PART 1

                 MARY BOLTON & ROBBIE WOOTEN

The sun was brilliant. Melissa noticed how it bounced off the trees and rocks as she rode along the narrow dirt road, to a new life, in a whole new town. She wasn’t in a hurry. According to the sign that she had just passed, she was about an hour outside of Rock Creek. She would have plenty of time to get there before dark.

She sighed as she maneuvered her horse over to the edge of the road and they worked their way to a shady grove of trees. Melissa was surprised at the beautiful sight that she saw before her eyes. Beyond the shade trees, was a magnificent waterfall. There were birds singing in the trees, and it was so peaceful and calm. It was calling to her. Slipping from her horses back, she tied him where he could graze and walked over to the rock ledge and sat down. She drew her knees up under her chin and wrapped her arms around them.

She knew that she shouldn’t be so worried about things. Instead of looking for employment, as she had planned to be doing now, she was on her way to a strange town, to find a man that she barely remembered. But she knew that she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she did not honor her father’s dying wish. She had to locate William Brooks.

Melissa watched a bird fly down over the water and pluck a fish from it, returning to the safety of its nest in the tall pine tree. She felt like that fish… plucked from everything that she had known in life. She no longer had the safety of a “nest” to return to. Her parents were both dead now. All that she had left was a half brother who was hundreds of miles away in California with his own family. If things didn’t work out with Mr. Brooks, she might try looking them up. He had always told her he would be there if she needed him. Right now, she couldn’t think of a time that she needed him more!

She brushed a tear from her face. Her mind turned towards her parents. She missed them both so much. Fall was quickly coming, and then winter would be upon her. Oh, how she hated winter! It had been during that time that her mother had died. The cold always brought back such painful memories for her…all those days and nights that she had cared for her sick mother. When the respiratory illness that she suffered from would take a fierce hold and not let go. She couldn’t remember ever being as tired as she was during the last year that her mother had been alive. Now when the bitter wind blew in from the north and the rain would pelt the windows, she wouldn’t have anyone to help her through the pain, and sadness. Her rock, her father, was gone as well.

Her tears fell like rain from her eyes. For once, she let them flow down her face, unchecked. She didn’t realize until then that she hadn’t let that sadness out. She’d been holding it all inside. It was time to let go.

As she cried, her mind wandered to the things that had happened to her during her almost twenty-four years. Life hadn’t been so awful for her. In fact, it had been good.

John Crawford had married Elaine McCall when she was only eighteen years old. She had an infant son who needed a father. John had planned to give him what he needed, and he and Elaine would be good for one another.

John had taken his new wife and adopted son to Virginia. There was a piece of land there. One that had belonged to his parents, that he planned to work, and turn into a bright future for his family. He didn’t know any other work but farming, so they settled in raising corn and bean, paying the bills with the crops that they harvested. Life was good for the three of them.

Four years into their marriage, Melissa Anne had come along. She was a beautiful little girl with a head full of auburn hair. John knew that she would be a looker one-day. There was no doubt in his mind. He doted on her, and she toddled everywhere he went. Perhaps that was part of what caused him and his stepson to have so many problems. No matter what the reason, Duell and John never saw eye to eye on anything. It nearly broke Elaine’s heart to see the two men that she loved, fight all the time. Finally, when Duell turned 18 he had left home.

Duell had already been in trouble with the law several times. When he left home, he got in the middle of something that would cause him problems for many years to come. He was accused of a murder that he didn’t commit. For years, he was on the run. It wasn’t the way that he wanted to live, but he had no choice. Elaine grieved for her son, but knew there was nothing that she could do to help him. He had promised to return as often as he could, but the next time that he was in Virginia, it was to see his mother laid to rest.

Melissa had always loved her half brother. They had always done the things together that brothers and sisters did. They fought all the time over everything, but took up for one another in the end when there was trouble. Melissa was no different as she grew older. She helped Duell in any way that she could. She would hide him when he was in the area, sending him off the following morning with a sack of food, and what little money she had at the moment. It was never much, but would help him get to the next town.

She knew that she could call on him if she needed to, and he would return the favor. Now wasn’t the time though. Melissa smiled through her tears as she thought of her father. During the years she was growing up, he was her rock, her sounding board. She loved her mother dearly, but her father was her idol.

Melissa went everywhere that John went. The one place Elaine wished John wouldn’t take their daughter was Melissa’s most favorite place of all! It was the Cherokee Indian Village, where her great grandmother lived. It wasn’t that Elaine wished for Melissa not to know her own relative;, she just feared for her safety there. Elaine didn’t feel she fit in, so she never accompanied them on their visits.

John could see the Indian in Melissa’s blood so clearly at the Village. While there, she would dress in moccasins and a doeskin dress that had been made especially for her. Her hair would be braided and she would run and frolic with all the other Indian children while John visited with his grandmother. Later, Running Doe would gather Melissa into her lap and tell her stories of mighty warriors and the spirits that protected them.

The Indian ways were very much a part of who Melissa was. She would listen intently to every word that her great grandmother spoke to her. She would tell her “Secret” things, “Visions” she called them. Melissa had seen several of them come true. She still remembered her great grandmother’s favorite one. She would speak of it often, especially as Melissa grew older. One day, Melissa would come to love a very brave man. He would be part Indian and part white man. He would take very good care of her and love her more than anything on the face of the earth! She often wondered about that vision. Had it been just an old woman’s wish to see her great granddaughter happy and in love with one of her own people? Or was it something that was yet to happen? Funny, every time she doubted it, she could feel her great grandmother’s spirit very close at hand, telling her it would happen. Just have patience. Running Doe had died not long after her mother had.

Melissa wiped away the tears. Her father had always been so unselfish. For as long as she could remember, John Crawford had dreamed….

When he and Elaine had decided to move their family to Virginia, they had waited several days at a nearby fort for an escort. It so happened, at the same fort, another family, William and Elizabeth Brooks were waiting for the same thing, only they were heading west! The two families became acquainted, and before they parted, William had told John of his plans to buy a ranch and raise horses. One day the ranch would have the most beautiful and expensive horses in the area. William offered to let his new friends buy into the ranch and John felt deep in his bones that one day that horse ranch would provide his family everything that it could possibly want or need!

So, John saved every penny that he could. He watched the years stretch into many. William’s family visited several times and with each visit, John only desired to become part of the horse ranch that much more. As he grew older though, he realized his dream wasn’t what was important any longer. His wife had been dead for four years, and his beautiful little girl had grown into a lovely young woman of 18! She now had a dream of her own.

Music was her life. She could play the piano so beautifully and sing like no one he’d ever heard. She wanted to be a music teacher, but she needed an education. There was only one way that she could get that.
Melissa smiled and shook her head slightly as she remembered the day her father had handed her all that money - the money that he’d saved all his life to buy HIS dream. Now he was buying HERS! With tears in her eyes, she had vowed to pay him back every cent as soon as she found employment. But he'd only shook his head. He was too old now for dreams!

And now, here she was, headed for Rock Creek, to find William Brooks. Her father’s last wish was for her to seek out Mr. Brooks. He’d told him that if he or his family ever needed anything, all they had to do was call on him. John knew that he could count on William to help Melissa in any way that she might need. So, he had sent her in search of him as his last request. But what would happen now?

A little ways down the same dirt road, Buck Cross was heading back to Rock Creek. He had been on a run for the Pony Express, whom he worked for. He wasn’t really in a rush to get back. There wouldn’t be another run for several days. This time gave him the space he needed to meditate and speak with his spiritual fathers. Of late, he had felt very unsettled. He wasn’t sure what was the cause. Perhaps they were trying to tell him something. He knew that he needed some time to talk to his spirit guides. The waterfall was only a short distance down the road. It was his favorite place. He would stop for a while there.

Melissa was in deep thought and didn’t hear anyone approaching. She knew that she should be going, but it was so peaceful there and this was the first time that she had felt relaxed since her father’s death.

Buck noticed the other horse in the grassy area. It raised its head and whinnied to his mount. Slipping from the saddle, he let his horse
wander over to say hello to the mare. He knew that he wouldn’t go far.

Softly, Buck approached the waterfall. He noticed that the person already there was a woman. She had long auburn hair, pulled back by a piece of ribbon. She was sitting with her back to him, her knees drawn up under her chin. She seemed to be miles away, lost in thought. Maybe she had come there to speak to her spirits too! He moved to her side and spoke in a soft voice, trying not to startle her.

“Mind if I join you?”

His voice startled Melissa, but that wasn’t what caused her to jump. It was more who this person was that caused that reflex reaction. He blocked out the sun from her view. He was a little taller than she was. His hair was long, dark, and very straight. His eyes were a deep shade of brown. In his left ear, he wore an earring. Dressed in a white man’s clothing, Melissa could tell that he was used to living in their world. However, he was part Indian, there was no mistaking that. His looks bore those markings very well. She suddenly felt her great grandmother’s presence again, this time so strong that she was sure that she could have reached out and touched her! This was ridiculous! She didn’t even know this man!

He was still looking down at her, waiting for her to answer. She wore this startled expression on her face. Was she afraid of him? Couldn’t she talk? He didn’t mean her any harm. He decided that he should her know that. Some white women were afraid of Indians. He knew that he could be mistaken for full Indian easily. People didn’t seem to want to recall that he was half white and only half Indian.

Melissa’s eyes traveled over the rest of him. He had a six gun strapped to his waist, and a knife encased in leather strapped to his boot. He slowly knelt down at her side.

It was then that he felt the presence. He knew that someone from the spirit world protected her. He wasn’t sure who it was, but there was a spirit surrounding her.

