PART 2

                                      MARY BOLTON & ROBBIE WOOTEN

“How safe do you think it will be here for them tonight what with the raidin’ party that’s out? There’s probably more of them out there,” Cody wanted to know. “And we don’t know where they’ll be.”

“We best stay out here tonight then,” Jimmy decided, knowing that even if he didn’t want anything to happen with Sarah, he didn’t want her to be killed either.

“We’d really appreciate that,” Melissa told them. “My heart is still running away with itself!”

“But won’t Teaspoon and Rachel worry?” Sarah asked.

“Not as we’re together,” Cody told her. “They’ll know something happened.”

“I’ll take the first watch,” Jimmy volunteered.

“I’ll make the sofa comfortable for you then Cody,” Sarah told him. “After we take care of the horses, that is.”

Jimmy sat on Sarah’s porch, eyes straining to see out into the night...ears listening for any unusual sound. He figured that he would wake Cody in another hour, so he could catch a couple hours of sleep. He heard the door quietly open behind him and looked to see Sarah walking toward him. She hadn’t changed her clothes.

“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked her as she came to stand next to him. She held out a cup of coffee to him, and he gratefully accepted it.

“Off and on. I was concerned about you, and knew it was a little chilly out tonight, and I was wondering if you’d like a little company for awhile.”

“That’d be nice,” he admitted as he sipped at the hot brew. “You were good with my gun earlier. I guess that’s somethin’ you had to learn livin’ out here.”

“Yeah. My dad made sure I could protect myself, but I’m not as good a shot as you and Cody. I don’t think I hit anyone.” She smiled apologetically.

“But you was makin’ noise. That always helps!” He smiled at her.

“They’re real nice guns…feel good in your hands,” she told him as she pointed at them around his waist.

“I like ‘em,” was all he said.

“I’m so glad you and Cody were there. I was frightened. I’d never seen unfriendly Indians around here. I hate to think what would have happened to us if you two hadn’t been there,” she said as she shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.

Jimmy set his coffee cup down and reached for her. He pulled her tightly against him.

“Won’t be nothin’ happenin’ to you if I ever have any say about it,” he informed her, knowing that he was speaking the truth.

Sarah felt the warmth coming from him.

“Thanks. It’s nice to know that you and I can at least be friends!” she said looking up at him with that smile of hers.

“I don’t see no harm in that,” he replied, only wanting to kiss her, his body remembering vividly how it felt. His brain was yelling no, but he decided to ignore his brain. It wasn’t like he was proposing to her or anything!

Sarah saw his face getting closer and held her breath until his lips rested against hers. She decided then it would be okay to wrap her arms around his waist, and rest against him as his assault on her mouth continued. It didn’t take her long to feel his tongue asking entrance, and she opened her mouth a little further to let him in. He nuzzled her neck and ears before he returned to her mouth. Then he just held her close for a time.

Sarah buried her head in his shoulder and savored this closeness to him. She was happy this was happening, but knew that soon she would be pushed away with no explanation. Maybe this time she would make it easy for him.

“Um…maybe I should try and get some sleep. Isn’t it time for you to get some?”

Reluctantly he opened his arms so she could back out of them.

“I’ll wake Cody in a bit. See you in the mornin’.”

Sarah reached up a hand to caress his cheek before she left him and went back inside. Jimmy hugged himself tightly and smiled to himself. So far almost every time he’d been around Sarah, they had ended up kissing all over each other. Could be worse. She wasn’t acting like she expected anything since he had talked to her. But he really should stop doing it. It wasn’t like she ever started anything. Why was he doing it?

He was interrupted when Cody stumbled out, yawning.

“Anything yet?”

“Nope. Why don’t you get some coffee? I think Sarah has some on the stove.”

“Good idea. Her sofa is real comfortable,” Cody yawned again as he went inside to get some coffee.

Melissa woke with a start. What had she heard? Or had she only imagined it? She wondered what time it was still dark outside. Maybe she should make coffee for whoever was on guard. She pulled her clothes on and walked out to the kitchen. In the process, she realized that Jimmy was sleeping on the sofa, so Cody must be outside. There was coffee in the kitchen, so she poured a cup of it, grabbed her coat, and went outside.

“Melissa!” Cody stated.

She smiled at the sound of it. The way he said it had sounded like a caress.
“Fresh cup of coffee?” she asked, holding it out to him.

“Thanks,” he told her as he stood up and stretched before he took it from her. “What woke you?”

“I don’t know. An imagined noise, I guess. Is it going okay out here?”

“Very quiet. I guess that those Injuns were headed in some other direction, and we just surprised ‘em.”

“It’s too bad we had to kill three of them.”

“They would have killed us if we hadn’t done it to them,” Cody told her truthfully.

“Oh,” she replied in a small voice. “I guess there’s still some things that I need to get used to living out here.”

“I’d be more than willin’ to help you,” he offered as he sipped from his coffee cup.

“Well thank you, Cody. I will take you up on that kind offer.”

“Just let me know when you need me, and I’ll still finish up that roof today.”

“ don’t have to do that today. You really should get some rest.”

“I can do that tonight. I really want to git it done for you and Sarah.”

Melissa turned and kissed his cheek. “That’s so sweet of you. What would we do without you?”

Cody set his cup down and very slowly put his arms around her.

“I hope you don’t have to find out anytime soon, Melissa,” he told her before he lightly kissed her lips to see what her reaction would be.

He could tell that she was surprised, but she didn’t pull away. Encouraged and knowing how he felt about her, he pulled her closer, kissing her gently, trying to let her know that he would cherish her and not take advantage of her. Melissa was touched by his gentleness and knew that he wouldn’t hurt her. She liked Cody, and she definitely didn’t mind having him kiss her. There was sensuality about Cody, and the attention was flattering. He kissed differently than Buck did, but that was all right. He seemed more sure of himself...maybe more experienced. It took her awhile, but finally she pulled away.

“Ummm it would be easy for those Indians to get past us Cody,” she laughed.

“I guess it would. You’d best git inside and git your sleep. I’ll be okay out here.”

“Okay,” she stated, a little reluctant to leave him. With a smile and another quick kiss, she went back inside.

Jimmy was still sound asleep. She tiptoed by him, and fell down on her own bed. Melissa yawned a couple times and felt her eyes getting heavy. With another yawn, she snuggled down into her blankets. Suddenly her grandmother was standing there.

“The blond one...he’s not the one for you. Do not bother with him…”

“But Grandmother Running Doe….”

“No my child, not the blond one….go with the dark one….”

And the sleep world claimed her once again. When morning did come, she woke slowly and gave a leisurely stretch. Her hand brushed against something soft on her bed. Puzzled, she picked it up…an eagle feather! Wait! Her dream…had it been a dream with her grandmother? She wrinkled her brow as she sat up. She vaguely remembered seeing her grandmother in a dream. She was warning her about the blond one...stay away from the blond one and go with the dark one. She laid the feather on her bedside table. She’d have to think about this one.

Sarah washed up and changed her clothes, deciding what to fix everyone for breakfast. Humming to herself, she left her room, and stopped with a smile on her face. Jimmy was lying on his back, with his hand across his chest. His face was so relaxed...not devoid of emotion like it usually was. He couldn’t control his face in his sleep and now there was no harshness about it…no frown. His hair was spread out around him. What did it feel like? She reached her hand out to touch it, while looking at Cody curled up on the carpet. He had a pillow and a blanket pulled closely around him. She had a feeling that he would be a good friend.

Jimmy sensed someone by him. Immediately he was alert, but didn’t open his eyes. Where was he? Oh yeah, Sarah’s. So everything was alright. He opened his eyes slowly, and saw Sarah standing over him. She had a lock of his hair in her fingers, and looked surprised when she looked down at him and saw that he was awake. Sarah started to pull her hand away, but he grabbed it in one of his.

“Morning,” she told him. “I was just about to start breakfast.”

“Mornin’,” he smiled up at her. What would it be like to always have her around to wake up with?

“I wonder how long Cody’s been sleeping? I hate to wake him up.”

“Don’t worry none about Cody. He can sleep anywhere at any time!” he chuckled.

“He’s jist jealous!” she heard Cody’s muffled voice come from under the blanket.

“I’ll start breakfast,” she repeated as she pulled her hand out of Jimmy’s and headed for the kitchen.

“Is Melissa awake?” Cody called after her.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you knock on her door?” Sarah suggested. “There’s some water for washing up in my room if you’d like.”

Jimmy watched her walk into the kitchen before he got up and went to Sarah’s room. It was very neat, and decorated real nice. He went over to the dresser and poured some water in a bowl and splashed his face off. He dried it, and then looked at all the little bottles on the dresser. He picked up one and opened it. The perfume smelled nice. What did women do with all this stuff? he wondered as he finished up just in time to see Melissa coming out of her room and received a huge smile from Cody.

Melissa’s heart jumped a little at the smile, but her mind went on to what her grandmother had said. Well, it wasn’t like she was going to marry Cody or anything! She joined Sarah in the kitchen and helped her prepare a big breakfast for the men. They chatted lightly over the meal, and Sarah could tell that Jimmy was getting restless towards the end of it.

“I guess I best head back to the station so I can let them know we’re okay. You comin’ Cody?”

“No, I’m gonna stay until I git the roof fixed. I’ll come in after I escort Melissa to the church for her organ practice.”

“I’ll tell Teaspoon then,” Jimmy said as he picked up his hat and headed for the door. They all walked outside with him, but Cody diverted Melissa toward the barn to help him carry his tools out. Sarah went with Jimmy while he saddled his horse.

“Thanks again for last night, Jimmy,” she told him with a smile. “I felt much safer knowing that you and Cody were around.”

“My pleasure, Sarah,” he smiled at her as he mounted up. “Take care.”

“You too, Jimmy.”

She watched him ride off, following him with a long sigh. How could two people be so close only a couple hours ago, and then in the morning, feel like they were miles apart?

Jimmy rode back to the station at an easy gallop. His mind was wrapped around the beautiful lady he had just left behind. He just didn’t understand what it was about her that made him do such crazy things. Like kissing her every time she got near him! And his pounded so hard that he just knew that it was going to jump right out of his chest! He had to stay away from her. He’d already told her that they couldn’t be more than friends. He had to stick to that. No matter how often he was around her, he had to keep his distance. Or make sure that they were around a lot of people. He knew for a fact that if he found himself alone with her, he would be kissing all over her again. He smiled as he thought of her soft lips under his, her arms working their way around his neck.

He shook his head to clear it as he neared the station. He had to stop thinking about her! It was getting him nowhere!

Teaspoon was standing in the yard, looking worried.

“Rider comin’!” Noah announced from the porch.

Teaspoon shaded his eyes from the morning sun as he strained to see who it was. It was only one rider, so it wasn’t Cody and Jimmy. Unless one of them had gotten hurt. He’d been very worried when they hadn’t returned the night before after they had escorted the ladies back to the ranch. If they didn’t show up soon, he was going to ride out there and have a look see for himself.

“It’s Jimmy!” Noah jumped from the porch and ran out to meet him. Teaspoon was following at a slower pace.

He grabbed hold of the horses’ reins and looked up at Jimmy.

“Where ya been son? Where’s Cody? Are Miss Sarah and Miss Melissa alright?”

Jimmy jumped down from his horse. “One question at a time Teaspoon. I cain’t talk that fast!”

Teaspoon looked his way and nodded. Jimmy looked okay. He hoped that the rest were the same. “Okay son. Jist take your time.”

“On the way to the ranch last night with the ladies, we were attacked by some dog soldiers. Don’t know why they was around. There were five of ‘em. Between Cody, Sarah, and me, we got three of ‘em. The other two rode off.”

“It’s strange for a raidin’ party ta be that close to town! You got the ladies home alright then, none a yous was hurt?”

“No, we got there okay. Didn’t come across no other problems. But we didn’t feel right leavin’ the ladies there alone. We decided to stick around and keep watch. I took the first watch and Cody took the second. Didn’t see anythin’ else a them Injuns.”

“Then they must have been headin’ somewhere when you came across ‘em. Spooked ‘em maybe! It was good that you two stayed out there with Miss Sarah and Miss Melissa. ‘Magine they was pretty scared.”

The started towards the barn so that Jimmy could put up his horse. “Sarah was pretty handy with a gun last nite. She probably could have taken real good care of herself. She’s pretty independent.”

“Guess she learned to be while livin’ out here in the wilderness. I’m shore her pa taught her how to handle a gun. So where is Cody? You leave him sleepin’ in with the ladies?” Teaspoon grinned.

“Nope. I left him to finish the repair job on Sarah’s roof. Said to tell you he’d be here as soon as he finished the job and saw Melissa to the church.”

“The church?” Noah looked his way.

“Yeah, somethin’ bout being the new organist. Think she was plannin’ to practice.”

“Organist?” Rachel had stepped out onto the porch when she heard their voices. “Has Reverend Johnson found someone?” She finished wiping her hands on the towel that she was carrying.

“Yeah. Seems Melissa has taken the position!” Noah smiled Rachel’s way.

“That’s wonderful! I knew she would fit in here just fine! Where’s Cody? It isn’t like him to miss breakfast.”

“He didn’t miss breakfast. Sarah fixed something for us. He’s still out there finishing up the roof repairs. Guess I’ll git started on the fences again. Soon as I git my horse put up.”

Jimmy headed on towards the barn. Rachel looked towards Teaspoon. “Did they run into trouble last night after they left here?”

“Yeah. Some dog soldiers out on a raid. They stayed at the ranch to make shore that they didn’t come back and attack the ladies.”

“Looks like you did a right fair job a raisin’ them boys Teaspoon!”

He smiled and put his arm around Rachel’s shoulders. “We did a good job Rachel!”

Cody finished up the roof by lunchtime. And true to his word, he escorted Melissa to the church for her practice.

“Cody it was really nice of you to stay over last night, and repairing the roof was very appreciated. I know Sarah and I could never have done it ourselves!”

“No problem Melissa! Any time you need anything you jist call on William F. Cody! I’ll always be at your service!”

They had reached the church, and Melissa moved her horse over closer to his. She smiled into his eyes. “Thank you Cody. I won’t forget that!”

She leaned near and softly kissed his lips. He nearly sighed as her mouth covered his. She was so beautiful!

“Cody, I’d like to take you out to supper in return for the work you did at the ranch. Would Friday night be suitable for you?”

He smiled, his heart beating quicker as he thought of getting to spend more time with her. “I don’t think I have any plans. But you don’t have to do that you know!”

“I know, but I want to. Say around 6?”

“Sure. I’ll come by for you. The hotel usually has a good meal to offer.”

“Great! I better get inside and get some practicing done, or I’ll never be ready for Sunday services!”

Cody smiled. “Oh you’d do fine even if you didn’t have any more chances to practice! I have faith in you beautiful lady!”

Melissa could feel her cheeks turning pink, as she looked towards Cody. “You Mr. Cody, are such a flatterer! I’ll see you soon!” At that she slipped from her horse and after tying the reins, she slipped inside the church with a last wave for Cody.

Melissa had been practicing for several hours when Reverend Johnson came in. He stood at the back of the church and listened for a while to the beautiful sounds that were coming from the organ.

