’t happen again.”

“And you’re a very beautiful woman,” he said as he forced his arms to let her go. He backed away from her.

“Thank you kind sir. Have a good sleep,” she said as she quickly left him. Sarah’s heart was beating overtime once again. Kissing Duell had shaken her up more than she cared to admit. She needed daylight before she faced him again, and she needed to keep reminding herself that he was married, with a child. That should effectively keep her away from him!

Buck had been sitting on the front porch of the bunkhouse, in the dark, when he heard a rider coming in. Looking up, he recognized Cisco. So that’s where Jimmy had gone. Buck ambled over to the barn just as Jimmy was laying Cisco’s saddle over the railing.

“You alright?” Buck asked him. Jimmy just threw him a look and started to brush Cisco.

“Must be Sarah then,” Buck murmured as he got another brush and started on the other side of the horse.

“I ain’t gonna let you talk me into nuthin’ with her again! It’s best if’n I jist stay far away from her. She’s got someone else now.”

“Duell? That ain’t permanent like or nuthin’. He ain’t here for that much longer.”

“I don’t want no lady in my life.”

“So it felt good to you all over again, huh? I know it felt real good with Melissa.”

“Yeah, it felt good,” he admitted. “And we don’t know that Duell won’t stay on, especially if’n he ‘n Sarah decide to stay together.”

“That won’t bother you none?”

“I’ll live with it,” he replied. “Now I don’t want to talk bout it no more.”

Buck just nodded respecting his feelings.

“I jist want to ask you one more question, then I’ll let it go.”

Jimmy sighed and leaned over Cisco’s back. “What?” he asked in a tired voice.

“You was goin’ to marry Rebecca. Why would you consider marryin’ her and not Sarah? Especially since you love Sarah more ‘n you loved Rebecca. I jist want to understand is all.”

“Rebecca was at a time when I was hopin’ my life would change. It was all sorta new then. Since then things have changed a mite. Now there ain’t no place for a woman. If Rebecca had come along now, none of what happened with her woulda.”

Buck absorbed that. He finally believed that Sarah didn’t stand a chance with his friend. He felt incredibly bad for his sister.

“Cisco’s done, ready to call it a night?” Buck asked him.

“I’ll be in later,” Jimmy told him, reluctant to go inside.

“See you in the mornin’ then.”

Sarah wasn’t sure what woke her up, but she opened her eyes to a mist swirling around her.

“What?” she mumbled as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

The mist began to take form, and there was an old Indian lady floating in front of her.

“I’m dreaming!” she told herself.

“No, my child, you aren’t dreaming. You don’t remember me?”

Sarah looked closer and fuzzy memories came to her.

“Grandmother Running Doe? No, you’re dead!” She shook her head.

“That’s true, I’ve passed on to the land of the spirits, but don’t be afraid.”

Sarah realized that she wasn’t. She sat up straighter.

“Why are you coming to me?”

“My granddaughter and the dark one are supposed to be together. The dark one is fighting it.”

“Yeah…tell me about it! I agree with you, but if Buck won’t change his mind, I don’t know what I can do.”

“You are his blood sister. He will listen to you! Explain that this is his destiny. All problems will solve themselves. They will be accepted in time. You must talk with him again.”

Sarah sighed, not thinking it would do a lot of good, but how did you say that to a ghost?

“Alright, I’ll try again, Grandmother. But if I do that for you, how about if you do something for me?”

A gentle smile covered Grandmother’s face.

“It’s the wild one?”

“Yes, I feel like he’s the one I’m supposed to be with, but he doesn’t.”

Grandmother nodded her head.

“You need to be patient, my child. He will be worth the wait,” she said as she began to fade away.

“Thanks!” Sarah smiled, feeling suddenly peaceful about Jimmy.

The mist cleared away, and Sarah could see the dawn was breaking. She went to push the blankets away and saw that she was surrounded by perfect eagle feathers.

“Oh my!” she said as she picked up the one that looked different from all the others. Was this her message from Grandmother that Jimmy would be hers in the end? She squirmed out from under the feathers and dressed. Before she picked up the others, she sent a mental message to Buck, and then snuck out to saddle Mariah.

Buck sat straight up in his bunk. He shook his head to clear it, but Sarah was still there. Buck quickly put on his pants, boots, shirt, and strapped on his gun. Grabbing his jacket and hat, he left the bunkhouse. It didn’t take long to saddle his horse and ride off to the waterfalls. He got there first and wished he’d taken the time to grab a cup of coffee. Soon he heard a horse approaching quickly, and Sarah appeared shortly. She leapt off Mariah before he had even stopped, and she hurried over to him, carrying a bag of some sort.

“What’s up, Sarah?” he asked her.

She reached into the bag and started to throw feathers at him.

“Do these mean anything to you? You know it’s pretty bad when I have a ghost appearing to me to let me know that you’re taking the wrong path! I tried to explain to Grandmother that I’ve tried to talk to you...that you’re very stubborn, but she says that I have to talk to you again…to let you know that Melissa is your destiny, and that all problems will work themselves out! Are you listening to me, Buck?” she asked finally taking a breath.