“I don’t mean you any harm. I jist wanted to stop ‘n rest a few minutes a fore I rode back to Rock Creek. This happens to be my favorite place in the whole world!” Still no response. What was her problem? As he looked at her, he realized that she was the most beautiful lady he could ever remember seeing. Her auburn hair looked so thick and he caught himself wanting to run his fingers through it. And her eyes…they were the most unusual shade of gray he’d ever seen!

Melissa realized that she was being rude. He’d already explained why he was there. He didn’t seem to be the type that would cause anyone any problems. She wasn’t afraid of him. She knew that wasn’t the reason that her heart was pounding so wildly in her chest. She kept hearing her great grandmother’s voice in her head and she tried to push it aside. But she wasn’t listening!

When she still didn’t respond, he tried again. “If I’m botherin’ you, I could come back ‘nother time.”

“Uh…no, I don’t mind the company! It is so beautiful here! I guess I can share the view!” She smiled his way, and his heart melted.

Buck settled himself beside her, and the silence fell around them. For a moment, he tried to let his mind concentrate on what he was there for, but it kept coming back to the beautiful woman sitting by his side. The spirit was still there. Did she know that? Stealing a glance in her direction, he noticed that she was frowning. He could tell that something wasn’t right with her. He didn’t mean to pry, but something was telling him this lady needed a shoulder to lean on.

“You okay? Somethin’ seems bigger than you are!”

Melissa sighed. “I’m afraid you’re right! I’m about to start a new life in a new town, and I’m afraid of how things are going to turn out! It seems that nothing has turned out as I had planned for it to!”

“Life ain’t always what we think it should be! We think we know what’s round the bend and life throws somethin’ else our way we weren’t expectin’! I got a friend back in Rock Creek. Name’s Teaspoon Hunter. He always says we can get through anythin’ no matter what it mite be. We jist have to be tough and look for the silver linin’ that is in every dark cloud! Take things one day at a time!”

She smiled. “Your friend sounds pretty smart! You sound as if you’re very fond of him.”

“Guess he’s sort a the father I ain’t never had. He’s the Marshall in Rock Creek. Been a Texas Ranger in his time too! Guess that gives him the smarts for this sort of stuff!”

Melissa smiled, and she suddenly felt better. “I guess it does at that!”

“You look like a tough lady! I’d say that you could handle anything that this world throws at you!”

“You think so?” She reached down and pulled a blade of grass through her fingers. “I guess with all that I’ve already endured, I can get through this! I’m just sure that it will be something that I’ve never experienced before! New town, new faces!”

“But change is good. You mite find you like this new life!”

“Did you like the changes in your life? I have a feeling that you’ve been through a good many of them.” As she gazed at him, something in that look told him that she knew exactly what he must have gone through in his life being half white and half Indian.

“Not all of ‘em! But I’ve come through ‘em okay! They ain’t all been easy, but I guess they’ve made me a better person. I’m pretty pleased with the way I’ve turned far that is!”

Melissa laughed and Buck knew that he would never forget that sound. It was like birds singing. He had a feeling that this lady was very special.

“Are you headed for Rock Creek?” He wondered if that was where this beautiful lady was going to start her new life? Knowing his luck, she would be headed there to meet her new husband to be.”

“Yes, I am,” she sighed,  “As you can tell, I’m not really in a rush to get there.”

Buck smiled and reached out to take her hand in his. He squeezed her fingers. “Don’t worry so much ‘bout it. Things will work out as they are supposed to! You’ll probably find out that you really like this new life that you are walking into. If you’re ready to go, I’ll ride along with you.”

Melissa smiled. She glanced down at his hand. It was still holding hers. She could feel the strength in those fingers, and she knew that inside, this man was a very kind one. Her great grandmother’s voice was back again! “Thanks, but I think I would like to sit here a little longer. I’m not quite ready to face whatever is waiting on me in Rock Creek just yet!”

“Okay. Maybe I’ll see you later, after you’ve gotten settled!”

She smiled up at him as he rose to a standing position. “Maybe.”

He walked towards his horse and swung into the saddle. With a wave, he started back towards the road.

Melissa sighed. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was too worried about the up coming days in Rock Creek. After all, her father wouldn’t have sent her to find William Brooks if he hadn’t trusted him with his life!

Getting up, she brushed the dirt and grass from her clothes. Stretching, she headed over to her horse. Swinging up into the saddle, she gave the waterfall one last look. She would have to remember this place.

Looking around one last time, she whispered to the wind….”Okay Rock Creek, stand back…Melissa Crawford is on her way!” She smiled and kicked her horse into action. Riding towards town, she was feeling much better about things!

Buck was a few miles ahead of her. He had completely forgotten about wanting to talk to his spirit guides about his problems! Suddenly he realized that he couldn’t remember what his problems were! That was funny. Perhaps he was suppose to have gone to the waterfall just to meet….who was she? They hadn’t even exchanged names! All he knew was that she was headed for Rock Creek! And from the sound of things, she was planning to be staying there for a while. Oh well, he would look her up in a few days. Teaspoon usually knew when someone new came to town, since it wasn’t a very large place. He smiled. He definitely wanted to see the beautiful lady again.

As he rode along, he felt peaceful, which was something that he hadn’t felt in a while. It had been hard adjusting to life in the white world. But he knew that he couldn’t live in the Indian world either. All of his friends and family were here, with the exception of his half brother, Red Bear. He was the chief of the Kiowa Village a few miles away. They saw one another often, but Buck knew that he couldn’t live there with him. Red Bear understood his feelings.

Buck had often wondered what would have happened, if Ike hadn’t rescued him in that saloon in Sweet Water several years ago. If he hadn’t stepped forward, he probably would have been beaten to death by those white men who thought that they were so much better than he was just because he was a half-breed. To them he was no better than a snake. It was so hard to deal with others feelings about his heritage. It wasn’t his fault that a white trapper had raped his mother, a full Kiowa. He hadn’t asked to be born half white and half Indian, but he was learning to live with it. He just had to remember that most of the whites didn’t see him as an equal. He would never fit into their world, though it was his world too!

Soon after Ike had rescued him, they had signed on with the Pony Express. The station had been in Sweet Water and they had become part of the family there. That was the only family that Buck had really known. Ike had died a year later, and the station had moved to Rock Creek. He missed Ike terribly, but as Teaspoon had told him, life goes on. It doesn’t stop just because you’ve lost a loved one. You have to go on living. Maybe that was why he had felt as he had lately. It would soon be a year since Ike’s death. Or maybe he was just lonely. There had been only one lady in his life, but things hadn’t worked out for them. Eventually, there would be someone for him.

Had he met her? Had his spiritual guides brought him to the waterfall to meet her? Did she have an Indian connection? Was that why he’d felt the spirit that was surrounding her? If she was the one, then he knew that he didn’t know if he could wait a few days to see her again! He’d have to go searching for the beautiful lady!

On the road into town from the opposite direction, another beautiful lady rode. Her name was Sarah Brooks, and she had a big frown on her face.

Sarah had been traveling for several days in a stuffy, over crowded stagecoach. It seemed that everything in the world was closing in on her. She knew that she couldn’t stand it another minute. At the last stop, she had escaped the stagecoach, hired a horse, and told the driver to deliver her things to Rock Creek. She would be along in a few days! The driver had protested greatly, telling her that it was dangerous for a young woman to be out there all alone. There were Indians, robbers, and no telling what else to way lay her. It hadn’t hampered her feelings one bit, or changed her mind. She knew that she couldn’t sit in that coach another minute...not with the widow Hinson’s stale perfume, the Reverend Thompson’s preaching about young women traveling alone being sinful, and lastly Mr. Smith…oh Lord, she couldn’t take being near that man another minute! He was all the time trying to touch her arm or her hand, sending her lustful looks and suggesting terrible things when they would stop to stretch their legs! She’d been afraid to sleep at night when they had stopped, fearing that she would wake up and find him hovering over her bed, or even worse, in it with her! She shuddered inwardly as she had looked at the three of them standing at the coach doors, not believing that she was going on alone. She just couldn’t take it!

Now here she was, nearing her destination. She should be in Rock Creek before dark, and her things would be waiting at the stage office. She would hire a wagon at the livery and take her things to her father’s home.

She sighed. How things had changed from the plans that she had made in the last few weeks. She had been back East, studying to become a schoolteacher. She only had a few more months to go before she would be able to look for work. But those plans had been put on hold three weeks before when her father, William Brooks, her only living relative, had taken ill. She had quickly traveled back home to Rock Creek, arriving only hours before he had passed away.

After the funeral, she had made a decision. She knew that she couldn’t sell the horse ranch. It had meant too much to her father. He had put his entire life into it. He had hinted that he would like her to run it after he was gone. Sarah wasn’t sure that she could do it alone. She would have to hire some hands to help her out. She knew nearly everything there was to know about running the ranch. She had been doing it since she was a little girl. She knew about breeding, buying, and selling, but she wasn’t sure that she could do all the heavy work.

Deciding to run the ranch put her plans for teaching on the back burner. She had asked a neighbor to look after things for a few weeks, and she had gone back to Boston to collect her things and to inform the school that she would not be back to finish. They had all tried to talk her out of her plans, but she wouldn’t let them. One day, if she decided to teach, she would go back to Boston and finish. Right now, she felt like this was what she was supposed to do.

She had grown up in Rock Creek, but most of the people that she’d known as a child had moved away. It would be like moving to a new town. She had been away for several years. She wouldn’t know anyone. After she got settled, perhaps the Marshall or the store owners could tell her where she could find a few hands to help her out. The horse ranch did a good business, so she felt sure that she could afford to pay at least one hand to live there and help her out. She had often wished that she had been blessed with a brother or sister when she’d been growing up. Now she really wished that she had someone that she could lean on. However, she knew that she would get through this. She had always been a tough lady. She said what she thought, and made her own way in the world. No one was going to stop her from getting what she wanted.