When she had finished the hymn, he stepped towards her. “That was beautiful Melissa!”

She turned around and gazed towards him. “Thank you. I love playing.”

“I can tell. The good Lord gives us all talents. But only a few of us use them as they were meant to be used.” He patted her on the shoulder. “Are you ready for Sunday?”

“Just about. I plan to practice every day this week. Is there anything special that you would like for me to play?”

The two of them spent the next few hours going over the service until Melissa felt comfortable with it. She mentioned wanting to start the children’s choir, and the Reverend quickly agreed with her plans. He promised to make an announcement on Sunday for her. As she road back to the ranch, Melissa felt secure about her new job. Things seemed to be working out just fine!

Buck was riding at an easy pace back towards Rock Creek. His run had been a safe one. He had a few days off coming up, and he planned to see Melissa as much as he could during that time. He’d missed her while he’d been away. His mind drifted to her again, and he could see her standing on the porch of the station, in a denim skirt and a soft calico print blouse. Her hair stirred around her shoulders in the breeze, and Buck felt his insides tighten. She was a very beautiful lady, and he knew that something wonderful was going to happen between them. He wanted to get back home to her as soon as possible.

The rest of the week was a smooth one for the ladies. Melissa helped Sarah around the ranch every morning, and then headed over to the church to practice. Sunday was getting nearer, and she was just a wee bit nervous. But the minute she sat down and started to play, she felt at ease.

Sarah tried not to spend a lot of time thinking about a certain man named Jimmy Hickok, but it was almost hopeless. He wouldn’t seem to leave her mind. She wished that she knew what it was about him that drew her. Since she had spent most of her time with her studies, perhaps the feelings that she was having for Jimmy were normal. Of course, she wouldn’t know what normal was, since she had never been courted before. She sighed and turned back to the chores at hand. She might as well forget about how she felt around Jimmy Hickok. He had already told her that they could never be more than friends. She might as well accept that.

Cody was so excited. He couldn’t stop talking about Melissa. He had told everyone at the station that would listen, at least three times, that he had a date with her on Friday night. He was driving everyone crazy. Jimmy listened to him go on and on, and wondered what Buck was going to think about this once he returned. He had a feeling that he wouldn’t be happy about what had taken place while he’d been away.

Jimmy had actually considered asking Cody if he would mind if he and Sarah tagged along for the evening. He couldn’t seem to stop thinking about her, but he knew it would only bring trouble if he asked her out again. He’d want to keep on seeing her, and that just wasn’t possible. He turned and left the bunkhouse, taking a ride out of town, trying to clear his head. He didn’t realize that his ride was taking him straight towards Sarah’s ranch.

Buck rode into town stopping in the see Teaspoon at the Marshall’s office.

“Son, you have a good ride?”

“No problems to speak of. You seen Melissa and Sarah since I’ve been away?”

“Matter a fact, they was out to the station to eat the first nite you was gone. Them two’s a pair of wonderful ladies!”

Buck grinned. He totally agreed with Teaspoon.

“You’s thinkin’ bout goin’ out to see Miss Melissa, are you?”

“I mite. Thought I best wash some of this trail dust off me first!”

“Well, I jist saw her ridin’ towards the church. You’s can probably find her over there. She usually spends most of the afternoon there.”

Buck looked surprised. “The church?”

“She told you she took the job as organist, didn’t she? Think she plans to start Sunday.”

“That’s rite. She did mention it.” Buck stood gazing out of the office window towards the church. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea to go over there to see her. The people in this town weren’t too happy to see him any where near their church.

Teaspoon noticed Buck’s hesitation. He slipped an arm across his shoulders. “If ‘n I was a young man, like you is, and if ‘n I was wantin’ to see a pretty little thing like Miss Melissa, like you seems to want to do, I wouldn’t worry none bout what the people a this here town thought bout it!”

Buck looked Teaspoon’s way. “You wouldn’t, huh?”

“Nope. Shore wouldn’t! Now git off over there a fore she finishes practicin’!”

Buck grinned his way, and hurried back out to his horse. He glanced down at his clothes. They didn’t look that dusty. With the dim light in the church, maybe she wouldn’t notice! He did want to see her, and knowing she was this close to him, he just couldn’t stay away.

Melissa was sitting at the organ, making notes as she played. She was beginning to feel more comfortable with the service. She had started to pick out a few songs that she knew would be simple ones for the children to start on. She was excited about that prospect. Children were such a joy to work with. She didn’t notice Buck come into the church.

He had knocked as much dust off of his clothes as he could before he entered the building. He stopped for a moment and looked around the inside of the church. He had only been inside of it two or three times.

He of course had been present at Lou and Kid’s wedding. And it had been a beautiful ceremony. He looked at the altar and crosses scattered here and there over the entire building. It was so peaceful here. He wondered why the people who attended services here didn’t practice what was preached here? They could certainly be very rude and unfriendly. He remembered when he had tried several times to attend services because Teaspoon had requested that all of his “boys” go to church. He wanted them to be more like a family. But it hadn’t worked. The people who had attended had turned their noses up at his presence. They had requested he not come back. Surely, a savage, such as himself didn’t need to attend church! Since that time, he hadn’t stepped foot inside the building, except for Lou and Kid’s wedding. Besides his gods were outside, not contained inside a structure. But today, with Melissa here, he knew that nothing could keep him out.

He had his hat in his hands. He listened to her play. The hymn was Amazing Grace and it was beautiful. It was one that Rachel and Teaspoon had taught them.

Melissa finished the hymn, and wrote a quick note. A movement caught her eye, and she turned to see Buck standing just inside the door. Her face broke into a smile, and Buck felt his insides weaken.

“Well hello stranger! How long have you been standing there?”

Her soft voice sent a shiver down his spine. “Only a few minutes. You play so well I didn’t want to interrupt you.”

Melissa blushed, as she got up, moving to stand in front of him. “Well thank you kind sir! When did you get back?” Melissa was trying to be calm, but it was getting harder to do, as she was close enough to feel the heat from his body. Suddenly she remembered their time in the barn the night of the dance. Her blush deepened.

“I jist rode in. Stopped in to see Teaspoon, and he told me that you were over here practicin’.”

“I felt I needed to if I planned to play Sunday. I’m a little nervous about it.”

“Ain’t no need. You’ll do a wonderful job!”

“Wish you could be here to give me some support,” she was looking up into his eyes, and her hand slowly came to rest on his chest.

Buck swallowed quickly. It would he hard to tell her no, even if the people in the town didn’t welcome him there. “We’ll see. I’m headed over to wash some of this dust off me. Could I stop over and see you later on tonight?”

“I’d love for you to, Mr. Cross,” she smiled his way.

“Great. I’ll see you after supper!” With a wave, he headed out the door and headed for the station.

Melissa sighed and turned back to the organ. She decided that she had practiced enough for the day. Besides, she didn’t think that she could concentrate after seeing Buck anyway! She gathered her music and headed out of the church. She decided that a ride would do her a world of good.

Jimmy had been riding slowly for some time. Not really paying attention to where he was going. He was just riding. Suddenly he found himself sitting on the incline just above Sarah’s ranch! How in the world had he gotten there? He certainly hadn’t meant to come this direction!

Looking down at the corral, he noticed Sarah was working one of the horses. She was an expert at what she did. He watched her for several minutes and he knew that it wasn’t so much what she was doing, as it was just watching her move, that held his attention. Everything about her was beautiful. Her hair, which blew about her face in the slight breeze, her trim figure, those tempting curves. Her body was calling to him!

He realized the best thing for him to do was turn quickly and ride away before she saw him. Just as he was about to do just that, one of the horses in the corral nickered to his, and Sarah turned to see what had caught the animal's attention. A smile lit her face. That was it. It was too late, and besides, that smile could win him over every time. Slowly he descended the slope.

As he neared the corral, he noticed that Sarah was working the bay stallion that had so captured his attention the day that he had ridden over to fetch Sarah for supper at the station.

Sarah felt her heart race at the first sight of Jimmy. She had been thinking about him all afternoon, trying to come up with a way to get closer to him. Some way to get him to break down the wall that he seemed to keep around him all the time. Perhaps the good Lord was trying to give her an answer to her problems by having him show up. She led the stallion over to the fence where Jimmy had ridden.

Looking up, she smiled that smile again as her soft voice asked, “And just what do I owe this visit to? I certainly wasn’t expecting to see you again any time soon.”

Jimmy hesitated for a moment. He really didn’t know what to tell her. He didn’t want to say that he hadn’t meant to come here! “I was jist out for a rid, and this is where I wound up!” There that sounded pretty good, didn’t it?

“Just out for a ride huh?” She didn’t act as if she believed him. “I might not know you all that well Jimmy, but something tells me that you don’t just go out for a ride very often. Something must have been bothering you.”

He looked down at her from his horse for a second or two wondering about this woman. How could she read him so well? Suddenly, he grinned. “Well, if you must know the truth, Cody was darn near drivin’ me crazy!”

“Cody? Sweet, polite, Cody? Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?”

Jimmy laughed. Sarah felt her heart nearly stop at the sound! She didn’t think Jimmy was a person who laughed very often. It was a shame he didn’t do it more.

“Yeah, I’m ‘fraid we’re talkin’ bout the same Cody! He jist seems polite and sweet round the ladies! Specially them he’s a mite interested in!”

“Well get down off that horse of yours and tell me about it. I can’t wait to hear this one. It’s time to take a break anyway!” She turned the stallion loose in the corral and climbed up on the top rung of the fence.

Jimmy quickly tied his mount and climbed up beside her. Now that he was here, he didn’t want to leave any time soon. “Cody’s been tellin’ anythin’
and anybody that would listen how beautiful Melissa is, and how he’s takin’ her out Friday nite! We’ve heard the story not once, but a hundred times since he asked her out! If’n I have to hear bout it one more time, I’m liable to swat him!”

Sarah laughed. “Guess you could say he’s a little excited about it all.”

“Guess you could say that! But I’s, sick of his excitement! I think everyone else is too! We’re all bout ready to move him outside the bunkhouse! I ain’t never seen him do this much moonin’ over a lady! And believe me, he asks them ladies out in town every chance he gits!”

“Lady’s man is he?”

“So he thinks!”

“Well let me tell you a little secret…he didn’t do the asking this time!”

Jimmy looked shocked. “That shore ain’t what he’s been a tellin’!”

“Well, the real truth is, Melissa asked him out to repay him for the work he’s done for us, fixing the roof and the other repair jobs that he was so nice to take care of! I would have gone along with them, but I knew that Cody was interested in her, and I didn’t want to spoil it for him. Melissa likes him, but I really don’t think it’s serious. At least not on her part!”

“Well Cody thinks it’s real serious! To hear him tell it, they mite as well be gittin’ married next week! And some little bird keeps tellin’ me that Buck ain’t gonna be none to happy bout all this neither!”

“I did notice Buck has an interest in her too. Guess he’ll just have to keep her busy so Cody can’t make any time with her! Seems that Cody would like to have her all to himself!”

“We’ll never hear the end of it! After Friday nite, he’ll tell us ever little detail, down to the ride home! He’ll talk for weeks bout it!”

“Don’t worry none! Melissa isn’t ready to settle down with Mr. Cody! Just don’t believe much of what he has to say about their evening out.”

“Never believed much of what he goes on bout no ways! Why start now?” Jimmy laughed and Sarah’s laughter joined his. “Nuff bout Cody an Melissa! I came out to forgit bout him for awhile. What’s goin’ on with the stallion?” Jimmy nodded towards the beautiful horse.

“Well, he’s taken to the lead pretty well. He isn’t as skittish as he was. I haven’t broken him to a saddle yet. I was just thinking it was about time to start that when you rode up.”

“Then let’s git at it! I ain’t the world’s best at breakin’ horses, but I’ve done my share!”

“You sure you want to do this?”

“Wouldn’t a told ya I could do it, if I couldn’t! Time’s a wastin’ woman! We can have him saddle broke by sunset!” Jimmy grinned at her, and Sarah hurried off to get a saddle. If he was willing, she might as well let him try it. After all, she had been trying to come up with a reason for him to stay the rest of the afternoon. This was the perfect solution to the problem!

It didn’t take Jimmy long to coax the stallion into the saddle. The hardest part was getting him adjusted to the feel of a man’s weight on his back. But Jimmy accomplished that fairly easily also! Sarah was amazed at the way the stallion took to him.

She watched from her seat on the top rail. She worried when he got thrown a few times, but each time, he picked himself back up and climbed right back on with ease. She admired Jimmy’s ability with the animal. It was as if he became one with him. She loved the way he sat the horse, the way he rode, the way he moved in the saddle. The way his muscles moved under the shirt that he wore. He had taken off his jacket, and rolled up his shirtsleeves. This man fascinated her. She had a feeling that it could become much stronger if there was only a chance that they could spend more time together. But she was aware that it wasn’t possible. Today would be another of those few times that Jimmy let his guard down. Tomorrow the wall would be back in place once again! Sarah sighed. She would just have to learn to enjoy and accept what little time she might have offered to her with this man. She was afraid there would never be a lot where he was concerned.

Melissa rode away from town and soon found herself at the waterfalls once more. It was so peaceful there, and so quiet. She could sit there forever. She slipped from her horses back and went to sit near the water. Her mind turned to Buck and Cody.

She really liked them both. Cody was always proving to be a fascination for her. He always seemed to have such interesting stories to tell, and he was a great kisser! Then at the thought of kissing, her mind went back to the barn last Saturday night, when she had been in another’s arms. When she had kissed him with no thought to anything else but him! What was it about Buck Cross?

She’d been so excited when he had shown up at the church and she couldn’t wait to see him tonight! His presence made her heart beat a wild tattoo in her chest whenever he was near.

Then there was Cody! Oh, what was she to do? If it came down to picking between the two...who would win? She suddenly thought of her grandmother, and she pushed her presence away. She wasn’t ready to hear any more of her prophesies.

She lay back on the ground and looked up towards the sky. It was so beautiful! She only wished that life could be as simple as the skies!

Sarah was amazed at the short time it took Jimmy to break the horse. As he helped her up on the stallions back, he smiled up at her. “See, I told you I knew my stuff!”

Sarah laughed. “Looks as if you did, Mr. Hickok!” She took several turns around the corral on the horse. He was a little jumpy, but she knew that he would calm down as each day went by. “You’ve done a wonderful job Jimmy!” She climbed down and started to lead the stallion back towards the barn. “Won’t you stay for supper so that I can repay you for your help?”

Jimmy looked at her for a long moment. He was tempted, but knew that he shouldn’t press it. Best to keep the fond memories and not make too many more! The more that was made, the more time that he spent in this lady’s company, the harder it would be to stay away from her.

“No, I guess I should be gittin’ back to the station. Ever one will be a wonderin’ where I am. But thanks for the offer jist the same.”

“Well, perhaps another time!” she smiled his way as he followed her into the barn.

“Maybe so…”  His voice trailed off as he watched her unsaddle the horse. He noticed how the pants that she wore covered her rear snuggly. As she struggled to pull the heavy saddle from the horses back, Jimmy stepped up and took it from her. As he did so, in the close quarters of the stall, his arm brushed against her breast. She felt a tingling go all the way down to her toes.