He felt as if a whirlwind had hit him. Buck bent to pick up all the eagle feathers, and he did recognize them.

“Grandmother?” he whispered.

“Yes…its Grandmother Running Doe…Melissa’s Cherokee grandmother. I knew her when I was a little girl. She was very insistent, and I wouldn’t go against her wishes if I were you. She says you’re supposed to be with Melissa. I don’t think she would be so insistent if you weren’t supposed to be with her. Please Buck! I know that you haven’t listened to me before. But I need you to listen to me now. Indian’s believe heavily in the spirit world. And right now, you’re looking like you’re the one who saw the ghost and not me. You have to know that she speaks the truth! I know that you can feel it in your heart.”

He had seen Sarah in many moods, but never in this one! She was so passionate about what she was saying. He bent to pick up the last feathers. They were exactly like the one Grandmother had given him. Sarah stood there looking at him curiously. As he stood up, she reached out and caressed his cheek.

“You have seen eagle feathers before, haven’t you? She’s appeared to you too, hasn’t she?”

He just nodded hi head, and she hugged him close to her. He pulled her closer with the arm that wasn’t holding the feathers.

“You know that you have to listen to her, don’t you?” she asked him.

“I know,” he finally admitted.

Sarah pulled away a little so that she could look into his face.

“I know that you love her, and I know that you don’t want Cody to have her. It all will work out for the two of you. And you know that the two of you will have many happy years together.”

“Yeah, I do love her…but those townspeople…”

“Buck…Grandmother said that it will all work in time. I believe what she says. You have to also.”

“I guess that I do.”

“So are you going to go over and see her?”

“I will…but later…I need to settle it in my head first.”

“You won’t change your mind, will you? I don’t want Grandmother to come and talk to me again!”

“I won’t change my mind,” he softly told her as she pulled away from him.

“Good. At least you’ll be happy,” she sighed. “You didn’t by any chance talk to Jimmy last night, did you?”

Sarah watched the frown that went across his face.

“I see that you did. That’s alright. Grandmother said that I need to be patient with him, but that he would be worth the wait. Do you think that means that eventually he’ll change his mind?”

“That’s what it sounds like. But he wasn’t too encouragin’ last night. He jist said the usual stuff. He thinks you’re gonna end up with Duell.”

“Duell? Now why would he think that?”

“Maybe cause he saw the way Duell was lookin’ at you last night. You have to be careful with him, Sarah.”

“He’s married, Buck. He’s got a small child. I don’t think Jimmy needs to worry that I’m going to end up with Duell.”

“I didn’t know he was married, but that doesn’t have nuthin’ to do with what I’m tellin’ you now. You’re lonely. Duell’s a nice guy from what I can see. The way I saw the ladies around him last night, I take it they think he ain’t exactly ugly. There’s sumthin’ about him that reminds me of Jimmy…and maybe you’re seein’ that too. So all I’m sayin’ is be careful. I know you can handle yourself, but he’s gonna leave in the end, and I don’t want you havin’ a broken heart over someone else.”

Sarah looked out at the waterfall.

“If anyone else had told me that, I would have gotten mad!” she admitted. “I’ll remember what you said. But it sure would be a lot easier if Jimmy came to his senses and started to come and see me again.”

“I know. You gonna be alright if I start spending time with Melissa again?”

“Of course I will. I’ll be very happy for my two best friends who belong together. It gives me hope for myself and Jimmy. I mean I don’t think a ghost would lie to me or just tell me what I want to hear.”

“No, spirits ain’t like that,” he agreed.

“I’ll probably freeze my bottom off, but how bout a swim?” Sarah suddenly laughed as she threw her coat off and pulled off her boots.

“Are you out of your head, woman?” he asked incredulously.

“Yes!” she laughed again as she peeled the rest of her clothes off and ran for the water. H heard her squeal as she hit the frigid water.

Oh well, it would finish the job of waking him up. He quickly stripped and headed for the water. He dove in, and felt the breath suck out of him when he realized just how cold it was. He surfaced next to her.

“Coffee would have been better!” he told her.

“You weakling!” she said as she put her hand on his head and dunked him.

Duell have been pitching hay to the horses in the corral when Sarah came riding up on Mariah. He immediately remembered all the feeling that he’d had last night as he was kissing her.

“We was beginnin’ to worry about you!” He told her. “Your hair’s all wet! Did you take a spill?” he asked as he quickly climbed the fence and walked over to her.

“No, I just took a quick swim,” she laughed. “I’m fine, Duell. As soon as I run in and grab a quick cup of coffee, I’ll be back to help you. What’s Melissa up to?”

“Said that there was things in the house that needed her attention. I’ll take care of Mariah for you.”

“Thanks,” she smiled at him as she handed the reins over to him.

“And dry your hair! Weren’t that water cold?”

“It was freezing!” she called over her shoulder as she continued onto the house.

Jimmy called over to Buck as he came out of the bunkhouse. Buck was standing in the yard, looking out to the mountains. Buck didn’t hear him, so Jimmy walked over to him.

“Buck? You comin’ to breakfast?” he asked him, but Buck didn’t even acknowledge his presence.

“Buck!” Jimmy practically shouted at him as he shook his shoulder.