She often wondered why she hadn’t been like the other girls that were at school. They were all talking about finishing their schooling. Most of them planned to marry within the next few months. They talked about their beaus, asking her about her own. She never had anything to say. It wasn’t that she disliked men; she just hadn’t met one that turned her heart inside out! Eventually, she would meet him and she would know he was the one for her. But until then, she wasn’t wasting her time! There were more important things to do other than going to dances and standing in the dark kissing a man that you had no intention of any sort towards. Sarah had told several of her friends that too! They had stared at her their mouths a gap, not believing what they were hearing! They couldn’t believe that she didn’t want to get married and raise a family like they were all looking forward to doing.

She soon got the name of being a strange girl, with very strange ideas. They stopped trying to match her up with someone’s brother or their beau’s best friend. They all thought that it was a waste. After all Sarah was a very beautiful lady, what with her blond hair falling to her shoulders, her startling green eyes, and not to mention the curves that she possessed. All the others were jealous of her figure.

As she rode along, her mind millions of miles away, she didn’t notice the copperhead that was lazily making its way across the dirt rode, but her horse did! Within seconds, the horse bolted, and tossed Sarah on her bottom on the shoulder of the road! The snake, not bothered in the least, slithered on off into the tall grass. The horse left Sarah in a cloud of dust! She yelled for it to stop, and tried to get up to run after it. But she had twisted her ankle in the fall and it was no use trying to catch up! Stomping her foot in frustration, she nearly fell to the ground again as another pain shot through her ankle. Oh, how what was she supposed to do?

She looked down the road in both directions. There was no one in sight! Brushing the dirt off of her clothes, she started limping down the road towards town. It would be a long walk! She might not make it there by nightfall now! Disgusted, she pushed the thought away. How could she have not been paying attention? How could she have not seen the blasted snake in the road? And lastly how could she have just sat there on her rear in the road and not try to stop her horse from rushing off? Oh she needed her head examined for spending too much time thinking about her problems and not paying attention to where she was headed! This was all she needed!

Jimmy Hickok was traveling towards Rock Creek at a slow pace. He didn’t have a ride tomorrow, so he had plenty of time to get there. Teaspoon had sent him over to Morgan’s Crossing to pick up some wanted posters. He didn’t mind doing errands for Teaspoon. He liked keeping busy.

Jimmy had been riding for the Pony Express for nearly a year and a half. As long as he was busy, it kept him out of trouble, or kept the men who were always gunning for him, from causing trouble. James Butler Hickok was known as the fastest gun in the territory. He hated that title, and wished that he had never gotten it. It only caused trouble. Because of it, he felt he could never settle down, could never marry, or raise a family. There would be too many times that his loved ones might get hurt because of his reputation. It was just better not to have loved ones! Teaspoon was always telling him that he needed to take chances. He needed to find someone that would love him no matter what. But he wasn’t ready to put someone in the position that he knew they would be in if they fell in love with him. There had been someone not too long ago, but it just never worked out. He tried not to get close to anyone. It was just better that way.

He sighed. He was lonely. But he had learned to live with it. His only family, were the ones that rode for the Pony Express and lived at the Rock Creek Station. He had a sister, but rarely saw her or her family. Anyone that knew Jimmy would tell you that he was a fair man, and would give you the shirt off his back if it would help you. But he was a loner. Jimmy wondered if it would ever change.

He had watched Lou and Kid fall in love and get married. The other riders saw some of the ladies in town from time to time, but they weren’t serious about them. Teaspoon Hunter, the Marshall of Rock Creek, and the person who over saw the express station, had been married six times, and he was always looking for number seven! Jimmy smiled. Maybe marriage wasn’t so  bad. Not if Teaspoon had tired it six times! But he knew that the circumstances had to be right. He didn’t think his circumstances would ever be right.

As he rounded a bend in the road, he spotted someone limping along. He wondered what they were doing walking, and hurried up to see if he could help in any way. As he drew closer to the person, he realized that it was a lady. What was she doing out here all alone? Where was her horse? Was no one else with her?

Sarah was totally off in another world! She was so angry with herself for letting her horse get away, that she didn’t hear the other horse approaching. It was right beside her before she realized that it was even there. She jumped out of the way of it and her hand settled on her breast over her heart. She looked up with fear in her eyes.

“Oh goodness! Where on earth did you come from?” She heaved a sign of relief as she realized that it was just a cowboy and not some Indian meaning to do her in.

“I’m headed for Rock Creek. Do you need some help? It isn’t often a man runs into a pretty lady like yourself out her all alone…walkin’! Ain’t you got a horse?”

Jimmy watched the expressions run across her face. It went from fear and the startled look that he had first seen, to anger.

“Oh yes, I had a horse! Some stupid snake decided that it wanted to cross the road in front of my horse, and it bolted! Before I knew what was happening, I found myself on the ground!”

Jimmy could tell that she was angry with herself over letting it happen. “So you let your horse get away from you!”

She looked up at him with anger written all over her face. “I didn’t let my horse get away from me! That damn snake spooked him! I know how to handle a horse!”

As the curse word slipped from her lips, Jimmy looked startled. This little lady wasn’t someone to be messed with!

“Okay, so you know how to handle a horse, when it ain’t been spooked by a snake! It looks as if you twisted your ankle. You’re havin’ trouble walkin’! So, I’ll do the gentlemanly thing and rescue you! I assume you are headed for Rock Creek. You are limpin’ in that direction!”

“First of all, I’m in no need of rescuing! Yes I’m headed for Rock Creek, but I will get there just fine on my own!” She stood there glaring at him with her hands on her hips. Jimmy had this sudden urge to laugh, but he knew that he better not! She wouldn’t take kindly to that.

He noticed in the few minutes that they stared at one another how beautiful she was…even with the dirt and dust on her from the fall that she had taken. Her blond hair was mused, but still looked rather presentable. Her angry green eyes were shooting sparks in his direction. He was glad that she really wasn’t angry with him! He would be a pile of ashes by now! She was dressed in a riding skirt, and a shirt fashioned after a man’s, buttoned down the front. But the curves spoke for themselves! The lady had a beautiful figure! Jimmy felt his heartbeat quicken, but tried to push it aside.

“Look, I realize that you ain’t of a mind to be rescued. But you ain’t gonna tell me that you ain’t in need of it!”

“Oh yes I am! I am perfectly capable of getting to Rock Creek on my own! Just like a man...don’t think a woman can get any where by herself!” With that, she turned around in a huff and started limping off towards town once more, mumbling to herself.

Jimmy sat on his horse and watched her for several minutes. She was having trouble walking, and the further she went, the more trouble she had. Her ankle was turning on her and he could see the pain in her face with each step. He quickly cantered his horse up beside her and fell in step with her.

“Look lady...I ain’t seein’ how you can say you ain’t in need of bein’ rescued! You ain’t got no horse, you happen to be miles from any town,  ‘specially the one you’re a headed to, and to top it all off, you ain’t walkin’ to good! You’ve hurt yerself!”

Sarah stopped walking and turned to him once again. “I’ve done told you…I will get to town myself! One way or another! I don’t need your help!” She had nearly yelled at him, and she once more started walking down the dirt road. She was so mad she could have screamed.

Jimmy just shook his head as he watched her once more trying to walk. Making up his mind, he rode his horse up even to her once more. Leaning down, he grabbed her around the waist. He had decided that the only way that she was going to let him help her was by sheer force!

With a screech, Jimmy lifted her up and plopped her in front of him in the saddle. He slid back a little to accommodate her. She struggled for several seconds trying to get out of his arms.

“Let me go! I told you I don’t need your help!”

Jimmy laughed as she continued to struggle. “Look lady…whatever your name is….”

“It’s if it’s any of your business!”

“Okay Sarah, I ain’t gonna hurt you! I jist want to help you git to town in one piece! It ain’t gonna hurt you none to ride along with me! I ain’t gonna ride off and leave no woman out here all ‘lone with no horse and no man to take care a her!”

“I don’t need a man to take care of me! I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!”

“Oh, I ain’t got no doubt about that! I’m shore you can! But for now, you are stuck with this man takin’ care a you, and takin’ you to Rock Creek! So stop squirmin’ and enjoy the ride, and my company! Most ladies seem to think I’m pretty good entertainment!”

She twisted around and glared at him for several seconds! “Oh I just bet they do!” It was obvious that he wasn’t about to let go of her. Actually she was a little glad that he had happened along. She had begun to wonder if she would make it to Rock Creek before nightfall! She would never tell him that though! The very idea of him thinking that she was some helpless woman!

“By the way….name’s Jimmy Hickok!”

She stopped glaring at him and turned around once more in the saddle, not saying another word to him. She would show him!

They rode for what seemed hours. Sarah hadn’t realized that she was that far away from town. After awhile, she relaxed and settled back against Jimmy. He smiled to himself and slipped his other arm around her waist. She really felt good against him. Just as that thought entered his mind, he wondered what in the world had gotten into him. He didn’t have time for no relationships with a woman! He would take her to town, and he wouldn’t be seeing her again! But as they rode along, and Sarah settled against him, he found it hard not to think about her soft body and the sweet scent of her. It was driving his senses wild! Every fiber of his being was standing on end! Every time his horse stepped into a hole, or bump in the road would cause their bodies to brush against one another’s, it sent shivers up his spine. Even though he knew that he shouldn’t be feeling this way, he decided that he would enjoy it while it lasted. It had been a long while since he had held a woman in his arms.