Jimmy felt the same, as he threw the saddle up over the rail of the stall. He turned slowly and looked at her. She was only a few inches from him, and it was so natural to reach out and pull her into his arms.

She didn’t protest as he hauled her up close to his body and his lips came down on top of hers. She quickly started returning the kiss. Jimmy realized that he totally enjoyed the feel of the length of her along his body. He suddenly wanted to carry her over to the sweet smelling hay in one of the stalls, and do things to her body that he hadn’t done to a woman in a long time!

Sarah melted into him. She wanted more from this man than she knew she could get. But as each time things happened between them, there was a little more hope that one day things could be different for them.

Melissa realized that it would soon be time to start supper. The afternoon was quickly getting away from her. She climbed back on her horse and started back to the ranch. She wanted to have a little extra time to take a bath before Buck arrived. She wanted to look extra good for him!

She noticed the extra horse tied up at the corral and just assumed that Sarah must be showing someone the horses. She rode her mount up to the fence and climbed down. In seconds, she was walking her horse into the barn.

Jimmy’s lips had traveled over Sarah’s face several times. Right now, they were slipping down the side of her neck, causing her pulse to race even faster. She leaned into him more and she heard him groan softly as her breasts rubbed against his chest through the clothes that separated them.

“Oh Sarah…I….”

Melissa had come into the dimly lit barn, and hadn’t noticed the two of them until she was nearly upon them. Sarah was pulled tightly against Jimmy, and his hands were caressing both sides of her rear. For a moment, Melissa didn’t know what she should do. She hadn’t meant to interrupt them. Then the horse that she had been riding stepped up to Sarah and nudged her in the center of her back. Both she and Jimmy jumped apart, and Sarah wasn’t surprised to see him go for his gun. She figured it was a reflex reaction.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt you two,” Melissa knew that her face was a bright red.

Jimmy ran a hand through his hair as he reholstered his gun. “No harm done. I got to git goin’!” Jimmy picked up his hat that had been knocked off during the few intimate moments with Sarah and slapped it on the side of his leg. Several pieces of straw fell to the floor. Placing it on his head, he moved to the barn door.

Melissa looked towards Sarah and softly whispered, “I’m sorry!”

Sarah shook her head, as she turned and hurried out after Jimmy. She had a feeling that it was over between them again.

Jimmy had untied his horse from the corral fence and had already mounted up when Sarah hurried out to him.

“Jimmy. Jimmy wait!” Hurrying over, he turned his horse back around. He’d been ready to ride off. All he could think about was how foolish that had all been in the barn. He’d let his guard down; it could have been anyone who walked in on them. Why did he always forget when she was around? Her voice stopped him, and he turned to look at her.

She knew instantly that she had been right. The ten-foot wall was back in place. It was as if nothing had happened between them only moments before!

“Will I see you again?”

“It ain’t likely we’ll be seein’ one another alone again. This cain’t keep happenin’ Sarah! It’s too risky!” With those words, he kicked his horse into a run and galloped towards the hillside. Sarah watched him until he’d disappeared over the rise. Her heart had fallen to her feet once more.

By the time Jimmy got back to the station, he had calmed his heart. All he’d been able to think about was her body pulled against him, and her lips on his. He’d wanted something he knew he could never have. He had to keep his distance. He had to forget. But he had a feeling it wasn’t going to be easy!

Buck had arrived back at the station soon after leaving Melissa at the church. He’d been all smiles as he prepared a bath to wash all the dust and dirt off his body. He couldn’t wait to see Melissa again!

As he sat in the tub of water, his eyes closed, he wondered what the people of Rock Creek would think of his seeing Melissa? He had a feeling that they wouldn’t be very pleased to learn that their new organist was going out with a half-breed. If there were trouble over it, what would he do? He already knew that he was very attracted to her. And after kissing her sweet lips as he’d had the opportunity to do Saturday night, he knew that he wanted more. But he also knew that he wanted her to feel free to want him as well. She had probably never been faced with the prejudices of these people in Rock Creek. He’d seen it so many times before. Let things go wrong and they were all ready to blame him, just because he was half-Indian. They never thought of it as his being half-white! Would it ever change?

He sighed, sitting up in the tub to finish washing his hair. For now he would have to take things as they came, one day at a time. Perhaps the spirit guides would help get him through this, and he could come out with Melissa safely in his arms. He smiled at that thought. He had to finish this bath or he would never get there to see her.

Jimmy arrived just as Noah and Cody entered the bunkhouse. Buck was dressing after his bath.

“Buck, you’re back! Want to play some cards tonite?” Noah looked his way.

“Cain’t tonite. Got plans.”

“Plans? That why you’re a takin’ a bath in the middle of the week? You must have a date or somethin’! Sorta like me tomorrow nite!” Cody got this look on his face that Jimmy had gotten well acquainted with over the week. Here it came. Obviously Buck hadn’t been enlightened yet.

“I jist mite have a date.” He turned to brush his hair, checking his appearance in the mirror. Jimmy had sat down on his bunk, but got up as he watched Cody move over to stand by Buck.

“Speakin’ of dates….” Cody slipped an arm around Buck’s shoulders, looking dreamy eyed again. “I got one tomorrow nite! It’s with the most beautiful lady in Rock Creek!”

Jimmy groaned as he looked towards the heavens. He didn’t think he could stand this again.

“That’s nice Cody!” Buck straightened his shirt, and started to turn away from Cody who was still hanging onto him.

Cody looked disappointed that Buck didn’t seem interested. “But don’t you want to know who my date is?”

“Not really, Cody. If you say she’s beautiful, I’ll take your word for it!” He started around him, but Cody just wouldn’t give up.

“Yeah, I’d say you would agree that Miss Melissa Crawford is the most beautiful lady in Rock Creek!”

Buck was already half way across the room when Cody’s words sank in.
He stopped and turned slowly around to look at Cody. Jimmy could see what was going to happen just in a split second. He rushed over.

“Who did you say you had a date with?” Buck took a few steps back towards Cody.

“Melissa Crawford. You remember her. You took her to the dance Saturday nite!”

“Oh yeah, I remember her all right!” There was this angry look on Buck’s face, but Cody failed to notice. He just kept on talking about how easy it had been to talk her into going out with him, and what he had planned for their time together.

“Maybe if you are real lucky Buck, you’ll git nother chance to take her out a fore I make her all mine! Course, you’re a gonna have to hurry! After tomorrow nite, she’ll be all mine!”

Cody was grinning from ear to ear, still not realizing that Buck was madder that an old wet hen! He was clenching his hands open and closed as he stood in the middle of the floor. Jimmy hurried over and stepped between them before Buck took a swing at Cody.

“Cody, I think you’ve took up ‘nough of Buck’s time with this. He’s in a hurry to git somewhere’s, ain’t you Buck?” Jimmy looked over his shoulder and hoped that Buck would take the hint and go outside.

“No, I think he needs to hear some more. Learn how we experts do it! Gits the ladies ever time!”

“Not tonite Cody. Maybe ‘nother nite!” Jimmy patted him on the back as Buck stomped to the door and went out slamming it behind him. Jimmy let out a slow breath and turned to follow him out.

Cody looked towards Noah, and asked innocently. “Wonder what was eatin’ him?”

Melissa had put her horse away and was headed for the house when she came across Sarah still standing by the fence looking towards the rise. “You okay? I really didn’t mean to interrupt!”

Sarah turned her way. “It’s okay. I just don’t understand him Melissa! One minute he’s so friendly, so loving, and the next he’s a totally different person. He has this ten foot wall up and there is no way to penetrate it.”

Melissa slipped her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “I think Jimmy has a lot of problems he isn’t willing to talk about. When he feels himself getting close to someone, he gets scared and runs. Just give it time. I think he will eventually come round to your way of thinking. After all, it seems that the two of you are always smooching on one another every chance you get! I’d say he was a little interested around the edges!”

Sarah grinned. “It does seem that way, doesn’t it?” They started to walk back towards the house. “Maybe one day he will realize that he’s as attracted to me as I am to him. Though I think it will take awhile for it to get through that thick head of his!”

“Well, you’ll just have to keep trying. You know if there is something you want bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it!”

“True. But I’m not sure how I’m going to accomplish this one!”

Buck had walked quickly towards the corral, his insides churning. He couldn’t believe that Cody had asked her out! Let alone that she had accepted! To listen to him talk, after tomorrow night, he wouldn’t stand a chance with her. He called his horse over and reached for the bridle. He quickly slipped it over his head and into place. He didn’t know if he were still going to see Melissa or not. Right now he had this big need to ride out and get things straight in his head. Jimmy appeared at his side as he reached for the saddle.

“You know there ain’t a lot to Cody’s talk most times!”

“You sayin’ he ain’t takin’ her out tomorrow nite?” He looked Jimmy’s way.

“No, that ain’t what I meant. I’m jist sayin’ you cain’t believe ever thin he has to say bout it! He’s been talkin’ bout this nite out with her since the day after you left on your run. He won’t shut up!”

“And he jist had to rub my nose in it tonite too! He knows I have an interest in her!” He turned his horse around and placed the saddle he’d been holding on it’s back.

“Truthfully, I don’t think he knows. Have you seen her since you got back? She seem any different?”

“Yeah, this afternoon at the church. I stopped on my way back to the station. She didn’t seem different. Why didn’t she mention that she was seein’ Cody? She tryin’ to make a fool outta me? She mite jist be like a lot of them ladies in town tryin’ to see how far they can string the Indian along afore he catches on!”

Jimmy could tell that he was really hurt. It wasn’t like Buck to talk this way. “No, she ain’t tryin’ to do that to you. I don’t think Melissa is that kinda lady. Ever thought that maybe this date means more to Cody than it does to her? Maybe that’s why she ain’t mentioned it! An I cain’t see how you can say she’s a seein’ him with jist one date!”

Buck leaned against his horse. There was a million thoughts jumbled around in his head. He sighed. “If she ain’t interested, then why’d she accept his invitation out? Sounds to me like he has her all tucked in where he wants her.”

“An I’m tellin’ ya, he don’t!”

“Now jist who am I ‘posed to believe here Jimmy?” He tightened the cinch around the horse’s middle and looked over his way.

“Well, I guess you have a rite to believe what ever you want. But I happen to have the truth of this whole thing from a very reliable source!” Jimmy watched the interest become evident in Buck’s expression.

“Reliable, huh? And jist what does this source have to say bout it all?”

“That Cody ain’t the one that did the askin’! That he was asked only cause Melissa felt she needed to repay him for the repairs that he did on the ranch house for her and Sarah! You know he always wants us to think that he can make all the ladies fall at his feet!”

Buck was silent a moment as he digested the information. “You shore your source is reliable?”

“Almost as reliable as askin’ Melissa herself!”

That told Buck his source was Sarah. Buck led his horse out of the corral. “Okay, so she’s jit repayin’ him. What if she’s interested in him?”

“Since when does that mean you cain’t try to claim her too? She don’t belong to anyone that I can see! You was  goin’ to see her tonite any how, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, I told her I’d be by after supper.”

“Then don’t let Cody’s big talk stop you! If you’re interested n her, I’d say go for it. Don’t jist give up on her cause Cody seems to think he can sweep her off her feet with one nite out! Seems to me, you already got one up on him any how! You was out with her Saturday nite!”

Buck was leading his horse towards the bunkhouse. Jimmy was walking right beside him.

“Okay, so I go see her and I compete with Cody for her. What happens when the church folk find out I’m seein’ their new organist? Ya know that ain’t gonna go over well! Maybe it would be simpler if I jist step out and let Cody have her! He’d be better for her in the long run!”

Buck was frowning. He seemed really worried about this. Jimmy could tell that he’d really given this some serious thought. Course he had seen it happen all too often round town. The town’s people just weren’t willing to look beyond the fact that Buck was part Indian.

“That ain’t no reason to run is it? You jist gonna give up now and forgit bout them feelin’s you got growin’ inside for her? Jist let Cody walk rite in and take her from you?”

“Like you’re doin’ with Sarah?” Buck watched as a shocked look went over Jimmy’s face.

“That ain’t got nothin’ to do with this!”

“Yes it has. It’s the same thing Jimmy! You’re jist as interested in her as I am in Melissa. Yet you’re willin’ to walk away from her jist cause you think it will be easier for her not to git involved with you. You’re like me…’fraid of what the consequences will be!”

“Ain’t none of your business Buck! You jist do as I said bout Melissa. Don’t let Cody or them church folk change your feelin’s for her! I think you and Melissa would be good together!”

“And I happen to think Sarah would be good for you! Why won’t you give her a chance?”

“It ain’t none a your business Buck! Jist shut up! I ain’t talkin’ bout this no more. Git on that horse and go see Melissa!” He turned and stormed towards the barn.

“Maybe it ain’t none a my business, but it seems to me you’re a givin’ me advice you ain’t payin’ no ‘tention to!” Buck climbed into his saddle and turned his horse towards Jimmy. His next words were loud enough for Jimmy to hear as he entered the barn. “I jist think you ought to give your own advice some thought now and then!” With that, Buck headed for Sarah’s ranch.

Jimmy stood for a few minutes letting his eyes adjust to the darkness in the barn. Then he struck a match and lit the oil lamp. He started brushing down his horse and made sure that he’d been fed. His mind was so wrapped around Sarah. He knew that what Buck had said was true. But he knew that he couldn’t chance getting involved with Sarah and having her get hurt because of him. He knew he couldn’t live with himself if that were to happen. He just had to hope that Buck took his advice, and would understand why he couldn’t.

The ladies had finished up supper, and Melissa had gone to take a quick sponge bath. Sarah smiled as she watched her hurry around trying to get ready before Buck arrived.

“Think you might be this excited about your evening out with Cody tomorrow night?”

Melissa stopped brushing her near waist length hair and looked at Sarah. “I like Cody too.”

“You trying to convince me or yourself?” Sarah laughed at the startled expression on her face. “I’m sorry Melissa. It just seems to me that the thoughts of Buck coming to see you, has you in a dither. I think you actually like him more than you are letting yourself know.”

“Well, I just met him, you know.”

“Sure, but I think we sort of know when we first meet someone that they will or will not have that special place in our hearts.”

“Sort of like Jimmy with you?” Melissa wasn’t at all surprised at the dreamy expression that flew across Sarah’s face.

“I guess so. I just wish that I knew what it was about the man that pulled me so towards him. Especially as he doesn’t seem to want me in his life. He’s got such kissable lips, and I love the feel of his arms around me.”

“Now who are you trying to convince?” Melissa laughed. “Let’s face it Sarah…we’ve both met some very interesting people since we got here. Who knows what might happen in the future!”

“True. I know what I’d wish for if I had a chance!” She smiled. Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Oh Lord, that’s him! Would you get the door please? I’ll be right there.” Melissa hurried to put away the brush that she had been using and to slip her shoes on.

Sarah smiled and shook her head as she went to the door. If Jimmy were calling on her, she would probably be acting the same way. Wiping her hands on her apron, she opened the door to a smiling Buck Cross.