Buck sort of jumped and Jimmy laughed.

“Some Indian you are. I coulda scalped you!” he told him.

“I was thinkin’ bout Melissa. I’m goin’ back to her. I can’t take it any longer. I think that we’re supposed to be together.”

Jimmy shook his head. “That’s nice and all, but you ain’t thinkin’ straight.”

“What ya mean?”

“You didn’t hear what happened when she last went to town?”


“She was walkin’ and carryin’ her music and someone deliberately bumped into her, makin’ her fall down. The music went all over. Then they started sayin’ nasty things bout her and called her names ‘n stuff again. Luckily I came along and scared them off. That ain’t gonna go away, Buck. They’re always gonna torment her if you two get together. And think ‘bout your young uns. They’ll be treated like you’re treated. You want that for ‘em?”

“But they won’t be half Indian like me.”

“I thought Melissa had some Cherokee in her, so your young uns would have Kiowa AND Cherokee in ‘em. Is that what you want? I don’t think you thought much on this.”

“I thought I had,” he mumbled, suddenly feeling deflated. Why had it seemed so easy when he had talked to Sarah about it?

“You best think on it some more. You comin’ to breakfast?”

“No, I’ll get some coffee in town…”

“You gonna help me with that fence later?”

“Sure,” he said as he wandered over to the corral. He felt so lost and alone. He knew if he really thought about Sarah, she would come to him, but he already knew what she would say so he pushed her out of his mind. He didn’t want her yelling at him. What was he supposed to do?

Teaspoon wandered out of the house, coffee cup in hand, thinking on walking down to his office. He saw Buck leaning against the corral, staring off into the distance. He hadn’t come into breakfast. With a small frown on his face, he moseyed over to stand next to him.

“Aything wrong son?”

It was like he had just spoken to a wall.

“I say…son, is anything wrong?” he asked again as he placed his hand on Buck’s shoulder. The hurt face that Buck turned to him took him back a bit.

“What’s on your mind, Buck?” he asked softly.

“Nuthin’, I’m fine.”

“Beggin’ your pardon, but somethin’ tells me yous tellin’ me a tale.”

Buck took a deep breath and looked back out to the mountain.

“I finally decided after givin’ it a lot of thought to follow the advice a friend gave me. The decision made me happy. Then someone else pointed out to me that I was bein’ foolish to think it would work out, told me somethin’ that I know should change my mind.”

Teaspoon nodded his head up and down.

“This has to do with Miss Melissa, don’t it?”

Buck just looked sadder, if that were possible.

“I saw the way you two was lookin’ at each other last night. I ain’t never seem love like that, lessen it’s what I see when I look at Jimmy ‘n Miss Sarah. But they ain’t doin’ so good neither. Anyways, you two love each other. I been married six times, Buck, and each one was wonderful. There ain’t no reason why you cain’t git hitched to Miss Melissa. Nuthin’ sez it’s got to be forever.”

Buck sort of laughed at that. Teaspoon’s marriage record was well known among the riders.

“But these people here...they’re still tryin’ to hurt her.”

“They’ll git used to the idea of the two a yous. Until then we’ll all jist have to keep our eyes peeled to watch over her. She’ll be fine. If she has you, she’ll be okay.”

Buck suddenly felt lighthearted. Maybe, just maybe, it could all work out. Buck didn’t think that Sarah, Teaspoon, and Grandmother Running Doe would send him on the wrong path.”

“You think?”

“Yeah, I think. Now why don’t you go’n see her?”

“Do you think I could maybe have a few days off...take her to my brother’s village?”

“Take what you need.”

“Why do you think Jimmy was trying to make me change my mind?”

“Jimmy ain’t too happy right now. I don’t think he wants you to be unhappy, but it’s a mite hard fer him to see people happy when he ain’t.”

“Why won’t he jist give in and go back with Sarah? He loves her...even though he don’t admit it. I know they could be happy together. I know she loves him. Maybe you need to talk to him too, to make him see sense.”

“Talkin’ to Jimmy ain’t the easiest thing to do at times. Right now he ain’t talkin’ too much.”

“He never does, but try, will you? Sarah sez she’ll wait forever, but I think with Duell here ‘n all…things happen…”

“I know that son, but Duell McCall is a good man. He ‘n Sarah would be good together.”

“But she’d be better with Jimmy ‘n you know it.”

“Let’s put it this way...she’s probably the only lady who could make Jimmy a happy man and who could live with him and put up with his life. She’s a strong lady. I’ll see what I can do, but I cain’t promise nuthin. You know Jimmy.”

“Well, I feel better puttin’ it in your hands.”

“Sarah mean a lot to you?” Teaspoon asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, she does. She has a part of Ike’s spirit in her. She was sent to me to take his place. She’s my blood sister. There ain’t nuthin’ I wouldn’t do for her.” he assured Teaspoon.

“She’s all that, huh? And that don’t bother Melissa none?”

“No, she knows it’s different. She knows that she don’t have to worry bout me romancin’ Sarah. She knows we jist git together to talk ‘n all.”

“Well, have a good trip. Be careful, son.”