Melissa arrived in Rock Creek just about dusk. She was surprised at the size of the little town. It wasn’t anything like what she had expected. It was neat, looked very inviting, and the people she encountered seemed friendly enough. She left her horse at the livery stable, and the stable hand pointed her in the direction of the hotel. She was hungry and was looking forward to a hot bath.

It didn’t take long to get checked in, find something to eat, and persuade some of the hotel staff to bring up a tub with plenty of hot water. As she sat in the steaming bath, her head leaned back on the rim of the tub, and her mind drifted back to the young man that she had met that day.

She wondered what his name was. She wished that she had asked before he had rode away. But she hadn’t really been thinking straight! She had forgotten to ask. She hadn’t even introduced herself! Oh well, he was from Rock Creek, so she was sure that she would run into him again before long.

She could feel herself drifting in and out, as her mind wondered about him. She had to admit that he was a very nice looking man. She’d noticed a lot about him when she’d looked up into his face, and she felt as if she had seen it somewhere before. Maybe in her dreams!

Suddenly she saw her great grandmother standing in front of her! Melissa sat straight up in the tub, water sloshing around her and out into the floor. Was she seeing things? She rubbed her eyes, and looked again. No. Running Doe was standing in front of her! Mist swirled around her. She was dressed as she remembered her, in the doeskin dress that she always wore, the moccasins, and beads that she used to loved to play with when she was a little girl. Her heart beat loudly in her ears, and she wondered if she should be afraid? Then she realized that was silly. Her grandmother would never hurt her…or her spirit wouldn’t for she realized that this was her spirit that was in front of her.

She reached out and her grandmother moved towards her. Taking her into her arms, Melissa could feel a faint hug. Melissa moved back and looked into her grandmother’s eyes. “Grandmother Running Doe, I know that your spirit is always close by me. You protect me. Why have you appeared before me? I never thought to see you again until it was my turn to walk the spirit path.”

“Don’t run Melissa. The man you met at the waterfall is the one...the one in my vision…the one that will keep you safe for the rest of your life.”

“But grandmother Running Doe…”

“Listen to your heart. He’s the one...don’t toss an old woman’s visions by the way side. She knows of what she speaks…listen child!”

“But grandmother Running Doe, I hardly know this person! I don’t even know his name! We just met briefly at the falls today!”

“Don’t worry child! Things will happen in their own time! It will be as it is supposed to be, he is the one!”

With that, she disappeared! Melissa sat back slowly in the tub. She shook her head. Had she really seen what she’d thought she had?

The water was lukewarm now. She must have drifted off to sleep and dreamed that her great grandmother had been standing before her. That was it! She’d been dreaming! Why else would the water feel so cool now? She hadn’t been sitting in the tub that long, had she?

Getting to her feet, she stepped out and reached for the towel that she had laid on the chair within arms reach. As she shook it out to wrap it around her body, a feather floated to the floor. Where had that come from? She bent over and picked it up.

It was an eagle feather. Long and straight, much like the ones her great grandmother had always had in her teepee in the village. Melissa felt a shiver run down her spine. Maybe she hadn’t been dreaming. Perhaps the vision that her great grandmother had so many years ago was true. But if it were, a lot was going to have to happen if she and the mystery man that she had met at the waterfall were going to spend the rest of their lives together as her great grandmother was determined would happen!

Dressing for bed, Melissa got in and pulled the covers up to he chin. Maybe it was traveling in the area that was supposed to be filled with Indians. Maybe it was meeting the young man who was obviously part Indian, that had caused her to spend too much time thinking about her great grandmother and her vision. Whatever the reason, Melissa knew that she couldn’t devote a lot of time to worrying about it now. If it were really supposed to happen, it would. Wouldn’t it?

Tomorrow she would have to find Mr. Brooks and decide what it was that she was going to do. Would she stay in Rock Creek, or head back home? If she stayed in Rock Creek, she would have to find a job. Perhaps the church would be in need or an organist. She closed her eyes to try and sleep. Tomorrow was a big day for her. As she drifted off to sleep, once more her great grandmother was there in her thoughts with the mystery man from the falls. Apparently, she wasn’t supposed to push the vision aside!

Sarah was rather surprised when they rode into Rock Creek. The sun was setting and darkness was falling quickly. She knew that she would have never made it before nightfall if Jimmy hadn’t happened along! But never in a million years, would she admit that!

She was still angry with herself for letting her horse get away from her. She should have been more careful. Here she, because of her stupidity, had to spend the last two hours in a man’s company that obviously thought that all women were helpless! They hadn’t actually spoken to one another since he had unceremoniously plopped her on his horse in front of him!

To top it all off, she had been forced to endure riding along, her body pressed against his. It had been too uncomfortable to try and sit away from him, not touching him in any way. Each time the horse had encountered a bump in the road, their bodies had encountered one another’s, brushing against each other in an intimate sort of way. She shamefully found herself beginning to enjoy his nearness...even though she was angry enough to bite nails in two! Thank goodness, they were nearly to the town’s hotel! She could be rid of this man forever! She was planning to make it a point not to ever see him again, regardless of whether he was from Rock Creek or just passing through!

Jimmy gave a sigh of relief as they rode down the street into the center of town. If he didn’t soon get her down off of his horse and away from him, he wasn’t going to be responsible for his actions!

“Mr. Hickok, you can just let me off at the hotel. I’m sure that Rock Creek has one that I can spend the night in! I’ll get another horse in the morning and continue on my journey!”

Jimmy pulled the horse up in front of the hotel as he’d been told to do. Sarah was already wiggling to try and get off the horse. He quickly dismounted and reached up to help her down.

“I don’t need any help, thank you!” She angrily slipped off the horse herself and stood glaring up at him.

“Look Sarah, I know you ain’t gonna even think about thankin’ me for rescuin’ you! You know that you would have never made it to Rock Creek a fore nite fall if I hadn’t come ‘long! But that’s okay!”

“Yes I could have! I didn’t need your help!”

“Okay, have it your way lady,” Jimmy sighed as he looked down into her green eyes. He realized once more that she was beautiful! Her hands were on her hips and angry sparks were shooting from her eyes. The sun was already gone and the light from the hotel cast a glow around her body. Jimmy swallowed quickly. He could feel desire for this little hot head springing up inside of him.

Sarah was having the same sort of thoughts now. What in the world was wrong with her? She noticed for the first time what this man looked like. He was gorgeous! His hair, which was sandy blond in color, was down to his shoulders. It was straight and he had it shoved behind his ears. It looked silky and she wondered what it would feel like in her hands. His eyes were hazel, and seemed to be watching her wearily. His hands were folded in front of his belt, covering two six guns that he wore strapped to his waist. She wondered about them for a moment. Was he an outlaw? Or were they just for protection? He was a little taller than she was. What was it about him that was drawing her? His voice interrupted her train of thought.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t go ‘round cuttin’ that pretty little nose off to spite your pretty face! Ever one needs rescuin’ now and then! It ain’t gonna hurt you none to admit it!” With those words, he stepped closer to her and pulled her a little roughly into his arms! He’d been waiting to do this for the last two hours! One kiss and he would be gone! He’d never see her again, so what did it matter? She could just get mad if she wanted to!

Sarah knew what he was about to do. Her hands came up to push on his chest as he crushed her closer to his body. His mouth descended on hers before she could say a word of protest. In those few seconds that his lips sought hers, both of them were shaken all the way down to their toes! Neither of them had expected it to have that sort of affect on them.

Sarah’s first instinct was to slap his arrogant face for his taking advantage of her. Her hand met with nothing but air though, as he turned her loose and swung up into his saddle. He tipped his hat in her direction, and rode off without saying another word to her!

She stomped her foot in the dirt and watched him ride off! The nerve of that man! Think that he could kiss her and just ride off! It was a good thing that she wasn’t going to ever see him again! She just might have to shoot him!

Jimmy rode towards the station, his heart pounding in his chest. What in the world had just happened back there? Yes, he’d meant to kiss her, but no, he hadn’t planned for it to rock him all the way to his toes! The minute he’d touched her, he’d known that something very special was about to happen! He had to stay away from her at all costs! He could easily become involved with someone like her…and he didn’t need that in his life! Not now…not ever!

He kicked his horse into a gallop, letting the night air cool off his desire. He couldn’t go in at Rachel’s in this condition! Everyone would want to know what had happened!

Sarah was even more angry as she stood in front of the hotel, watching Jimmy ride away from her. It was still early, and it looked as though there was a light still on in the stage office. She was going home! She wasn’t about to spend the night in town and chance running into Jimmy Hickok in the morning!

She hired a buckboard from the livery until the following morning, and claimed her belongings that the stage had dropped off at the freight office. She rode out of town, not giving Jimmy Hickok another thought! At least not that night!

The following day was a beautiful one. Melissa was up mid morning. She hadn’t slept well until some point after midnight. She spent a few extra hours in bed. Getting up, she ate a quick breakfast, and headed over to the livery to collect her horse.

Rock Creek was alive with people, Melissa noticed, as she led her horse towards the land office. She hoped that someone there would know where to find William Brooks.

Teaspoon was just getting to his office when he noticed the lady strolling down the street, leading her horse. He didn’t recognize her and wondered who she was. She was a pretty little thing. Her auburn hair was spilling down her back. She was dressed in men’s trousers and a flannel shirt. He watched her walk along for several seconds before he went inside of his office. Someone as pretty as her, it wouldn’t take long for one of his boys to spot her! Where was Cody? He usually knew when someone new was in town. Especially when the new person was a woman!