One the way over, Buck had given everything a lot of thought. He knew that he wanted Melissa in his life. He felt the spirit guides had led him to her that day at the waterfall. He wasn’t going to let Cody get in the way of his feelings. Melissa was his, and he was prepared to fight for her. Now here he stood at her front door and his insides were tied in knots. Funny how a woman could do that to a man!

“Well hello Mr. Cross! What a surprise to see you here! Wonder what brings you to my ranch?” She was grinning at him and he knew that she knew very well what had brought him there. “She’ll be out in a minute.”

Buck nodded and looked around the room. It was the first time that he had been inside the house. He noticed that it wasn’t that much different from the one that Rachel lived in at the station. His eyes slowly glanced around, and came to rest on Melissa who was standing silently in the doorway. He swallowed quickly. She was as beautiful as ever. Cody was definitely right…she was the most beautiful lady in all of Rock Creek! The thought of Cody made him a little angry, so he pushed it away. He didn’t want anything to spoil his evening with this lady. “Hi!” He walked over to where she stood.

Melissa had been having some similar thoughts. She’d rushed from the bedroom to stop short at the sight of him. The man was drop dead gorgeous! He was dressed in tan pants, a purple shirt, and vest and wore a narrow tie at the throat. His hair was shining as if he had just recently washed it, and she had this urge to run her fingers through it! She could have stood there gazing at him all evening. But then he’d spotted her and she knew that she had to make herself move, or else she would take root and grow. “Hello!”  Her voice was soft, and it made a slight shiver run up Buck’s spine.

“It’s a beautiful nite. Thought we could take a walk!”

Melissa smiled. “Okay, let me get my shawl.” She hurried back to the bedroom, rejoining him in a matter of seconds. Buck slipped it around her shoulders, and the two of them, left the house.

They talked of personal things, getting to know one another better. They walked through the quiet evening, holding hands, and enjoying the feel of just being together.

The moon was nearly full, and it gave off a silver glow as they were returning near the barn. Several of the horses were in the corral, and they stopped to rub heir noses.

“You were right, it is beautiful out here. I guess I haven’t really noticed it since I arrived. There hasn’t been time for any moon light walks, or anyone I would have wanted to have shared them with, until tonight!” She smiled up at him, and he turned to face her.

“You make the nite even more beautiful, you know.”

She knew that he was going to kiss her. She thought of what Sarah had said about Jimmy’s lips being kissable. And her eyes went to Buck’s. She thought of how those full, sensual lips felt on her own. Her heartbeat quickened as they descended to touch hers.

The kiss turned into several. Much like the night in the barn. Both Buck and Melissa forgot about everything but each other. He pulled her closer, the length of his body, and their hearts pounded against one another’s.

Melissa ran her fingers through his hair and it felt just as she had known it would. Like silk, fine, and soft. Like the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips.

Buck’s lips left hers, and ran the column of her throat, down to the top of the rounded neck blouse that she wore. The shawl had slipped from her shoulders and Buck lifted her slightly off the ground kissing the tops of her breasts that were barely visible above the blouse.

Melissa trembled. She could feel a hardness pressing into her thigh through the skirt that she wore. She knew what it was, and she also knew that she should stop this madness before it got out of hand. These feelings he was causing were so new to her. She didn’t want them to stop...not yet!

His lips began their return up the opposite side of her neck, and she leaned back giving him full assess to her throat. He groaned and she drew in a ragged breath.

Buck knew that he shouldn’t be so bold with her. But she was so soft in his arms, and lord she seemed to be willing! He sat her back on the ground as his lips returned to her mouth. For a moment, she let him kiss her, as the sweet sensations washed over her. Wanting to experience more of these feelings, she tentatively let her lips move down over his jaw line, to the side of his neck. He held her tightly, his hands caressing her back. She buried her nose in his hair, and sighed softly, her body trembling with desire.

His hair smelled of earthy things, and she knew that she wanted to stay there in his arms forever. But at the same time, she knew that she shouldn’t. As much as she wanted, she knew it wasn’t the time for this. She hardly knew this man whose arms she was in. She stepped back from him slightly and looked up into his eyes.

He could read the passion there, but he could also see something else. Was it fear? He knew that it was time to end this sweet torture before it went further than it was supposed to. His hands moved up to take her face between his palms, and smiling he kissed her softly once more. Then placing the shawl back round her shoulders, he steered her back towards the house.

Her legs didn’t want to move. It was as if they were numb. Buck was feeling much the same. He pulled her a little closer as they neared the house. There would be a time for them, of that he was sure.

They sat for a time in the swing, neither of them talking. Melissa was trying to get her senses back in the right prospective. He just held on to her, as if he knew that was what she needed. Her head rested on his shoulder, and they listened as the crickets chirped and the frogs from a nearby pond sang to one another. It seemed perfect there in the swing. She felt protected, even though moments before she had feared the feelings that had run through her body. She instinctively knew that this man would never hurt her.

Some time later, Sarah blew out one of the lamps in the living room, and Buck realized that it was getting late. His voice was a whisper as his lips touched her ear. “I should let you go in. It’s getting’ late.”

Melissa sighed and sat up. She hated telling him good night. “I know. I enjoyed our time together tonight.”

He tilted her chin up with his fingertips. “So did I.” He kissed her again and stood, pulling her up with him. “If you ain’t busy with plans Saturday, would you like to go for a ride?”

She smiled. “I’d love it Buck. I need to get in some practice time, but you could meet me at the church, say around one o’clock?”

“Sounds good.” He had walked with her to the door. Once more, he pulled her up close to his body and kissed her sweet lips. Melissa sighed. “See you soon.” He waited until she was inside, then he mounted his horse and rode back towards the station.

There was a smile on Buck’s face all the way there. Melissa had stirred feelings in him that night that he had never expected to feel again. The only other time they had been there was with Kathleen. And all she had done was use him to obtain selfish things for herself. He knew that Melissa would never be like Kathleen. She fit so perfectly in his arms. He knew that he would be thinking about their kisses that night for a long time to come. He knew that he was going to give Cody a run for his money where Melissa was concerned.

Sarah’s bedroom was dark, and Melissa tried to slip by without making noise. But she was still awake and heard her. “Have a nice time?”

Melissa smiled in the darkness. She could still feel Buck’s lips on her own. “Ummm!”

“That’s what I thought! Good night Melissa.” Sarah smiled as she turned over and tried to sleep.

The following evening, Cody picked Melissa up around six o’clock. The restaurant wasn’t crowded, and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Cody was still as interesting as Melissa had first found him to be. She loved hearing his stories, and she wondered how many of them were true, and how many of them were “tall tales”! It didn’t matter though; the man had a way with words. He was a natural born storyteller, and she could one day see him becoming famous with the use of those “tall tales’!

As they rode back to Sarah’s ranch, in the buggy that Cody had borrowed for the evening, he was still talking non-stop. Melissa laughed at his jokes and made a comment every now and then about something that he said.

Helping her from the buggy, Cody looked up into her eyes. “I really had a nice time tonight, Melissa.”

“I’m glad Cody. So did I.” They walked up on the porch, and stood by the door. Sarah was still up, Melissa could see her sitting on the sofa reading.

“I thought if you ain’t too busy, we mite take in the dance tomorrow nite. That is if you want to go.” He was looking at her with hope shining in his eyes.

“That would be nice Cody, but I think perhaps I best stay home tomorrow night. I want to be fully rested for Sunday morning services.”

Cody looked disappointed, but smiled just the same. “I understand. But I think things will go well for you. Maybe we can do it ‘nother time.”

She nodded as she looked up into his eyes. The man really was good looking. He could stir any woman’s heart. Why then had she felt so strange all evening?

She’d caught herself comparing Cody and Buck all evening. Maybe she was trying to justify what had happened between the two of them the night before. She hadn’t slept much, her thoughts being wrapped around a certain man named Buck Cross.

Cody’s lips were moving closer to hers and she knew he was going to kiss her. But she held her breath wondering what it would be like. That in itself was strange, since she had been kissed by Cody before.

The kiss was light, sweet. But it was nothing like the way Buck had kissed her! She leaned into his embrace, trying to grasp the same feelings that she’d felt the night before with Buck. It was no use. They just weren’t there. It left her feeling empty.

“I’ll see you ‘gain soon Melissa.” He leaned over, kissed her once more, and then opened the door for her. After she slipped inside, Cody returned to the buggy with a smile on his face.

Sarah looked up as Melissa entered the house. Her back was to her, but Sarah could tell that something wasn’t right. “You okay? Not have a good time?”

Melissa turned around as she removed her shawl, and walked over towards the sofa. “Yes, I had a wonderful time.”

“Why do your lips say one thing, but your eyes tell me something different?”

Melissa sighed as she sat down beside her friend. “I’ve done a lot of thinking today Sarah. Maybe I shouldn’t have. I tried to look at both Cody and Buck, and put my feelings for them in some sort of order. But it’s no use. I think I compared everything that Cody did tonight to Buck! Even down to the kisses!”

“Who won?” Sarah grinned.

“Buck’s got it on the kissing part!” She smiled as she thought once again of his lips on hers. “Cody’s kisses were nothing like Buck’s. They didn’t make every part of my body stand up and take notice!”

Sarah laughed. “In other words, Cody’s kisses didn’t make your heart stop like Buck’s did?”

Melissa sighed again. “Yeah, something like that! What’s wrong with me Sarah? I like Cody, he’s sweet and so interesting, but…” her voice died away.

“It looks as if Buck is going to win you over between the two of them. You have to go with your heart Melissa. Even though it’s way to early to see it, it’s trying to tell you that Buck is possibly the man that you want in your life from now on. Things will come in time, as they should. There isn’t anything wrong with you just because you don’t have the same feelings for Cody that are there for Buck.”

“Does Jimmy’s kisses make your heart stop?”

Sarah sat for a moment before she answered with a soft, “Yes, they do! But he’ll never know that! Because I’m sure not gonna tell him!”

“Then I will!” Melissa laughed as he got up and headed for the bedroom.

“You best not Melissa Crawford! I’d never forgive you if you did!” Sarah frowned after her retreating back.

“Don’t worry, I’d never do that to you. Though I think he needs to know how you feel at some point in his lifetime! Good night Sarah!”

Sarah sat for a few more minutes in the silence of the living room. She wouldn’t do that would she? She sighed as she got up and headed for her own bed. She would just hope that Melissa would keep her word. She had no plans of telling Jimmy Hickok how she felt. Not now, not ever! He would never give her a chance!

It didn’t take Melissa long to change and get into bed. She had just drifted off to sleep when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Stirring, and rubbing her eyes, she sat up in bed. Her grandmother was sitting on the edge of her bed.

“Melissa, don’t fear what you feel for this man! He would never hurt you! He will always protect you! You an trust him totally!”

“But grandmother Running Doe, how do I know that these feelings I have inside for Buck are the ones that I can trust? I’ve never been in love before. And besides, I like Cody too!”

“The blond one will never be more than a friend to you. The dark one is the one! He is the one that the Great Spirits have chosen for you! Do not go against their wishes! Do not waste time being with the blond one….”

With that, she disappeared. Melissa felt as if she were waking from a dream! Had her grandmother really been there again? She wished that she knew if these visits were truly visions. Or were they just tricks that her mind was playing on her! She settled down once more to sleep…or at least try to. Once more her mind was resting on a certain man named Buck! Had he thought of her that day?

Buck was awake too. He had listened to Cody tell of his evening out with Melissa, making it sound as if she was already putty in his hands.

Jimmy sent Buck a look from across the room. The two of them hadn’t really spoken since they’d had words the night before. Buck had been in a fairly good mood, so Jimmy had assumed that things had gone well between he and Melissa. Right now, he could tell that the little green-eyed monster named jealousy was crawling all over Buck!

All Buck could think about was Cody kissing the same lips that he had kissed the night before. Had she melted into his embrace the same way that she had his? It angered him to think those thoughts. He didn’t want Cody, or anyone else for that matter, kissing on her! He glanced towards Jimmy, and he shook his head no. He knew that he was again telling him not to listen to Cody. He knew that he shouldn’t. But it was hard not to, especially when Cody just wouldn’t shut up about it! Giving a big sigh, Buck turned over onto his side away from everyone and tried to sleep. He needed some reassurance. But right now he knew that wasn’t possible.

Melissa had fallen asleep again. But it wasn’t a peaceful sleep. She was dreaming again…or was she? She was in an Indian camp. She wasn’t sure where. Then she saw her grandmother and herself as a child. She remembered her childhood. When she was in the Indian camp, there were never any frowns. She remembered only happy times.

Her grandmother came to her once again. “Have I ever told you an untruth when we walked the earthly path together? Did you not always have happy times with the Indians, feel like you belonged?”

Melissa looked at her grandmother and knew that she spoke the truth. She nodded at her. “Then know that I do not lead you down the path of untruth from the spiritual world! This is your future that I speak of. The dark one is your warrior.” Once again, she disappeared. Melissa’s sleep was suddenly very peaceful.

Buck was having a strange night himself. He wasn’t sleeping well at all. He got up and silently pulled on his pants and left the bunkhouse. The moon was nearly full and it was light enough to move towards the corral without stumbling. He spoke softly to the hoses there. Once again, his mind fell on Melissa. What was he to do about Cody? Would he pursue her?

Suddenly he felt another’s presence and turned wondering who had followed him out of the bunkhouse. But no one was there. Then he realized there was a strange mist to his right. Walking towards him out of the mist was an old Indian woman. She said four words to him before she vanished. Just as if she’d never been there. “She will be yours!” Who was this Indian woman? He knew that she spoke of Melissa, but he had no idea why she would appear to him. Was she perhaps the spirit that he had sensed the first day when he had met Melissa by the waterfalls? He’d known that one watched over her. He rubbed a hand over his face and started back towards the bunkhouse. He’d not been able to sleep because of Cody’s words. Perhaps the Great Spirit had sent her to ease his troubled thoughts. He shouldn’t question it, no matter what. The Great Spirit would take offense if he did. He suddenly felt very sleepy. He headed back to his bunk.

The following morning, Melissa was up early. She felt wonderful. She planned to go to the church and spend the morning practicing and then spend the entire afternoon with Buck. She was packing a picnic basket when Sarah stuck her head in the kitchen doorway.

“What’s up? You seem awfully happy this morning.”

Melissa smiled. “I am. I’m going over to the church to practice and then Buck is meeting me there and we’re going for a ride.” She looked her way as she closed the basket. “That is, if you don’t need me today.”

“No, Saturday is usually pretty calm around here. Have fun. I’m just gonna wash some clothes and clean up a little.”

“I’ll do my part next Saturday...I promise!” Melissa smiled as she walked by Sarah towards the door, the picnic basket in her hand.

“I’ll take you up on that. Since cleaning house isn’t one of my favorite things!” She laughed as Melissa picked up her shawl and with a wave, went out to saddle her horse and head for the church.

Sarah turned back to the chores at hand. She headed for Melissa’s bedroom and started pulling the sheets off the bed. She stopped as her hand encountered something soft, and silken under the blankets. Throwing back the covers, she was surprised to find several eagle feathers among the covers! Where had these come from?