“I will, and thanks Teaspoon. Tell Rachel where I’ll be. Tell Jimmy too. Make him understand for me.”

“I will. Ride safe.”

Teaspoon watched him ride off and drained his coffee cup.

“Where’s he goin’ in such an all fired hurry?” Jimmy asked. “He said he’d help me with the fence.”

“You’ll need to find another volunteer for that. I think Cody will have some free time to help you. Buck is goin’ to pick up Miss Melissa and go visit his brother for a few days.”

“That’s purty stupid!” Jimmy declared.

“Why do ya say that?”

“Don’t he care how these folks treat Melissa? How they’ll treat his kids?”

“He cares a lot, Jimmy. But his path is taking him to Melissa. He ain’t gonna fight his feelin’s no more. Maybe you should choose the same path…with Miss Sarah, I mean.”

“Nope, I’ve made my decision on that.”

“Did you ever stop to think that you mite be wrong?”

“I mite be, but she’ll live, and that’s all that counts,”

“It mite be more important to her to be with you.”

“What she thinks don’t count none, Teaspoon. I’ve made it this long without a woman. I think I can go the rest of my life without one.”

“Sounds a mite lonely.”

“That don’t count for nuthin’,” he replied.

“You cain’t even be friends?”

“We tried that. It didn’t work. There ain’t nuthin’ you can say to change my mind.”

And Teaspoon believed him…for now.

“Alright…I tried…but ya gotta understand bout Buck cause we’ll have to look out for Miss Melissa.”

Jimmy nodded his head.

“Everyone’d look out for Miss Sarah too.”

“Teaspoon!” he bellowed as he walked off.

“Oh well, I tried!” He sighed.

Sarah looked up from her work when she heard a horse approaching. A huge smile covered her face when she saw Buck. She hurried over to him.

“I’m so relieved to see you. I felt like you were going to change your mind!” she said as she hugged him.

“I was goin’ to, but Teaspoon talked sense into me. Where is she?” he asked her, returning the hug.

“In the house…just go on in. I’ll saddle her horse up for her. You don’t have to worry about Duell. He’s taken one of the horses on a run to work him. Good luck.”

“Thanks Sarah.”

Nervously, Buck walked to the house and slowly went in, stopping just inside the door to look around him, trying to decide where Melissa was.

“Sarah…can you help me a minute?” she called from the kitchen.

With a smile on his face, he walked in that direction. He found her sitting on the floor scrubbing out a cupboard.

“Can you hand me those pots on the table?”

“Well, I ain’t Sarah, but I don’t mind handin’ them to you,” he told her.

“Buck!” Melissa squealed. She turned so fast, she bumped her head on the cupboard. “Ow!” she said as she started to rub it and looked up at him. Her insides were trembling violently as he stared down at her. Why was he here?

“Sarah’s outside somewhere if you’re looking for her.”

“I ain’t lookin’ for her. I was lookin’ for you,” he said as he twisted his hat in his hands. He finally set it down and began handing pots to her for lack of something else to do with his hands.

“Oh, why? As far as I know, you and I don’t have any business to discuss,” she said as she took the pots from him and placed them back in the cupboard.

“I was hopin’ that we did. I was hopin’ that maybe you ‘n I…well, I’m headed for my brother’s village, and he asked about you the last time I was there. I was wonderin’ if you’d like to go and see him.”  No! That’s not what he’d come to say.

“Wouldn’t that be just a little awkward? It was nice dancin’ with you and all last night, but I think that it’s probably best if you and I don’t have that much contact.”

“But that’s what I want…contact with you,” he blurted out.


He handed her the last pot, then knelt down on the floor by her. He placed his hands on his knees.

“I ain’t sayin’ this too good, Melissa, but Lord I’ve missed you. I ain’t the best person for you. Life with me will bring you lots a trouble. The townspeople will think the worst of you, but Teaspoon has assured me that everyone will look out for you until it all settles down. Melissa, what I’m tryin’ to say is that I cain’t stand it no more. Last night I realized that I need to have you back in my life...that is if’n you want to be in my life with me.”

He held his breath as he looked steadily at her. Her face visibly softened the longer he spoke to her.

“But what about all you said about how you was getting in the way of my dream?”

“I finally believe that dreams change. I think that yours have. Will you take me back, Melissa? And will you go to my brother’s village with me for a few days? Sarah already said that it’s alright, and I think your brother will understand ‘bout it.”

Melissa felt some tears escape from her eyes. Never did she think that Buck would change his mind.

“Oh Buck…I’ve missed you too!” she said as she threw her arms around him and held him tightly. Nothing had ever felt so good.

“I’m so sorry that I hurt you, and I’m sorry for what’s gonna happen to you if you get back with me.”

“None of that matters, Buck, as long as you’re there with me.”

His arms had gone around her. “I’ll always be there, Melissa. I ain’t gonna leave you again.”

Lips found each other, and hungry kisses were shared.

“So I guess she’s gonna forgive you,” they heard Sarah say dryly.

Buck blushed as he pulled away from her, reaching for her hand they both stood up.

“Yeah luckily.”

“Her horse is ready if you two want to take off.”

“Where are we going?” Melissa asked him, knowing she would follow him anywhere.