Teaspoon smiled as he thought of his boys. They had all grown up in the last year and a half. So much had changed since they had started out together in Sweet Water. He’d learned Lou wasn’t a boy, but a girl in disguise. She’d proven her worth early in the game, and he had trained her and six others to ride for the Pony Express.

He had wondered, when he had taken on the job with the Pony Express, if he would be able to get the boys into shape. But it hadn’t taken long for them all to learn where they stood with one another and with him. They had grown into a family, each helping the other when the need arose, no matter what it involved. The people of Sweet Water had also learned that they could count on them. It had been a sad day when they had moved the station to Rock Creek.

Russell, Majors and Waddell had decided they needed to open a way station Rock Creek, and being the closest, they directed Teaspoon to take his group of express riders there. He had also taken on the job as US Marshall when one of his closest friends and ex-Texas Rangers had been killed. Now Rock Creek was home. It had taken awhile for the riders to settle in, but the people of the town were beginning to warm to the boys. Ike had been killed not long after coming to Rock Creek. Buck had taken it rather hard, since they had been the very best of friends. It had taken him awhile to get over it. In fact, Teaspoon had been afraid that he was going to lose one of his riders. But after a little time on his own to let his grief go, things had once more returned to normal for Buck.

The latest thing that had taken place in their family was Lou and Kid had married. They were getting settled into their new home on the out skirts of town. Kid would soon be back to riding with the express, but Lou wouldn’t be. He had to train some new recruits’ within the next few weeks. He knew that it was hard for the others to take on the extra load. But they were doing a fine job. No one complained, at least not to him! Boys would be boys though, and he was sure that they were all complaining among themselves!

He sat down in the chair at his desk to do some paper work, but his mind was still wrapped around his boys. He knew that he and Rachel had their hands full keeping them in line. Rachel had been with them for nearly a year now. At times, he wondered what he would have done without her! She cooked and cleaned for them, but that was only part of her job! She added the extra woman’s touch to all their lives that they needed. Dealing with orphans, as each of the riders was, they needed that mother’s touch at some point. Rachel was very good at being there when it was needed. He smiled. He and Rachel had done a good job he felt, in raising them. Before long, they would all be thinking about settling down. They were all nearing that age. It wasn’t just Lou and Kid.

He sighed as he pulled out his spectacles. Sitting here thinking wasn’t getting his paper work done!

Luck was on her side, as Melissa found a very friendly man at the land office who could tell her how to get to the Brook’s place. She thanked him for his time and headed the direction that he had pointed her in. The sun was warm on her back, and she enjoyed the ride, feeling very up that morning about life in general! She had no idea that it was all about to come crashing down around her feet again once she reached the Brook’s place!

Sarah had gotten up early that morning. It had taken her awhile the night before to get settled back in once more. She hadn’t realized that she had taken so many things with her to school. She’d worked off her anger at Jimmy Hickok, and had fallen into bed exhausted. The morning light had woken her early, and she was out feeding the horses before the sun had made its way fully into the sky. Mr. Sullivan had ridden over, as had been his usual manner every morning since Sarah had been gone to feed the horses. He was very happy to see that she had returned and promised that if she needed his assistance in any way, all she had to do was call upon him.

Sarah took some time out to discuss her plan to hire some men to help her to run the place with Mr. Sullivan. He suggested a few men who he knew might be interested in the job and told her where to find them. He trusted them all, and that made Sarah feel they would be good men to hire. She didn’t want anyone that would steal her blind!

After Mr. Sullivan had gone on his way, Sarah started making a list of things that needed to be done to the ranch. It was in good shape, but there were a few repairs that needed to be made. She would need to go into town in a few days to pick up supplies. As she made her rounds, checking over the fences and barns, she wondered if she could settle in here? It was going to be lonely. But she knew that she could never sell her father’s treasure. She had realized just how much he loved it, as she had grown up there, watching him lovingly take care of the stock and barns that he had built with his own hands. It was a shame that his close friend, who had lived in Virginia, hadn’t been able to buy into the farm, as he’d wanted to do. Then she would have had some help now.

She sat down on the top of one of the rails of the corral. What had that man’s name been? She remembered visiting with him and his family several times. He’d had a daughter about her own age. They had gone to an Indian village once when they had visited. If she remembered correctly, it seemed that his grandmother had been Indian. She remembered playing with the Indian children. She couldn’t have been much over 8 or 9 at the time.

As she tried to remember the name, Sarah saw a cloud of dust coming her way. She wondered who might be coming for a visit. She watched as they drew closer, and she realized it was a lady. She didn’t think that she knew any of the women in Rock Creek since she had been away for several years. Could she be lost? Sarah jumped off the fence and brushed off her trousers, as she walked over to greet her visitor.

Melissa had been trying to remember anything about the Brooks family as she’d ridden along. She vaguely remembered that there had been a daughter near her age, but she couldn’t remember her name. They had visited several times in Virginia, and she knew that her father had taken the two of them with him on a visit to the Cherokee Village. The name escaped her memory. She didn’t think that there had been any other children. The only person that she could ask for when she arrived was William Brooks. That was the only name that she knew.

As she drew nearer to the ranch, Melissa could see a lady sitting on the top rail of the corral. She looked about her own age, and wondered if this was William’s daughter. She hadn’t seen her since they were about 9 years old.

Jimmy was up at the crack of dawn. He hadn’t been able to sleep. It had something to do with the lady that he had met the day before, and the kiss that they had shared. He couldn’t seem to think of anything else.

He knew that Teaspoon would be up, so he headed to the house to get a cup of coffee. He entered the kitchen quietly, and Teaspoon looked up startled.

“My, my! What’s gotten into you Jimmy? I ain’t never see’d you up this early lessen you had a ride to do! You ain’t up today are you?”

“Nope!” Jimmy went over to the cupboard and pulled a coffee cup off the shelf. He proceeded to pour himself a cup of coffee and walked over to sit at the table. Teaspoon just sat looking his way. Something was up with Jimmy. But he knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t tell you unless he wanted you to know.

“Ever thin all rite? I know you ain’t itchin’ to git out there and mend them fence posts this monin’!”

“Nope! I ain’t! Jist couldn’t sleep is all!”

“I see’s. Couldn’t sleep huh? Conscience botherin’ you is it son?”

He looked his way a little irritated. “No Teaspoon, it ain’t! Ever thing is jist fine!”

Teaspoon could tell by his tone of voice that things weren’t. But he wouldn’t push it. Just then, Rachel came down the stairs pulling her long hair back from her face with a ribbon.

“What’s up? Jimmy you riding today?”

“Nope! Jist felt like getting’ up early is all!”

Rachel looked his way startled by his tone of voice and glanced Teaspoon’s way. He shrugged his shoulders, letting her know that he didn’t know what was up. She sighed and headed to start a fire to get breakfast ready. Jimmy would let everyone in on his problems when he was ready...or he might not tell anyone what was troubling him. Jimmy had a wall around himself most days that was ten feet tall. Very few people could break through it.

“You boys going to the dance tonite?” Teaspoon looked Jimmy’s way.

“Ain’t plannin’ on it. Got no use to go!”

“Now you mite meet some purdy little thing there that could change your life forever Jimmy!”

Jimmy sighed. “That would be jist what I don’t need! Don’t need no woman getting’ in the way a things!” He finished his coffee and got up to put the cup in the sink. “I’ll see you two later.”

Picking up his hat, he left the house. Rachel turned to Teaspoon. “What you reckon is eatin’ him?”

“Ain’t shore. Somethin’ must a happened on his way back from Morgan’s Crossing yesterday.”

“Oh well, we’ve all learned he’ll tell us when he’s ready!”

“If it ain’t too late by then!” Teaspoon got up from the table and handed Rachel the coffee cup. “I’m a goin’ on my rounds. Be back in time for breakfast.”

Rachel nodded and he headed for the door. There wouldn’t be many people up this early in the morning. That was one reason why he liked to make early rounds. Teaspoon sort of had the town all to himself!

Jimmy had saddled up his horse and rode out of town. He needed to clean his head. If he didn’t get this woman out of his mind, it was going to drive him crazy! He’d kissed other women before. He’d even lain with a few. But none of them had this sort of affect on him! What had been so wonderful about the kiss that they had shared anyway? He just didn’t understand. Thinking about it made him feel weak again, all over!

He could feel her lips lightly brushing against his, and her body pulled up close to his own! Oh, he wanted to scream! There was no use in even thinking about the woman! She was hot headed, strong willed, and appeared to get what she wanted, when she wanted it! She was like no other woman he had ever met before! Maybe that was what drew him. There couldn’t be any other women out in the west that acted the way she did! Where had she come from and where was she going? Women were supposed to be helpless! Men were put on the earth to take care of them. Weren’t they? Maybe he had it all wrong. He sighed. It was hopeless. He couldn’t get her off his mind! Yet, he had to. He couldn’t get involved with another woman. Not now. Not ever! Besides, after the way that she had acted, he was sure that she wouldn’t want to get involved with him anyway!

He turned his horse around and headed back to the station. He might as well help Teaspoon on the fence. This wasn’t getting him anywhere!

Sarah walked a little ways to meet the lady on the horse. She was dressed much like she was in men’s trousers and a flannel shirt. A hat sat on top of her head, but she pushed it back when she brought her horse to a stop beside her.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for William Brooks. Is this his ranch?” Melissa didn’t miss the look that went across the lady’s face. It was one of sadness. Melissa suddenly felt worried.

Sarah wondered if the lady had come to purchase a horse. Her father might have made a bargain with her before his death. If so, she would be bound to honor it.