She picked each one up, examining them carefully. They were perfect! Not a flaw in any of them. Had Buck given them to Melissa? Or had she had them with her when she moved in, and Sarah just hadn’t noticed them? If so, why would she have them in her bed? Placing them gently on the stand by the bed, she continued to pull the sheets from the mattress. She would question Melissa about them when she got back that night.

Buck was up early. He didn’t have much to say to anyone as he did his chores and thought about the afternoon to come. Teaspoon walked up to him at the corral.

“You alright son?”

Buck looked up from the feed bucket that he held in his hand. “Shore. What makes you think other wise?”

“You jist ain’t actin’ rite. Cody say some things to upset you last nite?”

Buck wondered how Teaspoon had known about that. “I ain’t in a mood to talk ‘bout it Teaspoon. Sides, jist makes me angry all over ‘gain to think ‘bout it!”

Teaspoon grinned. “Well you know it’s like Jimmy is always a sayin’…Cody always has his foot in his mouth! I done seen the way Miss Melissa looks at you. I don’t think you is a gonna have any trouble convincing her to be yours!”

Buck smiled his way for a moment. He knew Teaspoon was trying to make him feel better. “What ever happens, happens. I’ll jist wait and see!”

“Well, you know I’m rite much an expert at this love thing…you ever need to talk ‘bout it, you knows where to find me!”

Buck grinned. “I know Teaspoon. I guess anyone been married as many times as you have deserves to be an expert!”

Teaspoon hooked his fingers underneath his suspenders, pulling them out as he thrust out his chest like a proud rooster. “One day, I’m gonna find me a lady as purdy as Miss Melissa, and I’ll make her number seven!”

Buck laughed as he turned from the corral. “I hope she ain’t gonna mind having a number placed on her!”

Teaspoon just laughed as he followed Buck back into the barn. “I’ll jist have to make her so happy she won’t think none ‘bout that! You know, love ain’t such hard stuff. It’s the two people in it that makes it hard! Take Jimmy for instance. He and Miss Sarah would be perfect for one ‘nother, but he’s too stubborn headed to realize it! Don’t know zactly what to do ‘bout it neither!”

“Ain’t much ya can do, Teaspoon. Let Jimmy work through this on his own. Maybe he’ll see it for himself a fore she finds someone else.”

Buck saddled his horse and as he mounted he turned to Teaspoon. “I got to git into town. Melissa and I are going for a ride this afternoon after her practice at the church. Thought I’d stop by and listen to her play for a while.”

“Okay, see you tonite.” Teaspoon slapped the horse on the rump as he rode off. Shaking his head, he watched him go. Young love was so wonderful! Did Buck know the love bug had bitten him yet?

Jimmy spent most of his Saturday mending fences and thinking about Sarah Brooks! No matter how hard he tried, she was always on his mind. What was he gonna do about her? He sighed as he drove a nail into the board he was repairing on the fence. Why did she have to invade his thoughts at every turn? He had to think of some way to get her out of his head. He just had no idea how he was going to do that.

Sarah hung out the wash, and caught herself watching the rise, hope against hope that Jimmy would ride over it. But she knew that he wouldn’t. He had his wall up and who knew when it would be down again? Or when she would be lucky enough to be around him when it was? She sighed. Why did one always find themselves in situations that they couldn’t understand, or find their way out of? She had a feeling that Jimmy Hickok would forever hold a special place inside of her.

The afternoon was beautiful for both Buck and Melissa. He had slipped into the church and had listened to her play for well over an hour before she had even known he was there. He watched her every move and he could tell just how much playing and the music meant to her. She put so much of herself into it. As if she became a part of the instrument that she played. He knew that she would always identify with the music that he heard around him. It was almost as beautiful as she was!

Buck and Melissa spent most of the afternoon sight seeing. Buck showed her the places that he most enjoyed in Rock Creek. The places that he went to when he prayed to the Great Spirit, or where he went when he just needed some time alone. It was one of those places that they shared their picnic lunch.

“I didn’t have time to cook, so I hope this is okay.” Melissa opened the basket and pulled out a fresh loaf of bread, cheese, apples, carrots, and some homemade cookies.

“This looks wonderful!” Buck picked up a piece of cheese and took a bite. “But you know as long as I’m with a lady as beautiful as you, I really don’t care what I eat!”

Melissa blushed and busied herself with cutting the bread. “My mama always told me that I needed to learn to cook. She started teaching me at an early age. Told me one day there would be a husband and children to care for, and cooking was one of the most important things I would do for them!” She glanced up to find him intently watching her. She felt herself blushing again. Her grandmother’s words came back to her. This man was the one that would be that husband!

Buck wondered what was going through her mind that would cause her cheeks to be stained pink once again. He noticed how the extra color made her even lovelier!

Needing to change the subject, Melissa asked, “Do you have any family here?”

“I have a half brother, Red Bear, who is chief of the Kiowa’s. But the riders are all my family.”

“I noticed when I first met them that you all seemed to be part of one big family.”

“Teaspoon sort of raised us. We were orphans, and he took us all in jist like we was all his.”

“I imagine you all love him a great deal! I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be an orphan. Do you see Red Bear often?”

“I visit. But I know that even through my heart is Indian, I couldn’t live in their world. I belong here with the white man. Though at times when I am branded half-breed, I wonder if I belong in either world!” He looked sad.

“I think every world has it’s problems be it white or Indian. Everyone has a different way of life. It’s just a shame that we can’t live in harmony together.”

“Do you have any relatives living now?”

She smiled. “I have a half-brother too! His name is Duell McCall and he lives in California with his family.”

“You haven’t seen him in a while?”

“Not since our mother died. He and my father didn’t get along well. I could have gone to California when father died, but something was pulling me here. He left home when I was young, and he was always running.”

Buck looked surprised. “Runnin’?”

She frowned. “He was accused of murder he didn’t commit. He spent years trying to outsmart the law and bring in the man that had done the killing. Not long after he learned Nora had bore him a son, he was able to capture the man and got a full pardon. I miss him. Perhaps some day I’ll get the chance to visit him. I’m just glad he was pardoned. Living on the run is no life!”

“He sounds like Jimmy - accused of things that he hasn’t done…always running. He ain’t never gonna settle down because he’s afraid a wife would git hurt cause a him.”

“Then maybe some day things will change for him also. Especially since he seems to be interested in Sarah, but won’t admit it.”

“So you’ve noticed that too?”

She smiled. “He’s really hard headed isn’t he?”

“Probably no harder than Sarah!”

Melissa laughed. “You’re probably right. I do hope things change for them both. They deserve happiness.”

“Everyone does.” He was gazing at her very intently. She swallowed quickly as she felt his lips descending on hers. Her heart soared. As usual, his kisses turned her stomach upside down.

He smiled as he pulled away from her. She was so beautiful!

It was getting dark when the two of them returned to Sarah’s ranch. Buck helped her unsaddle her horse and put it in the stall. Then they walked to the house.

“Thanks for a beautiful afternoon Buck,” she smiled as she gave him a hug.

“You are most welcome. Since I won’t be there in the mornin’, good luck! Though I think it will all go very well!”

“Thank you kind sir!” She stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

He smiled. “I’ll probably see you tomorrow afternoon. Save a little time for me?”

“I promise!” He leaned near and kissed her again. Then she slipped inside.

Sarah was sitting on the sofa, some sewing on her lap. She smiled as her friend came in. “Need I ask if you had a nice time?”

Melissa laughed as she went towards the kitchen to put the picnic basket away. “No, you don’t need to ask. You know I did. Get the house cleaning done? I promise to do my share next week.”

Sarah laughed. “No problem. But I do have something I want to ask you about.” She headed for Melissa’s bedroom, returning in seconds with the eagle feathers in her hands.

For a moment, Melissa turned a little pale. She suddenly remembered the visits she’d had the night before from her grandmother. She looked towards Sarah as she held them out.

“Now I know what you do is your business. But could you at least tell me why you would have eagle feathers in your bed? Did Buck give them to you and you thought sleeping with them would make you feel closer to him?” She looked rather confused. “I know the Indians have different beliefs than ours, and I respect that. But that seems a little strange to me!” She shook her head slightly as she looked from the feathers to Melissa.

She sat down on the sofa laughing. It struck her funny what Sarah was asking. “No, I’m not trying to feel closer to Buck through feathers! I never thought of that!” She fell silent and Sarah walked over to the sofa and sat down beside her.

“Okay, so Buck didn’t give these to you. How’d they get in your bed? Or why would you have them there?” She still looked confused and Melissa sighed. Maybe she needed to talk to someone about her grandmother’s visitations. Perhaps it would help her to understand it all better.

“I don’t know how much of this you are going to believe, but…do you remember when we were little, you’d visit sometimes and we’d go to the Indian village where my grandmother Running Doe lived?” Sarah nodded, for she did remember those visits. “Well, she would tell me during visits when I would sit on her lap and listen to stories, that she had a vision of me as a grown woman…that I would come to love a strong, loving man. He would love me more than life itself, and he would always protect me, no matter what. She also told me that he would be of two worlds…half white and half Indian!” At those words, Sarah’s mouth nearly dropped to her knees.

“Buck?” The name was whispered.

“Well, one thing is certain, I’ve never met anyone like that before, and I hate the term, “Half-breed” before Buck. I had completely forgotten about her vision until the first day that I came to Rock Creek looking for your father. I told you about meeting Buck by the waterfall. That night, my grandmother appeared before me and told me that Buck was the one…the one in her vision. Well, of course, I didn’t believe that she had actually appeared to me. But the following morning, there was an eagle feather by the bed. Eagle feathers were something that I remember my grandmother always having throughout her teepee. They were always perfect, no flaws. She left it behind to let me know that she had been there. It had to have come from her. I mean, how else would it have gotten there?”

“So she appeared to you here?” Sarah didn’t know what to make of this.

“She has appeared several more times. She has mentioned Cody, she calls him the blond one. Buck of course is the dark one. She told me that Cody would never be anything to me other than a friend, not to waste my time being with him. You remember I was upset over my feelings over the kisses that I had shared with both Buck and Cody, wondering why they didn’t feel the same? She appeared last night, here. She told me that I shouldn’t be afraid of the feelings that I feel for Buck. They are natural, and they will grow stronger as time goes by. That Buck is the warrior that the Great Spirit has chosen for me and for me not to upset him by saying I didn’t believe it.”

“Do you believe it?”

“I just don’t know what to think Sarah! It seems so strange that someone that’s long dead and buried, could come back to see you! But last night, she wouldn’t let me sleep. I kept asking her how I would know that Buck was the man that she had seen in the vision. I think she was upset that I didn’t believe her. She took me back to the Indian village and I remembered the happy times that I had there. There was never sadness. She asked me if she had ever told me an untruth when she was walking the earthly path. When I answered no, she told me that she would not do it from the spirit world either!”

Sarah looked down at the eagle feathers in her hands. “I think what is being told to you is the truth Melissa. Why else would she appear after all these years? Your family is all gone now, with the exception of your half brother. She is trying to help you through this time when there is no one here to guide you. I think she firmly believes that you are supposed to be with Buck and she is going to do everything in her power and the Great Spirit’s to see that it happens!”

“But it seems so strange! So unheard of…”

“True. But you were always close to your grandmother. That could be another reason why she keeps appearing.”

“I just don’t know what to think, Sarah. I guess maybe, I didn’t want to believe it. That first night she appeared, I had been in the tub. It was as if I had drifted off to sleep. The water got cold, like I had been in it for some time. So I just assumed that I had fallen asleep, and dreamed it all. But the eagle feather…...”

“I only wish I had someone to guide me. I think you are very lucky that your grandmother loves you enough to see that your future is as it should be!”

“The you don’t think I’m crazy?”

“Just about Buck Cross!” Sarah smiled at her.

“Sarah, I haven’t known him that long!”

“But he’s the one!”

“Now you sound like grandmother Running Doe!”

Sarah laughed. “It sounds as if I’m making fun, but I’m not. I truly respect the Indian ways. I would love to learn more about them. Maybe you should talk to Buck about this...after all he would understand the visions.”

“I could never talk to him about this! He might think I’m being bold...hinting at something that he hasn’t even thought of yet.”

“Oh I don’t think so! Not after the kisses you’ve told me the two of you have shared! It’s probably crossed his mind a time or two! But, I can understand your hesitation in wanting to mention it right now. Maybe you can later on, after you feel more comfortable with him.”

“Maybe. For now, I guess I just wait and see what grandmother tells me to do.”

“And follow your heart. It won’t lead you astray!” Sarah leaned over and patted her hand. “It will all happen as it’s supposed to. Don’t worry!”

The following morning came very fast for Melissa. She was very nervous as she rode to the church in the buggy. Sarah kept reassuring her, as did Teaspoon and Rachel. She was surprised to see Cody in the congregation as she sat on the organ bench. He smiled her way broadly, and gave her a wink. It gave her a funny little feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had to admit, the man was good looking. She could almost hear her grandmother’s voice in her ear! “He isn’t the one!” Melissa shook her head. She was becoming obsessed with this thing!

The Reverend introduced Melissa as the new organist, for the benefit of the ones who had not met her the week before, and mentioned the children’s choir that she wanted to start. He requested that the children meet with her that evening at 6 if they were interested.

As the service got underway, and Melissa lost herself in the music, her nervousness left her. The music had always done that for her. She enjoyed it so much.

Teaspoon smiled over at Sarah and Rachel as he listened to Melissa play. He wasn’t surprised that she put her whole self into the music. He had never been one to pay it much attention, but he was very impressed with her talent.

Buck had wanted to attend the church service with everyone else that morning just to lend Melissa some support. But he knew that would never work. So he had ridden to town and sat near the church listening to the sweet music that came from within the walls. He smiled as he imagined her sitting at the organ, so lost in her playing. He’d already watched her play enough to know exactly how she held herself on the bench.

Jimmy was surprised to see Buck leaned against a tree not far away from the church, as he rode down the street of town. What would he be doing there on Sunday morning? He knew that he didn’t attend church with Teaspoon and Rachel. Then he remembered that Melissa was playing, and he figured that he was waiting on her to finish the service. He had decided that he would wait around himself and catch a glimpse of Sarah. He knew that she would be attending the service with the others.

Riding into town from the opposite direction was Jake Coulter. He was a bounty hunter. Rough, unshaven, never staying in one place too long. He always liked going to Rock Creek. He liked aggravating Hickok!

He’d started out hunting Hickok for the bounty that was on his head. But it had changed after he had met him. They had tracked several men together. One memory stuck out in his mind like it had been only yesterday. That was the memory of the man named Lon Chase!

They had butted heads over that one, but in the end, the right thing had been done. Lon had been wanted for stealing money, but it turned out he had been trying to right a wrong. It had taken Hickok time to decide that Chase was telling the truth, and even longer for him to convince Coulter. But in the end, justice had been served. Chase testified against the real criminals, and had received a lighter sentence because of it.

Coulter laughed aloud as he wondered what he and Hickok would get into about this time! They were always fighting over something. The streets were quiet as he made his way down the middle of town. Then he realized that it was Sunday morning and most of the good people of Rock Creek were in church.

He’d never understand why people went to church. Why did they think that God was in that building? He just shook his head. He would always wonder about it.