“My brother’s village, remember?”

“Oh yeah, you sure you don’t mind Sarah?”

“No,” she smiled softly. “I definitely don’t mind. Come back whenever you want to. I’m sure Duell will be a big help while you’re gone.”

“You’ll explain to him?”

“He’ll understand,” she assured her friend. “Now get out of here!”

Holding her hand, they left the house. Sarah watched them from the front window, feeling tears roll down her cheeks. Well, at least Melissa would be happy now. Would her happiness with Jimmy come? Her whole body ached for him. “This is silly! I should just get to work and maybe I’ll be so exhausted by the evening, I won’t even think about him!”

With this resolve, she went back out to the corral, which was where Duell found her when he rode up.

“I’d say that this guy is ready for sale,” Duell told her as he dismounted.

“Great! I think I have a buyer for him. By the way, Melissa’s going to be gone for a few days.”

He looked at her as if he hadn’t understood what she’d said.

“Melissa’s gone?”

“Buck came and opened his heart to her. They’re back together and at his brother’s village for a couple days. She hoped that you would understand. They were so happy, Duell.”

Duell stroked the horse’s neck.

“Then I’m happy for her. This is what she wants?”

“Yes, Duell. I ain’t saying that things will be easy for her with the townspeople, but the Riders and Teaspoon will look out for her. So will I. It will all work out in the end.”

He was nodding his head. “So she’s deserted her big brother, huh?”

“Yeah, but I told her you’d be more than happy to fill in for her around here until she gets back,” she giggled.

“I think I can manage that.”

“Would you like to ride into town with me? I need to go by the general store and see if Mr. Tompkins has that special horse liniment for me. It will be getting dark soon, and I’d appreciate the company.”

“I’d be happy to go with you,” he replied. “Want me to saddle your horse for you?”

“Yeah. Mariah…thanks,” she said as she went to the house to get some money to pay for the liniment.

She and Duell chatted companionably on their ride. As each day went by, she was enjoying his company more and more. He didn’t mind pitching in around the ranch and usually had a ready smile. He was intelligent and seemed to have a good sense of humor, plus he was very pleasing to look at. Once in town, she and Duell headed into the general store.

Jimmy had seen Sarah and Duell ride in. Once again, his heart plummeted to see her with Duell. He noticed that she was riding Mariah, so as soon as she disappeared into the store, he hurried over to the stallion.

“Hey ya doin’?” he asked softly as he ran his hand over the horse’s muzzle. Mariah nuzzled his hand and moved his head closer to Jimmy.

“Oh Duell, I left my money in the saddlebag. I’ll be right back,” Sarah told him as she retraced her steps. She stopped just outside the door when she saw Jimmy and Mariah talking to each other.

“You two always did have a special communication with each other,” she commented as she finally walked over to them with a smile on her face.

Jimmy looked up quickly, embarrassed to have been caught by her. He backed off.

“I was jist sayin’ hello to him. He doin’ okay?”

“Just fine. I think he misses you though. I’ll be in the store for a few minutes, so you don’t have to leave right away,” she told him as she retrieved her money.

“That’s okay. I need to git goin’ anyways.”

Sarah walked over to him.

“It was really good to see you last night, Jimmy. I had fun dancing with you.”

Duell chose that moment to see what was keeping her, but when he saw her talking to Jimmy, he stopped just inside the door to watch.

Jimmy was shaking his head.

“I shouldn’t a asked you to dance last night. I shouldn’t git anywhere near you!”

Sarah laid her hand on his arm.

“Jimmy, I don’t understand why you and I have to act like we hate each other. Why can’t we just talk to each other when we see each other in town?”

Her touch was searing straight through to his soul. It took everything in him to take her hand in his and remove it from his arm. Then he backed off from her again.

“No Sarah. It ain’t any good. You ‘n I need to jist stay away from each other. That means no talkin’ to each other and definitely no touchin’ each other! We cain’t be friends, we jist cain’t! He told her as he turned on his heel and left her standing there with her mouth hanging open.

Duell saw her clench her fists, look down at the ground, take a deep breath, and then turn back towards the store. He quickly pretended to be looking at some books that were on display as she stomped in. She went directly to the counter, got her liniment, and then came over to him.

“Is there anything that you need to do while we’re in town?” she asked tightly. Her face was all tense.

“You alright, Sarah?”

“I’m just fine!” she stated through clenched teeth.

“Then why don’t I treat you to supper at the hotel? That way you won’t have to cook, and I’d be pleased to do that for you.”

She was about to say no, but realized that would sound ungracious. On the other hand, it would be a nice diversion and take her mind off Jimmy.

“I think I’d like that Duell McCall.”

He was pleased to see her face relax. He offered his arm to her and they began to walk to the hotel.

“I don’t believe it! What’s he doin’ in town?” she heard Duell mutter. She followed his gaze and was surprised to see Jake Coulter walking towards them.

Jake smiled when he saw her, then frowned when he saw who she was with.

“McCall! What you doin’ in Rock Creek?” Jake asked, fingering his rifle.

“I was wonderin’ the same ‘bout you, Coulter.”

“You still got them pardon papers with you?” Jake asked as he chewed on his cigar.