“Yes, this is William Brooks ranch. I’m sorry though, my father passed away a few weeks back. I’m Sarah Brooks. If you’ve come about a horse the two of you might have spoken about, I can help you. I’m planning to take over the running of the ranch now that he’s gone.”

Sarah noticed the shocked look that went across the lady’s face. She wasn’t sure if it were the fact that she planned to run the ranch or if it were the news about her father’s death.

Melissa’s first thoughts were of disbelief. Here she had come all this way to see a man that she didn’t remember and now she learned that he had passed away, possibly around the same time that her own father had.

“Miss, are you alright?” Sarah had begun to worry about her. She’d turned a little pale.

Melissa realized that she hadn’t given this woman any explanation. She’d been so shocked by the news of Mr. Brooks death. Strange that the two of them should be going through the same thing at the same time! Melissa looked down at the woman standing beside her horse. She had a worried expression on her face.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just that I was so shocked to hear of your father’s death.”

“Well, if he’d spoken to you about a horse, there isn’t any problem. I’ll honor anything that the two of you agreed upon.”

“No, no, it isn’t like that at all. I guess you don’t remember me. In fact, as I was riding here from town, I wondered what you looked like now. I’m Melissa Anne Crawford, John Crawford’s daughter. Your father and my father were the best of friends.”

A big smile lit Sarah’s face. “You aren’t going to believe this, but just before I saw you riding up, I was thinking about you! I was trying to remember what YOU looked like and what your name was! It’s so good to see you Melissa! I don’t guess we could begin to know what the other looked like since we couldn’t have been more than ten the last time that we saw one another!”

Melissa laughed. “True! Guess we’ve changed a little since then!”

“Get down off that horse and come inside! It’s nearly lunchtime. I’d be glad to fix us something to eat. I’d enjoy the company.”

“Are you sure?” Melissa slipped down off the horse and started following her towards the house.

“Positive! It’s awfully lonesome out here. How’s your family?”

Melissa fell silent. Sarah had walked a few steps ahead of her, and she stopped and looked back over her shoulder when Melissa didn’t respond to the question. There was a frown on her face.

“Melissa, did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to if I did.”

“No, it’s okay. You wouldn’t know. My father passed away a few weeks ago too. Sounds as if it might have been around the same time that your father died!”

Sarah stepped closer to her and slipped an arm around her shoulders. “I’m sorry. It isn’t easy learning to live without them, is it?”

Melissa smiled slightly. “No, it isn’t. But we’re probably both doing exactly what they wanted us to do!”

Sarah smiled. “How true! Now come on. I’m starving. It’s been a long time since breakfast!”

The two ladies spent the bigger part of the afternoon getting reacquainted. They spoke of their visit when they were children, and of all the fun they used to have. They talked of their fathers’ dreams, of their families. They learned that they were two ladies out on their own now, both trying to make their father’s proud of them. But neither were quite sure what the future held.

Melissa glanced at the clock on the mantle and was surprised to see that it was nearly four o’clock. “Good heavens! I never meant to keep you from your work this afternoon. Look at the time! I should get back to town and let you at least get a few things done before night fall.”

“Oh, do you have to go? Melissa, I’ve enjoyed your company so much! What are you planning to do? I mean, since father isn’t living. I know that your father sent you here to seek his advice. I guess I haven’t been much help to you.”

Melissa smiled and reached out a hand to her. “You don’t realize how much help you have been! I wasn’t looking forward at all to coming here! I didn’t know anyone in this town, and I didn’t know how I would survive. But I’ve found out today that I do have a friend here. I’m very fortunate to have reacquainted myself with you! I just hope you feel the same.”

Sarah’s smile was as wide as Melissa’s. She leaned over and gave her a hug. “You are absolutely right! I was feeling much the same way myself! I’ve been away from this town at school for several years, and most of the people I knew when I went away have moved on. Look, since you don’t really know what you are going to do yet, why don’t you stay here with me for awhile?”

“Oh Sarah, I couldn’t do that!”

“And why not? It’s going to awfully lonely out here! I could sure use the company! It’s a strange town for the both of us. I’d really like for you to stay for awhile!”

“But I don’t want to take advantage of such generosity. I don’t have a job, and I’ll have to find one. Maybe the church could use an organist. Music is really all I know.”

“I’m sure that they can. Please stay. At least for awhile.” She reached out and squeezed her hand.

“I won’t be imposing? After I find employment, I can pay you room and board.”

“You wouldn’t be imposing. As for room and board, I’m going to need some help around here. I’m sure that we can find something for you to help me with that will take the place of you paying me. Want to learn how to run a horse ranch? After all, it was our fathers’ dream!”

Melissa smiled,  “Okay, you’re on! It was their dream! We should keep it going if for no other reason than to their memory! Do you really think you can teach me how to run a horse ranch?”

“I don’t see why not!” Sarah laughed.

“Well, I better go back into town and get the rest of the things that I brought with me. I left them at the hotel. I packed up the rest of my things and left them with a friend back home in Virginia. I told her that I would write and let her know if she should send them out here. I didn’t know if I would be staying or not!”

“Then I suggest you get a letter off to that friend right away. I’m not about to let you go back to Virginia! Let me get the buckboard hitched up, and I’ll ride back into town with you. I rented it last night to bring my things from the stage. Then we can ride back here together.”

So it was settled. Melissa had a new place to call home and Sarah had a companion. They were both extremely happy to have found one another. The plan that they had worked out seemed to be just what they needed. It had been a long time since they had been together, but they were both sure that they would be the best of friends for a long time!

Teaspoon was standing in the yard of the station with his hands on his hips. Now where had Buck gotten to? He’d gone inside for one minute and come back out to find him gone for the second time that day! There was something strange going on here! First Jimmy and now Buck! If they kept this up, they would never get the repairs made before winter set in.

Buck made another quick ride through town. He’d gotten up rather early and spent an hour or so wandering around town, hope against hope that he would see her again! He had to find out whom the lady was he had met at the falls. Since he’d met her, she was all he could think of!

It appeared that she wasn’t staying at the hotel. Was it possible that shed left Rock Creek already? She couldn’t have! Not until he’d had a chance to get to know her. She had spoken as if she would be there for a while. Perhaps she was staying with friends on the outskirts of town. Oh well, he would keep checking. Sooner or later, her friends would have to come into town for supplies! Buck rode back towards the station, knowing Teaspoon would probably be upset that he had left.

Melissa and Sarah were riding into town from the opposite direction. Buck missed her by only moments!

Teaspoon looked up in surprise as someone handed him the board that he was about to reach for. It turned out to be Buck!

“Son, where you been? You all rite?”

Buck just nodded and held the board in place while Teaspoon nailed it.

“One minute yous here and the next you ain’t! If I didn’t know no better I’d say you and Jimmy been sittin’ on the same porcupine this morning! What with him a bittin’ ever one’s head off just for lookin’ at him and you disappearin’ every few hours!”

“Sorry Teaspoon! I jist had some errands to run!”

Teaspoon looked at him out of the corner of his eye. He wasn’t sure he believed that, but there wasn’t much that he could do about it.

Jimmy looked anxiously around as he walked into the dance. Then he got irritated with himself as he realized that he had been looking for Sarah, and the irritation turned to anger when he realized how disappointed he felt when he saw that she wasn’t there. “Damn!” he whispered to himself. He looked at the ladies that were there, knowing that not one of them would excite him. Knowing that he didn’t want to waste any of his time on them, he turned on his heel and quickly walked out the door, almost running into Buck in the process.

“Where you goin’?” Buck asked his friend.

“Out for a ride,” was all he said as he took his tie off and headed for the bunkhouse.

Buck knew that Jimmy was angry about something, and chose not to follow him and ask about it. It wouldn’t do him any good anyway. Besides, he was anxious to see if his mystery woman was at the dance. With a slight smile on his face, he looked slowly around the room, recognizing almost everyone there. His heart plummeted. She wasn’t there.

“Where did Jimmy go in such an all fired hurry?” Teaspoon asked him as he came over to him.

“I ain’t shore. He was angry bout somethin’,” he replied, trying not to sound as down as he felt.

Teaspoon looked at him sharply.

“You alrite, son?”


“Good. Then go ask Mary Jane Hankins to dance. She’s over there eyin’ you!”

That’s the last thing that he wanted to do. He wanted to stand by the door so he could see everyone coming and going. But when Teaspoon suggested something, you did it.

“Okay, Teaspoon, but she cain’t dance very good.”

“I know that! But she’s a pretty little thing, and it’s be rite nice if someone asked her to dance.”

Buck sighed and headed in her direction. He could still try to watch the door as he danced, but he had a sinking feeling that his mystery lady wouldn’t come.

Melissa and Sarah smiled at some of the townspeople and introduced themselves as they went into church the next morning. They enjoyed the service, and the sermon was interesting. Sarah noticed that Melissa perked up when the minister announced that they were still in need of someone to play the organ during church services. Melissa’s mind started going. This was perfect. There seemed to be a lot of children in the congregation. They’d make an excellent choir. And this way she could stay with her music. Yes…this was perfect.

“What are you so excited about?” Sarah asked her as they walked out of the church.

“Pastor Johnson said they needed an organist! That’s me! I want the job, and I’m going right over to tell him that!”

Sarah smiled at her new friend as she hurried over to the minister.

“Excuse me, Miss Sarah?” She heard a man’s voice behind her. She turned to see a gray haired gentleman tipping his hat towards her. Standing next to him was a very beautiful lady. “I don’t know if you recall me, but I...”

“Teaspoon Hunter!” she declared, jumping at the name. “You introduced yourself to me at my father’s funeral.”