Looking to his right, he spotted Jimmy leaned against the door of the Marshall’s office. He needed supplies anyway, and the Marshall’s office was right next door to the general store. He reined his horse in and slipped from the saddle.

Jimmy had been watching the door of the church. It was nearing noon. The people would soon be leaving the service. He didn’t want to miss seeing Sarah. Suddenly his view of the church was obscured as someone stepped in front of him and stopped.

“Well Hickok, what brings you to town on this fine Sunday morning?”

Jimmy looked disgusted as he glanced up at Jack. “None a your business Coulter! What brings your no good hide to Rock Creek again? Chasing another bounty?”

“I just could be! But that ain’t none a your business neither!”

Jimmy moved from his position and leaned on the other shoulder so that he could see the church once more. Jake noticed that he seemed to be looking towards the church, and he glanced that way wondering what held his interest. Just to make things interesting, he stepped over in front of him again, blocking his view.

Jimmy sent him an aggravated look and moved once more a little ways down the street towards the general store.

“Somethin’ interestin’ comnin’ up the street?” Coulter looked that way, but didn’t see even a dust cloud stirring.

“None a your business Coulter! Would you move on?” Jimmy didn’t want him there when Sarah walked by. He didn’t want Jake to know that he was even the least interested in someone! But to his annoyance, he kept stepping in front of him so that he couldn’t see the church doors. They ended up moving down passed the general store before the door of the church opened and the congregation spilled forth.

“Tarnation Coulter, would you git outta my way! I ain’t got time fer your nonsense today.” Jimmy pushed himself off the wall of the general store and started walking slowly towards the church. If nothing else, he would go over and talk to Buck. At least he would be talking with Melissa and Sarah should be with her. To his dismay, Coulter followed like a little lost puppy!

Everyone congratulated Melissa on a job well done. She spoke with several parents about the children’s choir, and had stepped out with Teaspoon, Rachel, and Sarah into the bright sunshine. She spotted Buck leaned against a tree, and smiled in his direction. She would have to make her way over to him. She had a feeling that he would not venture into the crowd to see her. The Reverend stopped and shook Melissa’s hand. “You did a wonderful job, Melissa!”

“She shore did Reverend,” Teaspoon smiled as he hugged Melissa. “She’s a wonderful addition to not only our little town here, but to the church as well!”

“I should say so! Melissa, I would like you to think about having the children work up something special for the Harvest Celebration that will be happening in a few weeks. There will be a lot of activities that Sunday. The children would be a blessed added attraction.”

“We’ll start on it tonight, Reverend.”

“Good, very good. I’ll see you tonight then. And I’ll see you three next Sunday!” He nodded towards Rachel, Sarah, and Teaspoon. Teaspoon tipped his hat, and they started walking towards the buggy.

Buck started over to speak to Melissa, but Cody came rushing up. “It was really beautiful, Melissa!” He leaned over and kissed her quickly on the mouth. Buck stopped in his tracks, watching. Suddenly feeling very jealous! He hurried forward. He had already asked Melissa for some time that afternoon. He wanted to make sure that Cody didn’t interfere.

“Melissa would you like to go riding this afternoon? I have a ride tomorrow, and will be gone for a few days. I won’t be able to see you for awhile.”

She smiled his way. As she opened her mouth to answer him, Buck stepped up smiling. He had heard Cody’s question. “Sorry Cody, but Melissa and I have plans for the afternoon!” Cody’s face fell. He just hadn’t been fast enough.

“I’m sorry Cody,” Melissa looked his way.

“It’s okay. I’ll just have to be fast enough to look you up when I come back before Buck has the time to sweep you off your feet!” At that, he gave Buck a slap on the back, tipped his hat, and headed for the station.

“I knew there had to be a reason why Cody was attendin’ church services! He ain’t never here on Sunday! Should a knowed it was because of Miss Melissa!” Teaspoon laughed as he shook his head. “I got some good boys, but most ain’t church goers!”

“That’s okay Teaspoon. I’m sure that you and Rachel give them most of what they need for now,” Sarah smiled his way. It was then that her gaze fell on Jimmy, and she stopped talking. Teaspoon looked over his shoulder to see what had snatched her attention. He wasn’t surprised to see Jimmy slowly making his way towards them.

Jimmy knew that Sarah had spotted him, but he wasn’t about to stop and speak to her with Coulter behind him. To top it off, Buck, whom he was going to speak with had moved over to talk with Melissa! Now what? Just then, Coulter grabbed him by the forearm.

“Who is that beautiful creature standing with Hunter?”

Jimmy groaned inwardly. Too late, he’d spotted her. “Which one Coulter? There happen to be three ladies standin’ there!” Jimmy sounded bored and Coulter shot him a funny look. What was wrong with Hickok today?

“The one with the blond hair! She looks jist like an angel standing there! Is she new round here? I ain’t never seed her afore! Ain’t never seed anything as beautiful as she is neither!”

Teaspoon wasn’t surprised by the looks that crossed Sarah’s face or Jimmy’s for that matter. He had to figure out a way to get those two together. “Well Rachel, we should be headin’ back, don’t you think?”

Rachel smiled. “It’s nearly lunch. Guess we should. Sarah, why don’t you and Melissa come out to the station for supper Tuesday night?”

Sarah pulled her eyes from Jimmy. “We’d love to Rachel. Thank you!”

“Okay. See you then.” Rachel patted Melissa’s arm as they walked by her and Buck. Teaspoon helped her into the buggy.

Sarah noticed that there was someone following Jimmy. She wondered if it was one of those outlaws that was always calling him out. He didn’t appear angry, but the look on his face told her a different story. She wondered even more when the man grabbed him by the arm and stopped his approach. They seemed to be looking over her way, and Sarah wondered if they were talking about her.

Jimmy acted as if he didn’t know the lady that Coulter was asking about. There was no way that he was gonna introduce them! He could get in trouble on his own! “I gots no idea Coulter. You’ll have to ask her name yourself!” At that Jimmy shrugged his hand off his arm and started once more towards Sarah.

As he drew nearer, Sarah could tell that he wasn’t going to stop or even speak to her. He was totally ignoring her. He brushed past her without even a nod. She turned slightly and watched him, her mouth all but hanging open. He moved over to stand with Buck and Melissa.

As Sarah turned back around, anger crawling all over her, wondering what his problem was today, she found herself staring into the face of the man that had followed Jimmy across the street. She had started to move and nearly fell all over him.

“Oh, excuse me!”

He caught her, setting her up right once more and smiled down into her upturned face. Lordy, but she was gorgeous! Her face was a bright pink.

“It’s okay purdy lady! I ain’t never seed you round here. Are you new in town?”

For a moment, Sarah looked this man over. He was very rough looking. His face was unshaven, his clothes covered in dust. She wondered how long he’d been on the road? Was he an outlaw? Or was he just someone passing through that Jimmy knew? She suddenly wished that Teaspoon were still there.

“You do have a voice don’t you? I won’t bite you!”

She was still gazing up at him. His hair had some curl to it and hung very unruly around his shoulders and face. He had a mustache, and expressive light green eyes. She threw a glance over her shoulder towards Melissa, Buck, and Jimmy. Jimmy seemed to be watching them intently.

“Yes, I have a voice, Mister….”

“Coulter. Name’s Jake Coulter. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve seed round this here town in ages! Where you from?”

Sarah wasn’t sure what to tell this man. “I’ve lived most of my life in these parts!’

“Is your name as purdy as your looks?”

She blushed again. “It’s Sarah Brooks. You be the judge of that.” She made a sudden decision to flirt with this man. It would serve Jimmy right for the way he was treating her.

“I’d say it was! Well Sarah Brooks, if you ain’t busy tonite, how’s bout joinin’ me at the restaurant for supper? I’d be pleased to have someone as purdy as you by side!”

Jimmy couldn’t help it; he was going to laugh out loud! There was no way that Sarah would go out with the likes of Jake Coulter! He put his hand over his mouth and sniggered.

Sarah heard him, though Jimmy was trying to be quiet. That made the decision for her. Just as she was about to respond to his question, Jimmy yelled, “Forgit it Coulter! She ain’t a gonna go out with the likes a you!”

Buck and Melissa were standing silently by while all this was taking place. Melissa could tell even though Sarah was flirting with this man, that she felt very uncomfortable doing it.

Buck watched in mild surprise. Jimmy seemed positive that Sarah wouldn’t go out with Coulter. He had a feeling he was about to learn otherwise. Sarah was angry, and she would do something like going out to supper with Coulter to get even with Jimmy!

Jake shot him a look over Sarah’s head. “You stay outta this Hickok! I ain’t askin’ you out, and I ain’t askin’ your permission to ask this here beautiful lady out neither! Sides, you didn't even know who she was!"”

Sarah’s head snapped back around towards Jimmy. He could see that she wasn’t too happy with him. She still wouldn’t go out with the likes a him! No way! “You don’t need my permission Coulter...but she’s too much of a lady to hang round the likes a you!”

It was all Sarah could do not to storm over and pound Jimmy with her fists! She couldn’t believe this man!

Jake swung his gaze back to Sarah, and his features softened. Sarah noted that he wasn’t that bad looking, and would probably look even better once he cleaned up. “I’d love to have supper with you Mr. Coulter! What time should I meet you?” She said it loud enough for Jimmy to be sure and hear. She smiled up at him, and Jake felt his knees go weak.

“Say six o’clock?”

“I’ll see you then!” She turned just in time to see Jimmy’s mouth had fallen nearly to his knees! She wasn’t sure, but she thought she’d heard him swear under his breath. Giving both her and Jake an angry look, he turned and stormed off towards the Marshall’s office.

Jake said farewell, and headed to get a room. Melissa moved over to stand by Sarah. “What was that all about?”

“The nerve of that man! Walk by me as if I’m not even here! Then think he can decide for me who I’m going out with! Ohhhh!” She stomped her foot in the dirt.

“I’d say he was a little upset when he walked off.” Buck had watched Jimmy head for Teaspoon’s office and go inside slamming the door.

“All I can say is, it serves him right! What is it with he and this Jake Coulter, anyway?”

“They ain’t never got along! They butt heads. Never changes from one time to the next.”

“Well, I’m not about to let Jimmy Hickok tell me who I can see and who I can’t! Especially when he proves to me every time he’s around that he doesn’t want anything to do with me!” She sent the Marshall’s office a nasty look. “I’m going home! You coming Melissa?”

Buck smiled at her. “You ride with Sarah. I’m going over to check on Jimmy. Then I’ll ride out and pick you up.”

“Okay.” She smiled as she hurried to catch up with her friend. It seemed when she was angry, she could walk a mile a minute!

Jimmy was standing with his back to the door. He was so angry he couldn’t see straight! What was it with Sarah anyway? He would have never thought that she would have told Jake she’d go out with him! Had he gotten her all wrong? He would never understand women…especially this one!

Buck opened the door and slipped inside. Teaspoon hadn’t come back yet from the station, so the two of them were the only ones there. As he closed the door, Jimmy turned his way.

“What do you want?”

“Just thought I’d check on you a fore I went to pick up Melissa.” He could tell that Jimmy wasn’t impressed that he’d decided that he needed to be looked in on.

“Pick up Melissa? You was jist with her.”

Yeah, but she went home to change. Want to talk about it?”

“NO, I DON’T!” Jimmy slammed the book he was holding down on Teaspoon’s desk. “I don’t care one bit that she’s a goin’ out with that no good Coulter!”

“Coulda fooled me!” Buck looked towards him, and Jimmy sent him an angry glare!

“And jist what makes you think I care what she does?”

“Mite be the way you swore when she told him yes. Or it mite be the way you stomped off to this office and slammed the door behind you! Nearly rattled all the windows out!”

“Well, you’re wrong! I don’t care what she does!”

“You can tell me that all day long, Jimmy. But your actions tell me different!”

“Buck I ain’t got no feelin’s for the woman! Now leave me ‘lone!”

“Okay, have it your way….but I’m a tellin’ you, the feelin’s are there as plain as the nose on your face! And they ain’t gonna jist go away! You need to do somethin’ ‘bout ‘em!”

“Look, I don’t want to talk ‘bout this no more!” He opened the door and gave Buck a shove. “Go git Melissa and do whatever it was the two of yous got planned. Leave me and these feelin’s I ain’t got fer her outta it!”

Buck turned around and gave him one last look as Jimmy slammed the door, rattling the windows once again. He shook his head. Hickok was one hard headed man! Oh well, there was nothing he could do about it if Jimmy wasn’t willing to see the light! He headed for his horse and the lady of his dreams!

Sarah are you sure you’re alright?” Melissa looked towards her friend as they headed back to the ranch.

“Fine...just fine!” Melissa could see the anger in her eyes. It would take her a few hours to get over this one.

“You don’t have to go out with Jake Coulter if you don’t want to, you know.”

“Don’t want to go? Of course I want to go! I’m gonna have a wonderful time too! Jimmy Hickok can just go jump in a hole somewhere!”

Melissa wanted to giggle, but she knew that Sarah wouldn’t find the humor in it. So, she just kept her thoughts to herself. Hopefully Jimmy would come to his senses soon.

The afternoon flew by. Teaspoon had asked Buck to make some deliveries for him, so Melissa rode along. They took their time and just enjoyed the afternoon. It was rather warm, but both of them knew that winter was just around the corner.

Sarah spent her afternoon trying to cool down. By the time that Melissa and Buck should have been back, she was beginning to worry about her actions. She didn’t know anything about this Jake Coulter. What if he were some outlaw, murderer, or some other terrible being? She was pacing the floor when Buck and Melissa arrived. She stepped out on the porch in time to hear Buck tell Melissa “I’ll wait on you to change and ride with you back to town for the children’s choir practice.”

“Buck, can I talk with you for a minute?” He looked up as she came out of the door.

“Shore.” He got down off the horse, and stepped up on the porch where she had sat down in the swing. Melissa went inside to change. She noticed that Sarah didn’t seem angry now, but worried. What had happened while they had been away? Had Jimmy come by to apologize? Buck had mentioned that he was upset, and as usual was refusing to admit that there were any kind of feelings for Sarah. She sighed as she hurried to change. Why was life so complicated?

“You okay Sarah?” Buck could tell that something wasn’t right.

“I’ve spent the afternoon calming down, and now I’m worried about what I’ve done.”

“What do you mean?”

“Telling Jake Coulter that I’d go out with him tonight!”

Buck looked her way and smiled. “It’ll be okay Sarah. Jake Coulter mite be a hard head, but he ain’t gonna hurt you none!”

“You sure? I realized that I don’t know one thing about the man!”

“Positive. You’ll probably end up havin’ a nice time. Don’t mean you have to go though with it if you don’t want to. I could stop by and tell him on the way back to town with Melissa if you want.”

“No, I’ll go. You may be right. I could have a wonderful time. I don’t suppose Jimmy had anything nice to say about me when you went to check on him, did he?”

“Well, he weren’t none too happy! He’s just hard headed…the most stubborn man you’ll ever meet!”

“I shouldn’t have acted like I did. It wasn’t very lady like, and it wasn’t very wise to tell some stranger that I would go out with him.”

“We all do some things we shouldn’t when we have our hearts involved.”