“Yup. You cain’t chase after me no more!”

“That’s a shame, McCall. Evenin’ Sarah. I was just comin to look fer ya. What ya doin’ with McCall?”

Sarah was totally confused at the exchange between the two men.

“We were on our way to eat supper at the hotel. Will you be in town long?” she asked politely. The two men were still eyeing each other.

“Nope, just passin’ through this time, although I was hopin’ we could spend some time together.”

“She’s spoken for!” Duell threw in as he put his arm around her shoulders. “Go find someone else!”

“I think the lady can speak for herself,” Jake told him as he looked back at her.

“I’m sorry Jake, but I did promise Duell that I would spend my time with him this evening.”

“Then next time I come to town?”

“She’ll be occupied then and any other time you come through town. The lady and I are quite close.”

There was something going on, but since she trusted Duell she just looked at Jake and managed to look helpless as she shrugged her shoulders.

“I thought you had better taste than him, Sarah. If you ever change your mind, let me know,” Jake told her as he tipped his hat and left the two of them standing there.

Duell kept his arm around her as he steered her towards the hotel. The thought went briefly through her mind, that he had an expression on his face, which reminded her of one of Jimmy’s when he was feeling especially stubborn.

“Do I get to find out what that was all about?” she asked him.

“Have you been seein’ him, Sarah?” he asked her, ignoring her question.

“I went out with him officially once and danced a few dances with him another time. Why?”

Duell had felt all of his old defenses coming out around Coulter. Knowing that Sarah had been out with the man, sickened him.

“Did he try anythin’ with you?”

“No...he was a gentleman the whole time. Duell, what’s this all about?”

“Do you know what he does for a livin’?”

“He’s a bounty hunter.”

“And I used to be one of those people he was chasin’, and he’s not a good man, Sarah. Sooner or later he’d do somethin’ to physically hurt you. Promise me that you won’t go out with him again.”

“I think you effectively took care of that Duell,” she said with a small smile. “and what do you mean that you were one of the people he was chasing? Is that what he meant by asking if you had your pardon papers with you?”

“Yes,” he sighed.

“Come on,” she told him as she stopped and quickly turned around. “Let’s pick up a couple of things at the general store for a picnic.”

“That’s a good idea,” he approved, not wanting to talk to her with anyone else around.

Sarah’s first inclination was to take him to the waterfall, but then she decided against it. That place belonged to her and Buck and Melissa and Jimmy, so instead, she took him to an overlook into the foothills. It was just beginning to get dark when they arrived.

“How about if we eat first? Then we can talk,” she suggested.

Buck and Melissa didn’t talk very much as they made their way to the Indian village. They rode side by side, holding hands and smiling at each other. As they crested the rise, they stopped their horses and looked down at the village.

“There’s something I never thought I’d see again. Why’d you change your mind, Buck? I didn’t think you ever would.”

“I didn’t think I ever would either, but Sarah made me see some things and helped me change my mind. We’ve been meetin’ and talkin’ things over. She can be very persuasive at times!” he admitted, deciding not to tell her about her grandmother. She might think he was crazy. “And I think the spirits had a hand in it too.”

“Remind me to thank Sarah when I see her again!” she laughed.

“I’m gonna make her a medicine bag while we’re here for my thanks. I think she would like that.”

“I think she would like anything that you gave her, Buck.”

“We’re probably in time for supper. I know that Red Bear will be happy to see you. I think he was worried when you didn’t come with me last time.”

“I think he wants you and I to be together.”

“Me too. He thinks it’s high time that I settle down and start having babies.”

He gave her a meaningful look, and loved the blush that spread across her face.

“He does, hum?”

“And I just might give that more thought. He might be right. Come on, let’s go down.”

The children immediately surrounded them from the tribe, and their horses were led away when they dismounted. Taking her hand, they walked to Red Bear's lodge, and he was there waiting for them.

“Running Buck, I see you have brought Grey Eyes with you this time. I told him that I would like him to bring you the next time that he came.”

“I’ve missed you and your village,” she told him sincerely as she smiled at Morning Flower and Autumn Wind. “How is the wolf and her pups?”

“They are fine. We are just about ready to eat. Will you join us? Then I will take you to see her.”

“Thank you. I would like that.”

“Running Buck…sit…tell me what is new in your world.”

Sarah packed away what was left of the food then turned to Duell expectantly. The setting sun was putting golden streaks in his hair. Duell wondered what Sarah’s opinion would be of him by the time he finished his story. He ran his fingers through his hair, took a deep breath, and began.

“About five years ago, I was framed for a murder that I didn’t commit. I figured that the only way I could clear my name was to find the man that had committed the murder. It took me five very long years of searching before I did that. In the meantime, every bounty hunter in the west was lookin’ for me cause I had a big price on my head. My fame and reputation spread, and before long, I had so many charges listed after my name, that there wasn’t any way that one man could have done all that I was supposed to a done. All I did for five years was go from town to town, always lookin’ over my shoulder so no one would shoot me or try to hang me. I lost touch with my family...I lost touch with Melissa. I know that she was real worried ‘bout me during that time, but there wasn’t nuthin’ else I coulda done ‘bout it. That’s how I got to know Jake. He captured me a couple a times, but I always managed to get away. He’s a dangerous man, Sarah. I don’t normally tell folks what to do in their lives, but I ain’t lyin’ to you ‘bout him. He don’t have a conscience. He don’t care what happens to his bounties as long as he gets the money for ‘em.”