“That’s rite, and this here’s Rachel Dunn. She takes care of my boys and me at the Pony Express Station.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Rachel, and it’s nice to see you again Teaspoon.”

“It’s nice to meet you too Sarah.” Rachel smiled at her.

“So you’ve come back. Are you running your pa’s ranch now?” Teaspoon asked her.

“Yes. It’s a legacy to him, since it was his dream come true,” she told him truthfully.

“It’s always nice to have another purdy lady round.” He flirted with her. Then seriously asked. “The Pony Express needs three horses. Are you ready to do business?”

“Of course,” she told him, pleased.

“Your pa always had good stock. I’ve always bought from him.”

“It’ll be nice to continue the tradition then,” she told him.

“You’re not all alone out there, are you?” Rachel asked her.

“No. I have a friend helping me out, and we’re tossing around the idea of hiring another hand. I’ll be okay.”

“If you ever need any help, you jist let me know,” Teaspoon told her.

“I will.”

“I’ll invite you to supper real soon,” Rachel smiled at her.

“That sounds very nice,” Sarah told her.

“And I’ll be sendin’ a couple of my boys out to your place in a day or so to pick out those horses,” Teaspoon said.

“I’ll be ready for them,” she replied. “Excuse me,” she told him when she noticed that Melissa was finished with the pastor. Sarah slipped her arm through Melissa’s as they headed for their buggy.

“You look awfully pleased with yourself,” Melissa told her.

“We’re about to make our first sale. I was talking to Marshall Teaspoon, he runs the Pony Express Station here.”


“You look sort of pleased with yourself too,” Sarah commented as she smiled at her.

“Pastor Johnson said that I could have the job of playing the organ, and that I could start a children’s choir if I wanted to. It even pays a bit!”

“That is good news!” Sarah laughed as they climbed into their buggy. “When do you start?”

‘He said I could play next Sunday if I wanted to. And I was thinking that I might even be able to start giving some lessons.”

“I’m sure that there are many families here that would like their children to learn how to play. The music teacher will have some pupils! Congratulations!” Sarah approved.

“But what about you? Will you ever have any pupils to teach?” Melissa asked her.

“Now that I don’t know. They would probably let me teach school here if they ever needed anyone, but then how would I run the ranch? I’m doing what I need to do right now, and I’m not unhappy. I love the horses, and I love the outdoors. Hard work doesn’t bother me. I’ll be all right.”

“I hope so. Maybe once I get to knowing how to run the place, I could hold down the ranch while you finished teacher’s college.”

“That’s an idea!” She approved.

“Buck! Jimmy!” Teaspoon called to the two young men sitting on the porch. He knew that neither of them had a ride for a couple of days. And they still were acting very strange. Maybe this errand would bring them back to their normal selves. He watched them amble over to him.

“Yeah, Teaspoon?” Jimmy asked.

“I needs the two of you to go over to the Brooks place to buy three horses.”

“I thought William died.” Buck asked him.

“He did, but his daughter is runnin’ the place now. They’ve always had good stock, and I don’t see that changin’. So the next time I see the two of you, you’d best have three horses with you.”

Jimmy, happy to have something constructive to do, smiled. This should take his mind off that woman for a while.

“You will,” he told Teaspoon as he headed for his horse. Buck followed.

Sarah and Melissa had just finished cleaning stalls, and were shoveling fresh straw into them, when they heard horses approaching.

“I wonder if that’s the Pony Express riders that Teaspoon was going to send over,” Sarah muttered to Melissa as she wiped some of the sweat off her face.

“I hope that they aren’t good looking, since we look a sight,” Melissa giggled.

“Maybe they’ll take us more seriously if we look a sight!” Sarah told her as she put a welcoming smile on her face and went out of the barn as two riders came to a stop and got off their horses.

“Hey there!” She called out to them. The closet one to her looked like he was part Indian. He was darkly handsome. The other was hidden by his horse. Wait a minute. That palomino looked familiar!

Jimmy tied his horse to the fence rail, and came around him to find himself face to face with the lady he had rescued.

“Sarah!” He said, very surprised.

“Oh my god…it’s you!” She stated vehemently as she spun on her heel and left a very startled Melissa standing there.

Jimmy threw his hands up in the air and yelled. “You’d think I had attacked her instead of rescued her!” And with that, he jumped on his horse, wheeled it around, and rode off at a gallop.

Buck stared after his friend, stunned.

“It’s you!” He heard a soft voice behind him. He whirled around. Standing there was his mystery lady. A huge smile immediately covered his face.

“And it’s you,” he told her as he quickly took off his hat. “You hadn’t told me your name…”

“It’s Melissa Crawford...and you’re?”

“Buck Cross.”

“Do you, by any chance, know what that was all about?” Melissa asked him.


“Me neither.”

“He said somethin’ about rescuin’ her. Maybe that’s what’s been botherin’ him the past few days,” he said more to himself.

“So you work for the Pony Express?” She asked, suddenly wanting to know more about his man. Her heart was thudding in her chest.

“Yeah, how are you doin’? I was a mite worried bout you the other day.”

Melissa climbed up on the top fence rail and sat. He joined her.

“I’m fine now. It all worked out like you said it would, but not like the way I thought it would.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, Sarah’s dad had died and left her in charge of the ranch. She and I had known each other as little girls and renewed our acquaintance. She invited me to stay and help her, so here I am.”

“I’m glad about that. You think you’ll be happy here?”

“Yes I do….especially after Sunday. I was hired at the church to play the organ and start a children’s choir.”

“That’ll be rite nice. Too bad I won’t be able to hear you play.”

“Oh!” she stated disappointed. “You don’t go to church?”

“No, I have my own spirits that I pray to. They’re out here,” he said as he gestured round him. “They aren’t confined to a building.”

“No, I suppose not. Well, maybe someday you can come over to the church while I’m practicing.”

“I’d like that.” he told her. “Well, I guess I best get back and make up some story to tell Teaspoon about why Jimmy and I didn’t buy any horses.” he sighed.

“Good luck,” she smiled.

That smile warmed him to his toes. He mounted, and with a wave, rode off. Melissa sighed, and then jumped off the fence.

“Sarah!” she yelled.

“In here,” she called back to her. Melissa followed the voice, and found her friend busily throwing straw around in the stalls.

“What was all that about?”

“I’m not sure. My mouth started speaking before my brain started thinking.”

“He rescued you?”

“Yeah,” Sarah stated as she sat down in the sweet smelling straw, and proceeded to tell Melissa what had happened when Jimmy had rescued her.

“So what’s the problem here? He saved you a long walk to town.”

“Well, there’s one thing I didn’t tell you. He kissed me when he dropped me off.”

“Was it a good kiss? I mean he’s awfully good looking, Sarah.”

That comment made Sarah start laughing.

“It was a very good kiss, and he is good looking, isn’t he?”

Melissa just nodded her head as she fell into the straw next to her.

“The man with him...Buck…I’d met him earlier also,” she began as she told Sarah her story about coming into town and meeting Buck by the waterfall.

“At least you’re doing better than I am...and I just blew a three horse sale.  What was wrong with me?”

“I don’t know, but I think you owe Jimmy an apology.”

“Yeah...I do too.”

Teaspoon looked up expectantly as he saw Buck come around the corner. But where was Jimmy and where were the horses?

“Where’s Jimmy? Where’s my horses?” he asked him curiously.

“Um...Jimmy had an errand that he had to run and will be back shortly. The lady said that she wasn’t completely organized yet, to come back in a few days.”

Teaspoon scratched his head.

“That’s might strange. She told me she was ready to sell us some horses. You sure you’re tellin’ me everythin’?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing Buck wasn’t telling him the whole story. He was acting very uneasy.

Buck appeared to think about it. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Okay then, go mend them fences we was working’ on. I’ll send Jimmy out when he comes in.”

“Okay, Teaspoon,” he stated, releasing his held in breath. He quickly went to get some tools and nails and went out to the fences.

Jimmy rode hard for a time, reining in his horse when he realized how foolish he was being. He was still angry for the way Sarah had treated him. Maybe it was for the best though. He didn’t want to get involved with any lady anyway. He should thank her really. Right now, he didn’t care if he ever saw her again. He turned his horse to the Station, and wasn’t surprised to find Teaspoon waiting for him.

“Take care of your horse son. Then join Buck on them fences.”

“Yes, sir,” he told him, hurrying away from him.

“You git your errand done?” Teaspoon asked his back.

Was that what Buck had told him?

“Yeah,” he called over his shoulder as he continued to the barn.

He quickly brushed his horse down, gave him some feed, and grabbed a hammer as he headed out to Buck.

Buck wasn’t working too hard. He was staring into space, and jumped when Jimmy called his name.

“Some Indian you didn’t even hear me comin’!” Jimmy laughed.

“I was thinkin’,” he defended himself. “What was that all about at Sarah’s?”

“I don’t know. I rescued her last week, and you think I’d forced myself on her or somethin’!” he explained.

“Did you? She’s awful pretty!” Buck smiled, teasing him, already knowing Jimmy would never do anything like that. That wasn’t the kind of man he was.

“I ain’t forced myself on no lady!” Jimmy declared.

Buck played a hunch. “Is she the reason you’ve been so jumpy lately?”

“No!” he lied. “Now can we get these fences mended?”

“I guess,” having a feeling that Jimmy wasn’t telling the truth. He decided to let it go.

Teaspoon gave it a couple days mulling over before he decided that it was time to buy his horses. If he were a betting man, he would bet that Buck hadn’t told him the whole story. He would also bet that something about this was the reason why Jimmy was being so moody and uncommunicative. Whatever the problem was, he knew that Buck and Jimmy needed to face it, so those were the two he went looking for bright and early Thursday morning.