Sarah looked up startled by his words. “Our hearts?”

“Now don’t you go actin’ like Jimmy and refuse to admit that you got feelin’s for him! I can see it every time you’re around him. It’s written on your face.”

“Then I best learn to cover up that look. It’s apparent he isn’t interested in me!” she sighed. “Guess I’ll never understand you male beings!”

Buck laughed. “Probably like us men folk won’t never understand you women folk!”

By the time that Melissa was changed and ready to go, Sarah was smiling. She was glad to see it. “You okay?” She looked at her friend concerned.

“Yeah, and it’s time for me to head into town for my big date.”

“Then come ride along with us.”

“You sure you two don’t mind?”

“Course not! Besides that will give you an excuse to leave early if you’re supper date isn’t acceptable. Melissa can just drop by the restaurant when choir practice is over!” Buck grinned.

“Good idea, Mr. Cross.” Sarah went to hitch up the buggy.  She at least felt better about the evening.

Melissa was surprised at the number of children that turned out for practice. There were 15 children there. It was much more than she had expected for the first night. Buck had dropped her off with a promise to escort her back to the ranch if Sarah wasn’t ready to go when she was finished.

The children were anxious to sing and all proved to be eager pupils. They started learning several songs, and Melissa had a ball with each of them. Two hours later, they had settled on something to do for the Harvest Celebration that would be coming up soon, and each promised to be there next Sunday morning to sing for the congregation. Melissa was exhausted, but thrilled as she headed for the restaurant. She decided that she would eat something there and see how things were going with Sarah.

Sarah had been surprised to see the change in Jake. He had bathed, shaved off his start of a beard, leaving the mustache, washed his hair, and had put on clean clothes. He looked rather presentable. Sarah had smiled as he had taken her hand and kissed the back of it. This evening might not be too bad after all!

She learned that Jake was a bounty hunter, in town for only one night. The next morning, he was headed on to try and catch some known criminals. She loved to listen to him talk. There was something about his voice that could hypnotize a person! Her fears had long since left, and she found herself feeling very at ease with this man.

Jimmy had rode out of town after his confrontation with Buck at Teaspoon’s office and had spent the afternoon practicing his target shooting. He didn’t want to think about Sarah. He especially didn’t want to think about her with Jake Coulter. And he didn’t want to think about what Buck had said…feelings…did he have them for Sarah Brooks? Was that why he was so upset that she had agreed to see Jake that evening? He didn’t want to have feelings for her. Or anyone else for that matter. Feelings only got you in trouble, and got you hurt. He would not let them grow. From now on, he was going to keep them buried real deep. There was no other way!

He rode back into town, stopping outside the restaurant. He could see Sarah and Jake through the window. He was holding her hand across the table, looking into her eyes, and she was laughing at something he was saying. Jealousy twisted inside of him. Kicking his horse into a fast trot, he hurried towards the station. He didn’t need this. He would put her out of his mind!

Melissa ate supper and watched Sarah from across the room. She seemed to be having a good time with her partner for the evening. Perhaps Jake Coulter wasn’t so bad after all. When she had finished, she wrote Sarah a quick note and asked the waitress to hand it to Sarah as she went to refill their glasses. She would find Buck and ask him to escort her home.

As Melissa walked out of the restaurant, Buck seemed to materialize by her side. “How’d you know I needed to come find you?”

He smiled. “I jist had a feelin’ you would need a ride back to the ranch.  Come on, you can ride with me."”

“You sure we can both ride okay together?”

He smiled. “We’ll fit perfectly in that saddle together….watch.”

He jumped up onto the horses back, and leaned over to lift her into his arms. He settled her perfectly into his lap, and they rode off towards Sarah’s ranch. Melissa smiled as she relaxed against his chest. She liked this arrangement.

They had been riding for a few miles when Buck looked down at her and asked,  “Why are you so silent? Are you uncomfortable?”

She smiled. “No, I’m fine. Just enjoying the moonlight and your arms around me!”

He leaned neared and kissed the side of her neck, and Melissa sighed. She wished that Sarah’s ranch were a million miles away.

Jake saddled his horse and after tying it to the back of Sarah’s buggy, he escorted her home. He wouldn’t hear of her riding that distance alone. She actually didn’t mind. She had found out during the course of the evening, that Jake Coulter was someone that she liked very much.

“Jake, I really enjoyed the supper. When I met you in town earlier today, I had no idea what to expect. You turned out to be rather nice!”

He grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment, since most of the ladies I meet up with ain’t respectable like you are!”

Sarah laughed. “Well, perhaps the next time you’re in town we can get together again. I’ll see if I can’t make a respectable man out of you!”

The following day, Mr. Horton delivered a telegram to Teaspoon.

“You got any idea who this Miss Sarah Brooks mite be?”

Teaspoon smiled. “I shore ’nough do. What you needin’ with her Keith?”

“This here telegram jist came fer her, and it’s near mite closin’ time. Thought it mite be ‘portant.”

“Okay. I’ll see if I cain’t git one of the boys to deliver it to her a fore sunset.”

“Thanks Teaspoon.” He turned and left the Marshall’s office and Teaspoon pocketed the telegram. Yeah, he would get one of the boys to take it out to her at the ranch, and he knew just which one he needed for the job! He smiled as he reached for his hat and locked up the office. It was getting near suppertime. Jimmy should be at the station.

Buck was riding out as Teaspoon was riding in. They nodded in passing and he had a feeling that he was headed out to see Melissa. Seemed those two weren’t very far apart lately.

Rachel was just ringing the dinner bell as he reined in his horse. Jimmy was walking towards the house, not seeming to be in any hurry. He wasn’t really hungry, but was going to make an appearance anyway so no one would ask questions.


He looked Teaspoon’s way as he walked up to stand by the porch.

“I needs this here telegram delivered as soon as possible. Could you take it fer me?”


“Yeah, it mite be important.”

He turned to head to the corral. “Sure. Who’s it for?”

“Miss Sarah Brooks.”

Jimmy stopped dead in his tracks. The last place he wanted to go was to Sarah’s ranch. And the last person he wanted to see was Sarah! “Buck jist left to go there. Melissa invited him for supper. I’ll go catch up with him and he can deliver it.”

Teaspoon scratched his head. He didn’t want Buck delivering this! “He was a ridin’ purdy fast when we passed one ‘nother. I doubt you kin catch him in time!”

“Well, I’ll give it a try!”

Teaspoon went inside, placing the telegram back in his pocket. Jimmy would have to come hunt him before he could leave and that would give Buck an even greater head start. Hopefully he would get there before Jimmy could catch him!

Jimmy saddled his horse and grumbled to himself the whole time. Why couldn’t Teaspoon have arrived a few minutes earlier? Then he could have sent the telegram with Buck, and he wouldn’t have to see Sarah! Swinging up into the saddle he started out for Sarah’s, only to have to turn around and come back to the station when he realized that Teaspoon hadn’t given him the telegram! By the time he went inside, got the telegram, and was once more by now! on his horse, he was pretty positive that Buck was nearly at Sarah’s.

Melissa had been cooking most of the afternoon. She had invited Buck to supper. She hoped that he liked what she had planned. Cooking wasn’t one of her most favorite things, but she felt positive that she could do it at least to his liking. Sarah was helping her set the table when a knock sounded on their door.

“There he is,” she smiled as Melissa took off the apron and headed for the door. As usual, her heart was pounding wildly.

“Hi pretty lady!” Buck stepped into the room, and reached to embrace her.

“Hi yourself. I hope you brought your appetite with you.”

“I did! And it smells wonderful!” He smiled as he spotted Sarah over Melissa’s head. “Hello Sarah. How did your date with Jake go last night?”

She laughed. “I had a great time Buck! You were right. He’s a nice guy. I might see him again when he comes back through town.”

They headed for the dining room, and settled down to eat. About halfway through the meal, a knock sounded on the door. Surprised, Sarah looked towards it. “Wonder who that could be? I wasn’t expecting anyone.” She headed to answer it.

Jimmy had prayed that he would come across Buck on the road, but it was no use. When he topped the raise above Sarah’s ranch, he spotted his horse tied in front of the porch. Tarnation. There was no way around seeing Sarah now!

Standing on the porch, he hesitated as he started to knock. He wondered if he could just stick the telegram under the door and leave? But then, what if she didn’t notice it, and it was something urgent? Sighing, he knocked on the door.

Sarah was shocked when she opened the door. The last person that she expected to see standing there on her porch was Jimmy Hickok! As usual, her heart started pounding wildly at the sight of him.

“Jimmy?” she asked feeling a bit confused.

He stood still for several moments. She was the most beautiful lady he’d ever seen, even if she had gone out with Coulter! The thought angered him, but he tried to pull himself together.

“Teaspoon asked me to bring you this telegram. He thought it mite be important and couldn’t wait til tomorrow.” He had stepped inside the door and was holding the envelope out to her.

Sarah reached for it, wondering what it could be about. She hoped that it wasn’t some sort of had news. Then again, there wasn’t really any family that could be sending her any news. She opened the envelope, and quickly read the contents.

“I hope it isn’t bad news,” he was watching Sarah’s face for some sort of expression that would tell him what the telegram held.

She smiled. “No, it’s just about a stallion that I’m planning to purchase. He’s ready to be picked up in the next week.”

Jimmy let out a breath that he had been holding. “Well, I’ll git back to town.” He started to open the door when Melissa stepped into the room.

“Jimmy we thought that was your voice. Come join us for supper. We have plenty.”

Jimmy looked towards Sarah. He really shouldn’t stay, but the smells coming from the kitchen were beginning to make his mouth water. He hadn’t been hungry when he’d left the station, but now was a different story. And it wouldn’t be like he was there alone with her. Buck and Melissa were there, and he wouldn’t have to talk to her if he didn’t want to.

“You shore?”

“Positive!” She led him into the kitchen, and set another place for him. Buck smiled as Jimmy joined them. This might be interesting.

“What brings you out our way Jimmy?” Melissa smiled as she passed the pot roast to him.

“Teaspoon wanted me to bring a telegram to Sarah. He missed Buck, so he sent me.”

Buck looked towards Jimmy for a moment. He had passed Teaspoon as he left the station. He hadn’t made any movement to stop and ask him to deliver the telegram. Obviously, he’d wanted Jimmy to deliver it. He wondered if Teaspoon were trying to be matchmaker? It sort of looked that way.

“It wasn’t bad news was it, Sarah?” Melissa looked concerned.

“No, just from Mr. Paxton about the stallion that I’m planning to purchase from him. I cam pick him up in the next week. He’s a beautiful animal. Can’t wait for you all to see him!”

“Have you been planning to purchase him for very long?” Jimmy looked her way. She really seemed excited about the horse.

“My father actually did the negotiating with him. I was just waiting for him to be ready. He’s already paid for.”

“Sounds as if he’ll be fine breeding stock!” Buck looked her way as he handed her the mashed potatoes.

“I hope so. I’ll be able to see some proof of that when I pick him up. I understand there are two foals already from his line.”

“When do you plan to go pick up this fine piece of horse flesh?” Melissa smiled, looking interested. “I wouldn’t mind riding along if it would be okay.”

“We’ll decide on it next week. If we go mid week, we shouldn’t have any problems getting back in time for Sunday services.”

“Great! A trip would be exciting.”

Conversation turned to other things, and they finished up the meal. “I’ll clear the table Melissa since you cooked. Why don’t the two of you go for a walk or something?”

Buck smiled. “You shore Sarah?”

“Positive. Now off with you.” Sarah shooed them towards the door, then turned towards Jimmy.

“I should be getting back, Sarah.”

She looked his way. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to leave or not. She was still upset with him, but she loved having this man all to herself.

He got up and headed for the door. Being alone with her wasn’t safe! It had gotten dark since he’d arrived. Sarah followed him into the living room, where she lit one of the oil lamps near the door.

“Thank you for bringing the telegram to me.”

He nodded, not saying a word. They both stood very close to one another. He had one hand on the doorknob, ready to go. They were both very aware of the upsetting feelings that they still held towards one another.

Sarah looked up into Jimmy’s eyes, and she felt herself drowning there. In seconds, he had let go of the doorknob and was pulling her up against his chest.

His mouth came down on hers like a hawk swooping down on its prey. But she didn’t feel trapped. All she was feeling was the warm fire that his kisses were causing to sweep through her body. Why did he have such an affect on her?

Their lips clung to one another’s. Neither one seemed to want to break contact. Breathing was uneven, and Jimmy knew that he’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Sarah! Lord but she felt so good in his arms!

She could feel the entire length of his body brushing against hers. She knew that she shouldn’t be doing this. She should pull away. Her head was telling her to, but her heart wouldn’t let her.

His lips traveled down the side of her face, to her neck, then back to once again caress her mouth. “Oh Jimmy….” Her words were murmured against his lips.

He pulled her a little closer, knowing that he wanted to stay just like this forever. But he couldn’t. He ended the kiss, and rested his head on top of hers.

Sarah sighed. Would the evening end on a good note for once? Would that wall come back to greet her?

“Sarah, I don’t think you should see Jake Coulter again!”

What? Had she heard him correctly? She stepped back a little ways from him so she could look up into his face.

Jimmy could see the anger rolling up from her toes. She was about to let him have it. He opened his mouth to explain why he’d said it, but it was no use. She was already jerking away from his embrace and reaching for the door.

“You, Jimmy Hickok, are the must pig headed, insufferable man I have ever met! Get this through your thick head. You cannot tell me who to see or not to see! I will do as I please! When last I checked, there were no strings attached! You have no say so in my life! I do not appreciate you trying to run my life, when in truth, you don’t give a hang about me! NOW GET OUT!”

She pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face. Standing there on the other side, she let her anger radiate through her body. She couldn’t believe that he would do it to her again! How dare he? “OHHHHHHHH!” She stomped her foot on the floor.

Jimmy was still standing there on the porch and he flinched at the sound. Things had been going so good between them! Why had he done that? He was such a dolt! Heading for his horse, he swung up into the saddle. He would never learn to keep his mouth shut!

The following morning, Sarah was up early. She was out working with the horses when Melissa finally found her.

“You had breakfast?”

“Nope. Don’t want any.”

Melissa could tell that something was wrong. She walked over to stand by her side in the corral. “You okay?”

“Fine…just fine!”

“And my name is Abraham Lincoln! Now what happened between you and Jimmy last night while Buck and I were outside? When we came back, Jimmy was gone and you were closed up in your room.”

Sarah let go of the horse’s rein, and turned her way. She had a defeated look on her face. “I don’t understand him Melissa. He did it to me again! We were standing at the door, and we started kissing one another. It always feels so right between us. And right in the middle of those good feelings, he tells me that he doesn’t think I should see Jake Coulter again!”

“He what?”

“The nerve of that man! He must think that he owns me or something! I don’t recall him asking me if he could be my guardian angel! He has no right to tell me what to do!”

Melissa shook her head in disbelief. “Maybe in a round about way, he’s trying to tell you that he doesn’t want you to see Jake because he’s interested in you!”

“He sure has a strange way of showing it, if that’s what he’s trying to do.”

“Did you give him a chance to explain why he was asking you not to see Jake again?”