“Oh, I guess you do know what you’re talking about. And your life musta been pretty awful, living like that…never being able to put down any roots. Not knowing what was going on with you family.”

“It wasn’t all bad. I met some real nice folks that was willin’ to help me out at times. I was saved more than once by folks that had a heart.”

Sarah grasped his hand and squeezed it. “Knowing this makes me happier that you felt you could come here and spend time with Melissa. I know how much she missed you, and it’s meant so much for her to have you here.”

With his other hand, he reached out to caress her cheek.

“It’s meant a lot to me that she has you lookin’ out for her. You’re one of the finest women that I’ve ever met, and I’ve met quite a few, Sarah.”

His blue eyes were shooting sparks at her, and she couldn’t have pulled her gaze away from him if she had wanted to. Suddenly her mouth felt dry, her stomach turned over, and she couldn’t have moved if her life depended on it. His thumb was moving up and down her cheek, and the effect was hypnotic. Wanting to return the touch, she reached out with her free hand, and ran her fingers through his thick hair, then down the side of his face to cup his neck. He closed his eyes for a moment, but when they opened again, she started to pull him towards her.

Duell felt as if he had been taken over by someone other than himself. Briefly the thought that she was his sister’s best friend went through his mind, but it quickly left. She was leaving trails of fire wherever her fingers touched, and he held his breath as she cupped his neck and started to gently pull him towards him. He reached for her then, lifted her, put her on his lap, and started to kiss her like the world was going to end soon. She returned each kiss that he gave her, and he breathed in her scent as she gave him tiny kisses all over his face, his ears, and his neck. She began to unbutton his shirt and kisses followed each button that came undone. When his shirt was open, she pulled it off and slowly ran her hands over every area of exposed flesh. Did she have any idea what sweet torture it was as she slowly started the fire within him?

Sarah let him lower her to the ground as his mouth reclaimed hers. As he kissed her, one of his hands was unbuttoning her blouse and taking it off her. Her camisole followed that, and he immediately began sucking on her exposed nipples, and the chill of the night that had been threatening was held at bay as she began to fell much warmer with each kiss and caress from him. She ran her hands over his strong, muscled arms before her hands went to his waist so that she could unbuckle his belt and unbutton his slacks. She pushed those impatiently off him, and while he was taking off his boots, she shed the rest of her clothes, then watched him as he came back to her.

Her hands reached for his arousal, and she caressed it to his loud moans of pleasure. He gasped in surprise as her mouth closed around his hardness and moved up and down it. Duell had never felt such pleasures before, and it made him feel very loved to be worshiped this way. The feelings of tenderness were growing for this woman, and he wanted to do something for her so she would feel special too. When he though he would burst, he pushed her down, and found her moistness with his mouth, and pleasured her as she had pleasured him.

When neither of them could stand it any longer, he rose over her as she opened herself to him. Slowly he pushed inside of her until he could go no further. Sarah wrapped her legs tightly around him as they moved on their ride together. Faster and faster they moved, until their pleasures came together and he spilled his life into her. They called for each other, and slowly returned to earth as they held onto each other.

“Oh Sarah, Sarah,” he murmured into her ear as he kissed her slowly, trying to put all of himself into that kiss.

She cuddled into him, suddenly being hit by the enormity of what she had just done.

“Oh God forgive me…I’ve just made love with a married man!” She said as she tried to pull away from him. He held her closely, not letting her get away from him.

“That’s something else we need to clear up. I ain’t married!” he told her.

She looked at him with surprise on her face.

“You’re divorced? But Melissa told me…”

“Melissa thought I was married since Nora had a child by me. I ain’t never married Nora. You see, I met her while I was travelin’ round the west. She ‘n I hit it off, and every so often we’d run into each other. On one those run-ins, she got pregnant, but I didn’t know ‘bout it. She just sorta disappeared and it took me a long time to find her. By then she’d changed her name. She hated what was goin’ on with me…she loved me, but she never knew if I would live until I saw her again. She got tired of the worry, and decided it would be best if she just forgot ‘bout me. Ethan was almost 8 months old before I laid eyes on him, so it’d been almost a year and a half since I’d seen her. That’s just the way it was with me then. Since I could still only stay in one place so long, when I went to leave, we said out good-byes. She just didn’t want that in her life anymore. I respected that. Shortly after that I found who I was lookin’ for, got my pardon, and suddenly I didn’t have to be on the run anymore. I thought about it and decided that I loved Nora and I wanted to be with my son. I went back to get her, and when she found out that I didn’t have to run anymore, she said she would stay with me. We moved to California to start a new life, but Nora knows me well. She didn’t insist that we get married. I guess she knew what an adjustment if would be to me to finally settle down. I couldn’t do it. I was so used to travelin’ from town to town, that being in one place for too long made me all nervous. I began to question what she ‘n I had. So did she. When I got the letter from Melissa, she encouraged me to come and see her. She said we both needed time to think ‘bout what we wanted for ourselves. So when I go back, we either get married, or go our separate ways. Sometimes I think I was meant to wander…at least now I don’t have to keep lookin’ over my shoulder to see who’s comin’. So…you didn’t make love with a married man. Does that make you feel better?”