Sarah looked out over the ranch. “Well, no. But it doesn’t matter what his reason was. He has no right to demand anything of me after the way he treats me. He doesn’t want me, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have me!”

“I don’t fully understand him either Sarah. But something tells me that he might not know exactly how to express his feelings. Maybe he’s never been in love! Give it time. Don’t jump too fast here.”

“You trying to tell me that you’re siding with Jimmy?” She looked at Melissa as if she’d grown horns or something.

“No, of course not! I’m just saying give him a chance to explain himself. I think he’s very jealous of Jake Coulter, but never in a million years would he admit it. Take it one step at a time. We’re supposed to go to the station tonight for supper, remember? Maybe he’ll tell you he’s sorry for the way he’s acting.”

“Well, okay. But I’m not gonna hold my breath! Something tells me I might fall over dead before he does it!”

Jimmy spent most of the day telling himself that he should ride over and apologize to Sarah. But for some reason, he just couldn’t bring himself to get up on the horse and do it! Besides, what would she say to him if he just came riding up unexpectedly? And what would he actually say to her? “I’m sorry Sarah, I ain’t never felt this way a fore and I don’t seem to know how to act!” He shook his head. She would probably laugh in his face! Something told him that she was an experienced lady! What would make her want someone like him anyway? Sure he’d been with a lady before. But it would never be what being with Sarah would be like! He sighed. He had it bad!

Sarah and Melissa rode towards the station for supper. It had been a good day, and both the ladies were anxious to see everyone at the station. Well, almost everyone. Sarah still wasn’t sure what sort of mood Jimmy would be in, or how he would act around her. Usually if there were others around, then he was polite. So, she would do as Melissa had suggested and see what happened.

Teaspoon met them at the porch. “Howdy ladies!” He tipped his hat to them and then reached out to take the horses reins as they dismounted. “It’s nice to have such lovely ladies around out table for supper! Come on in!”

Lou was helping Rachel with supper, and both Sarah and Melissa jumped in to help as well. “It smells delicious Rachel! It’s been awhile since I had fried chicken!” Sarah sat the platter on the table after taking a big whiff of it.

“It happens to be the boys favorite around here! So we have it right often!”

Jimmy was sitting outside of the bunkhouse, and had seen Melissa and Sarah ride up. He’d wanted to rush up and pull her off the horse, apologize right then, and smother her with kisses. But he couldn’t do that. Not yet anyway. Maybe he would get his nerve up before the night was over.

Buck had seen them ride in as well. He quickly finished brushing his hair and started for the house. Melissa came out onto the porch and started ringing the supper bell. She smiled as Buck hurried along and jumped up on the porch beside her.

“Hi pretty lady!” He leaned near to kiss her cheek.

“Come now, none of that! Time to eat! Time for mushy stuff later!” Kid slapped Buck on the back as they all headed inside. Buck smiled as he reached for Melissa’s hand and made sure that she had a seat beside him at the table.

Sarah wasn’t surprised that Jimmy was ignoring her. He had looked her way only once since they had sat down. Teaspoon said grace, and everyone jumped in.

“This is wonderful Rachel!”

“Thank you kind sirs!” she smiled and handed Melissa the biscuits. “Hope you like it well enough to eat it for the harvest celebration at church. This is what I’m planning to fix!”

“You mean you can talk them into attending even though they don’t go to church on Sunday?” Sarah looked surprised.

“Well, the celebration is held outside in the large field beside the church. It isn’t like it’s a religious celebration. Even Buck can go and not feel like he’s going against his beliefs.”

Sarah smiled. “Then this is something that is celebrated every year in town? I couldn’t remember, since I’d been away for several years.”

“They try to do it every year. There is always some sort of celebration going on in town. There will be a Founders Day coming up after the first of the year. That’s usually a lot of fun. Lots of games, competition between everyone in town. You both should plan to attend it also.”

“It’s hard to believe that winter will soon be upon us. Seems like summer has just passed us right by.”

“I know. But I love fall. The leaves changing colors, the harvest, Thanksgiving. I’ll miss all that this year since my folks are gone,” Sarah looked sad. Jimmy had a sudden urge to hold and comfort her.

“No way are we gonna let you miss any of it Miss Sarah! You and Miss Melissa will be very welcome to join us here at the station for any of them family things!” Teaspoon smiled her way.

“Than you Teaspoon. You’ve all made us feel welcome. It’s wonderful to have such good friends!” Melissa smiled as she looked around the table.

“Since we’ll be celebrating the harvest here, what sort of celebration do the Indians have at harvest time? Or do they celebrate? Since they pray to different gods, I figured they had some sort of ritual like we do to thank them for the crops.” Kid threw the question out and everyone looked towards Buck for the answer. As he opened his mouth to reply, Melissa jumped in.

“Oh, they have a big celebration! They dance, and cook for their family and friends much like we do. Sometimes if the harvest is good, then the celebrating goes on for days at a time. They even have a special prayer that they pray to thank their gods!” To everyone’s surprise, Melissa started chanting a prayer in her grandmother’s native Cherokee language. It took several seconds to say it, and many mouths fell open as she finished. She smiled. “Or that’s pretty close to how it goes. It’s been a long time since I heard it.”

Buck was shocked that she could speak Cherokee. He’d had no idea that she knew the language.

“Someone want to tell me what it is she just said?” Noah looked Melissa’s way and grinned.

“Well, I can’t tell you all of it, but I know I heard the word corn in there several times!” They all laughed along with Sarah.

Buck looked towards Melissa. There was a different feeling inside for her. He was impressed that she knew so much about the Indian way of life. Most white people didn’t care to learn. “How did you learn all that?”

Melissa smiled his way. “My great grandmother was Cherokee. I heard many stories about brave warriors, the Great Spirit, the ways of her people, my heritage! I loved going to visit her. Every time that Sarah and her family came to visit, we would go to see grandmother Running Doe. She was a beautiful lady. I miss her even to this day.”

“Well, I for one am impressed! Next time I need someone to speak Indian, and Buck is on a run, I’ll know who to come lookin’ fer!” Teaspoon looked her way and grinned.

Laughing Melissa looked his way. “I can’t promise you I can speak their language Teaspoon! Now if it’s Cherokee we’ll have no problems!”

“Well Buck here could probably teach you some of the other languages since you have already mastered the Cherokee!” Teaspoon looked his way. He had a feeling that this would bring these two closer together. They already had a good start on it.

“Sure. If she wanted to learn. It can get confusing, but it would give us something to work on, during those cold winter nights!”

Kid laughed. “There are other things that I would rather work on, on cold winter nights!” He sent Lou a meaningful look, and she blushed.

Teaspoon cleared his throat. “I think I’ll go make my rounds. You kids don’t need me round to tell you what to do on cold winter nights!”

They laughed as he got up and headed for the door. Melissa and Sarah insisted on helping clean up the kitchen. Everyone else headed outside.

“I’d say you made a big impression on Buck tonight Melissa.” Rachel smiled her way. “Though I think he’s already a mite taken with you!”

Melissa blushed. “If the truth be known, I’m pretty taken with him too!”

“How bout you Sarah? Haven’t any of the men in Rock Creek caught your eye? I hear you had a date with Jake Coulter last night!”

Sarah laughed. “I did. But I don’t know much about the man. He left early this morning. If he comes back through, I may see him again!”

“I was hoping that you might take a shine to one of my boys here. If Ike were still living, I know you would have loved him.”

“Buck told me some about him. I think he still misses him.” Melissa frowned.

“He does. But it gets easier as the days go by. It’s hard to give up a loved one or a best friend.”

Their talk brought them through the clean up quickly. The three ladies stepped out onto the porch to join the others. Buck was waiting on Melissa and they walked off hand in hand. Kid and Lou were talking by the corral. Noah and Jimmy were looking at the fence near the barn. Some of the boards still needed to be mended before winter set in.

Rachel and Sarah sat down in the swing. Immediately, Sarah’s eyes went to Jimmy. He was bent over the fence, measuring to determine how many boards would be needed for the repairs.

She wondered how long he would continue to ignore her? It had been rather hard sitting at the same supper table with him, wanting to talk to him, yet knowing that he wouldn’t say one word to her!

Jimmy knew the minute that Sarah had come out of the house. His entire body came alive. He busied himself talking to Noah about the repair to the fence, trying not to look at her. He could feel her eyes on his back. He wished that she would just forget about him. Hell, he wished he could forget about her!

“Why so quiet Sarah?” Rachel had noticed that she hadn’t said a word since they had sat down. “It isn’t my company is it?”

Sarah smiled her way. “Of course not! It’s beautiful out here…the sunset and all.”

“But your mind isn’t on it, is it?” Rachel patted her arm. She knew that something was bothering her.

Sarah sighed. She looked back towards Jimmy. What was she going to do about him?

Rachel had seen where her interest lay. She decided it was time to tell Sarah what she needed to know. “If you really want Jimmy Hickok, you are the one that is going to have to do the chasing. He thinks that he doesn’t need a woman in his life because of all the problems he has. If you want him, you will have to be the one that lets him know it. He might show some interest, but the minute he feels himself falling, he backs off. It’s gonna be a tough road if you decide that he’s what you want!”

Sarah looked from Rachel back to Jimmy. If what Rachel said was true, then that could explain a lot about one Mr. Jimmy Hickok! Did she want him bad enough to do that chasing? That was something she would have to think about.

Rachel patted her hand and left her to her thoughts. Sarah’s eyes returned to Jimmy, and she sighed again. Why didn’t anyone mention just what Jimmy’s problems were? It just might make all of this easier. Well, one of his problems was that people tried to shoot him. But what else was there? And why was he paying so much attention to that damn fence? She had to get out of here! Where was Melissa? She looked around for her and saw her with Buck over by the corral. Sarah bit her lip. She really didn’t want to pull her away from Buck. Well, she’d just ride back by herself. It shouldn’t be that big a deal. She hadn’t seen any more of the dog soldiers. Jumping off the porch, she went to the barn and started to saddle her horse.

“I think we have enough wood in the barn to finish this,” Noah told Jimmy as he stood back up.

“Let me go look,” Jimmy told him as he headed that way. He charged into the barn, his mind intent on finding the boards and counting them.
Instead, he almost walked right into Sarah who was leading her horse out. Jimmy quickly took in the scene.

“Where’s Melissa?”

“With Buck the last time I looked,” she told him coolly. Her heart was thudding so hard against her chest at his sudden appearance, that she thought it would leap right out of her body.

“You ain’t plannin’ to ride out to your place alone, are you?”

“I didn’t want to bother Melissa, and I know Buck will ride out with her if I leave now,” she told him deliberately skirting the issue as she led her horse around him.

“You cain’t ride alone!” Jimmy told her as he hurried to catch up to her.

“You do enjoy telling me what to do, don’t you?”

Jimmy could only picture what would happen to her if any dog soldiers or outlaws caught her alone.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” he demanded.

“And just what would you call yourself?” she asked him as she started to mount her horse.

Jimmy reached up, grabbing her waist and pulled her off the horse.

“You ain’t goin’ by yourself!” he informed her.

Sarah put her hands on her hips and looked defiantly up at him.

“Why Jimmy Hickok, you’re acting as if you care what happens to me! I was under the distinct impression that you didn’t give a hang about me!”

At that moment, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to make love to her or strangle her!

“I usually care what happens to females.”

“Oh, I see,” she stated quietly. Too quietly. She went to mount her horse again, and once again, he pulled her off.

“You’re gonna wait for Buck.”

With that, Sarah hauled off and kicked him in the shin! She only knew that she had to get away from this man before she drew her gun and shot him!

“Ow! Sarah!” he yelled at her as she finally mounted her horse, and took off at full speed.

“Sarah! Damnation!” he swore as he rubbed his leg.

“What the hell was that all about?” Buck asked as he and Melissa ran up.

“What did you do to her this time?” Melissa demanded.

“What did I do? She jist kicked the tarnation out of me!” Jimmy blustered.

“And you probably deserved it! Why did you let her ride off on her own?”

“I tried to get her to wait until you were ready to go,” he told her.

“You couldn’t offer to ride her home?” Buck asked him.

“No!” Jimmy told him. “Well...why are you jist standin’ here? You’d best catch up to her!”

“Come on Melissa! It looks like I’m ridin’ home with you!” he said as he gave Jimmy a disappointed look. They went to saddle his horse.

Jimmy kicked at the dirt with the toe of his boot. Well, he’d managed to do it again. Why couldn’t he have just apologized for the other night? Then she wouldn’t have ridden off on her own. But if he’d done that, they would have probably just ended up kissing all over each other again. No, best to leave it as it was. He was relieved when Buck and Melissa came leading their horses out.

Sarah was furious with Jimmy. Who the hell did he think he was? Still thinking he could tell her what to do? She slowed her horse as she recalled the look that had gone across his face as she had hauled off and kicked him. It had definitely surprised him. Sarah laughed as her horse walked toward her ranch. She thought over everything that Rachel had told her. Did she really want to chase him? And if she did, would it do any good? He seemed to be a hardened character. Would she be able to change his mind about not wanting any women in his life? Her ears heard the sound of hoof beats in the distance. She quickly reined in her horse and pulled him behind some trees. Drawing her pistol, she waited quietly for their approach. They thundered by her. The way they rode, she knew it to be Buck and Melissa. She quickly holstered her gun and hurried after them.

“Buck! Melissa!” she called out to them as she caught up. They reined in.

“Where were you? You were supposed to be in front of us!” Buck laughed.

“I was. But I heard you coming and decided to get the drop on you if I needed to. I didn’t expect the two of you until much later.”

They started walking their horses toward the ranch.

“We didn’t think it was a good idea for you to be on your own after dark,” Buck told her.

“What did Jimmy say to get you so upset?” Melissa asked her.

“That I couldn’t come back by myself! I didn’t want to bother you two. He pulled me off my horse twice, and it was just the whole bossiness thing from him. He’s so determined to tell me what to do, but he won’t let me close to him!” she sighed.

“That’s Jimmy alright,” Buck agreed.

“Rachel said it’s because of the problems that he has, that he’s decided that he doesn’t need a woman in his life, that if I want him in my life, I’m gonna have to do the chasing.”

“Sounds like good advice to me,” Buck told her.

“Does it?” Sarah asked him. “Maybe I should just leave well enough alone. Maybe you should stay away from men like Jimmy.”

Buck and Melissa exchanged glances.

“I think you ‘n Jimmy would be good together,” he encouraged,  “That is unless you think you might purfur Jake Coulter.”

“Jake was very nice to me. He didn’t try anything he shouldn’t have. I think I could like him a lot.”

“You’re the only one who can decide what you want.”

“True….look you two…I’ll be okay since I know you’re behind me. See you at the ranch,” Sarah told them as she kicked her horse and took off.

“Why is Jimmy like that?” Melissa asked Buck. “She’s always so upset whenever he’s around her because of something he says or does or doesn’t do.”

“Jimmy jist has to overcome some things. He might one day and be ready for a lady. If he ever is, I hope Sarah is still there for him.”

“I hope so too, but at this rate, she’ll end up with Jake Coulter or someone else. Women don’t wait around forever, you know.”

“No one does,” he told her cryptically.



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