“Definitely. Duell, you’ve led some life. Do you miss Nora and Ethan?”

“Sometimes. I was used to not seein’ her much. Then I saw you. Sarah, you’re one of the most original women I’ve ever met. I like you a lot, but all this happenin’…this was a surprise. I kept tellin’ myself that you were my sister’s best friend, and I couldn’t touch you.”

Sarah laughed. “I kept tellin’ myself that you were her brother, and I was silly to have any feelings for you.”

Duell got up on his elbow and looked down at her.

“Sarah I ain’t gonna lie to you none. I really like you. I could even love you, but I cain’t spend my life here. I don’t know if I could ever just spend it in one place.”

“I don’t think you can either. But thanks for being honest with me, Duell. I think by the time you leave, I’ll care a great deal for you and miss you a lot.”

“I think I’ll miss you a lot too.”

“And since your son will need you as he grows up, I hope that you’ll consider some sort of arrangement with Nora. She must be a very strong woman in her own right.”

“She is. I think you ‘n her would get along just fine.”

“I do too,” she smiled at him.

“What ‘bout you ‘n Jimmy? I think that you still have feelin’s for him.”

“I’m that obvious, huh? Yeah, I do. I think that I always will. I told Buck that I’ll probably be this old grey haired lady, who will be carrying the torch for Hickok! Pitiful, huh?”

“Unfortunately we cain’t pick who we fall in love with,” he sighed. “If we could, we’d probably use our heads instead of our hearts. It would probably work out lots better.” Duell made a decision that before he left Rock Creek, he was going to speak to Hickok and try to make him see some things. He owed Sarah that much.

But for now, she was his. He covered her body with his, and renewed his attack on her. After this, they would head back to the ranch. It was getting to be too chilly to stay out here.

Melissa just absorbed all the atmosphere as she sat at Red Bear’s fire. He had taken her to see the she wolf and she had sat in the midst of her babies, giggling as they climbed all over her, licking her face. There was one, a male, that seemed to choose her as his. She talked with Red Bear’s two wives as she helped them with some sewing. She and Buck kept exchanging looks, and she was beginning to think that no one would ever go to bed. When Red Bear finally stood up and signaled to his wives, Melissa and Buck jumped up and headed arm in arm for their teepee.

“I was beginning to think that they’d never go to bed!” Buck laughed into her ear before he kissed it. He lit the fire that had been set in the center by Autumn Wind, then turned to Melissa.

“You are so beautiful. Have you really forgiven me?” he asked her as he came slowly to her.

“Yes, provided you never do something that silly matter what happens to me in town, no matter what people say to me. I really can ignore it if I know that I have you. Do you believe that?”

“Now I do. I swear that I ain’t gonna leave you again. Sarah would kill me!” he told her with a laugh.

“So would I!” she told him as she lightly punched his arm.

“I’ll let you kill me with your love,” he told her as he teased her and very lightly moved his lips over hers.

“I’ll do more than that!” she said as she surprised him by jumping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. Her mouth captured his and forced it open. Melissa’s tongue invaded and found his, and they met and loved each other.

Buck moaned out loud as he caressed her bottom through her pants. Melissa was being the aggressor, and that pleased him. He had never felt so wonderful and loved by another woman, and this made him realize more that he had made the right decision to come back to her. Clothes fell by the wayside, and he laid her gently on the sleeping furs, never taking his mouth from hers. He felt like this was the first time with her, as his lips raked over her body, awakening it to him.

Melissa felt him cover every inch of her with his gentle kisses and caresses. He didn’t neglect any one place. He spent a lot of time at her breasts, massaging them, filling her with feelings she hadn’t felt before. When her body was screaming for him, she pushed him away. She didn’t want it to end yet, not before she had made him feel thoroughly loved, like he had done for her.

Buck tried to lie still as she nibbled, licked, sucked and kissed his entire body. By the time she made her way to his full arousal, he felt like he was already a part of her. He felt warmth as she took his hardness into her mouth. She moved up and down on it, making him want to scream at what he was feeling. He needed the release. He needed to be inside of her, loving her, making her love him and want him as part of her life. He wanted to spill his seed deep inside of her, maybe start a new life inside of her with that seed.

Melissa removed her mouth, and climbed on top of his hardness, letting it fill her up. He grasped her waist and moved her up and down on him, but finally flipped her over as he began to move faster. He could feel her fingernails bury themselves in his back as he finally let go of himself. He buried his face in her fragrant hair, and took his last thrust into her.

“Oh baby,” he murmured to her as he kissed her once, but continued to lie on top of her. She held him there. He was home. He was where he belonged with the woman he loved.

“Don’t ever leave me again!” she told him in a tortured whispered.

“I won’t! I swear by all that’s sacred to me!”


COPYRIGHT – M Bolton, R Wooten - 2004

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