Sarah smiled as she watched the mare and filly run around the paddock. Melissa saw the smile, and agreed with it.

“They are pretty, aren’t they?” Melissa asked her.

“Yes. Melissa?”


“I bet I blew that Pony Express sale. I was really looking forward to it, you know, getting our feet wet and getting a good start on the business….” she drifted off.

“You don’t know that you lost it. They might be back.”

“I hope so.”

“And if they do come, you’ve got to make an effort with Jimmy to be nicer to him. Remember he did you a favor. Just forget the kissing part!”

Sarah laughed. “As if I could!”

“There are riders coming...and it looks like it might be Buck and Jimmy and someone else!” Melissa stated, excited. “Now remember, you’ve got to be nice to him.”

“I will…swear….oh Lord! It is him!…them…Mr. Teaspoon is with them…thank God!”

Sarah plastered a smile on her face as they rode up.

“Buck…Jimmy…Mr. Teaspoon! Hello and welcome to my ranch. What can I do for you?”

“Miss Sarah.” he tipped his hat towards her. “And who is this lovely lady you have helping you?” Teaspoon smiled her way.

“This is the friend I mentioned Sunday that is staying her and helping me out with the ranch, Melissa Crawford. Our father’s were best friends. Guess you could say that this ranch was both their dreams!” Sarah noticed that Jimmy was avoiding her gaze that kept straying to him no matter how much she tried to keep her eyes away from him.

“Well it’s so nice to meet you, Miss Melissa.” He tipped his hat towards her. It was then that he realized she was the young woman he’d seen in town the other day.

“Hello Melissa…Sarah!” Buck smiled wide as he dismounted, along with the other two.

“I’ve come to buy those three horses that Buck and Jimmy told you about. I hope that you’re all organized and all now.”

Was that what these two had told him? Sarah sent Jimmy a look. He was trying to look innocent. It could have been worse, she guessed. He could have told Teaspoon that she’d acted badly.

“Yes, things are running much smoother now, and I appreciate your patience. I’ve got some good stock to show you…if you’ll follow me?”

Melissa and Buck fell in step behind those two.

“How are you doing?” Buck asked her, felling very happy to be this close to this beautiful lady once again.

“I’m okay. You?”

“The same. It don’t look like Jimmy’s going to run away again. How about Sarah?”

“I think she’s got it all under control, but it doesn’t look like Jimmy wants to be here.”

“He don’t. He tried to tell Teaspoon that he had some errands to run, but he insisted that Jimmy and I had to come. I didn’t mind none,” he smiled meaningfully down at her.

“I’m glad that you came along too.”

By then, they were at the paddock, and they all climbed up to look at the horses Sarah wanted to show the men. Taking a deep breath, Sarah climbed onto the fence next to Jimmy.

“What do you think of them?” she asked him with a smile.

Jimmy was quite taken back. He had expected Sarah to ignore him once again since he couldn’t very well run off with Teaspoon there.

“They’re right nice lookin’ animals,” he told her truthfully.

“Would you like to ride one of them?” she asked politely.

Jimmy could feel his heart pounding and his legs getting weaker the longer she sat there next to him.

“That’s a good idea...Buck…Jimmy…saddle up two of them and see what you think,” Teaspoon encouraged them. He already knew the horses were excellent. He just wanted to spend additional time here.

He was still trying to figure out the dynamics that were going on here. It was obvious that Buck was quite taken with Miss Melissa. He could understand that, for she was a beautiful young woman. And it didn’t look like Miss Melissa minded the attention from Buck one bit. But Jimmy…it seemed like Miss Sarah was being friendly to him, but he could see Jimmy’s wall coming up very quickly. Something wasn’t right here.

“They look fine, Teaspoon,” Jimmy told him as he made himself climb off the fence and move away from Sarah.

“No, I think we should ride them,” Buck insisted. “Are your saddles in the barn?”

Sarah was looking from Teaspoon to Buck to Jimmy. It was obvious that Jimmy didn’t want to be around her any more than she wanted to be around him. She knew it would probably help if she apologized, but this wasn’t the time to do it.

“Yes, Buck, they are.”

“Come on Jimmy,” Buck urged.

Jimmy had no choice but to go along with him. He felt very confused. Here he had told himself that it was best that she had run from him. That it proved he shouldn’t feel attracted to her. But now she was being all friendly like. What did that mean? Why couldn’t she have stayed angry with him?

Melissa watched with interest as Buck caught one of the horses and expertly saddled it. He was all efficiency in movement. Nothing was wasted with him. And he was so handsome.

With Jimmy busy saddling a horse, Sarah could watch him unguarded. It didn’t take long to accomplish the tasks, and he quickly swung up on the horse’s back and proceeded to ride him around the paddock, putting him through his paces. Sarah frowned to herself. What was it about this man that caused such violent reactions with her? One minute she wanted to pummel him with her fists, and the next, be in his arms and have him kissing her again.

“Well, boys?” Teaspoon asked their verdict.

“Good horses, Teaspoon,” Buck told him as Jimmy nodded his head in agreement.

“We’ll take them. Ready to talk, Sarah?” Teaspoon asked her.

The next several minutes were taken with agreeing on a fair price, and putting halters on the horses so they could be led back to the Pony Express Station. Each took the lead rein of one of the horses, and remounted their own.

“It’s good that you’ve taken over your father’s business, Miss Sarah, and that you’re able to help her out, Miss Melissa. And I was thinkin’, since both of you are new in town, there’s a dance and social ever Saturday nite in town.” He stated as if he had just come up with a brilliant idea, when in truth he’d had it in the back of his mind since he arrived. “Why don’t Buck and Jimmy take you two ladies to the dance?”

No! Jimmy said to himself and immediately began to sake his head no, while Buck was saying “That sounds like a great idea. Would you like to go Melissa?”

“I’d love to,” she enthused.

Teaspoon looked at Jimmy, wondering once again what was going on with him. Miss Sarah was a beautiful woman. “Do you have a problem with taking Miss Sarah to the dance on Saturday, Jimmy? Teaspoon asked him point blank, knowing Jimmy couldn’t say no to a direct request from him.

“No...I don’t have a problem with that,” he said as he looked down at Sarah. “But Sarah may have other plans,” Jimmy was hoping that since he had given Sarah an out, she would take it. He knew that she’d rather spend time with anyone else but himself.

Sarah felt uncomfortable with everyone looking at her. She couldn’t very well say no, could she? But she knew Jimmy was only asking because Teaspoon was making him. That caused her to smile, and she felt a bit mischievous.

“Why thank you, Jimmy,” she stated giving him her drop-dead smile. “I would love to go to the dance with you.”

If he hadn’t been holding onto his saddle horn, Jimmy would have fallen off his horse when her smile hit him. He had never felt so weak in his entire life.

“Very good!” Teaspoon agreed. “They’ll pick you ladies up at 5:30, and you can eat supper with us at the Station.”

“We’d like that!” Melissa stated.

“We’ll see you then,” Buck told her as they turned and rode off.

“Okay, Sarah...what was that smile all about?” Melissa asked her with a laugh.

“Well, I was being friendly, and he wasn’t being friendly back. He didn’t want to take me to the dance, and the devil got into me. I mean after the dance, I’ll probably never have to see him again anyway. I’m happy for you though. Buck couldn’t say yes to the idea quickly enough. I think he’s quite taken with you.”

“You think?” Melissa asked her, watching him ride off.

“Yes, I do think. Now let’s get back to work.”

Teaspoon realized at one point that he and Buck were doing all the talking and that Jimmy was being even quieter than usual.

“Son, do you have a problem takin’ Miss Sarah to the dance Saturday?”

“Nope,” Jimmy stated, straight-faced, looking right at Teaspoon. Teaspoon couldn’t see past the wall Jimmy had up. There was definitely something wrong here.

He turned to Buck, who had a silly grin on his face.

“What about you Buck?”

“ problem at all,” he stated as the smile got wider.

“Good, because I want you boys to be rite nice to those ladies. Them’s real ladies you know. They talk all proper like, so you best show them a real good time.”

“We will,” Buck assured him.

When they arrived back at the Station, Jimmy and Buck took care of the horses while Teaspoon went back to his Marshalling duties.

“You don’t want to go to the dance, do you?”

“It ain’t that exactly…” Jimmy told him as he turned two of the horses loose in the corral. Buck did the same with the last one.
“Then what exactly is it?” Buck asked him. “It ain’t like Sarah is ugly.”

“No...she’s definitely not that,” Jimmy agreed, feeling warm all over as he thought once again of her smile.

“Then what?”

“It don’t pay for me to be round a female is all.”

Suddenly Buck saw the light of day regarding Jimmy’s moods of late.

“Jimmy, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with havin’ someone special in your life. You let Rebecca into your life. Why not see Sarah a few times and see if she would fit.”

“Rebecca didn’t work out very well,” Jimmy reminded him.

“That’s cause she had her big cause she wouldn’t give up. It was more important to her than you were.”

“Yeah…I know.”

“So if you gave her a chance, I think Sarah deserves the same thing.”

“She don’t like me.”

“She didn’t act that way today. She seemed to like you jist fine!” Buck assured him.

Buck watched Jimmy shake his head no. “I don’t know bout that, but I jist don’t need no woman in my life. I realized that with Rebecca, and it was good she wanted to move on.”

“Well, one dance won’t make no difference. You can at least have a good time for one nite.” Buck told him.

“I guess it won’t hurt none, but I still don’t think she likes me all that well.”

The closer Saturday got, the more nervous Sarah became. Why had she said she would go to the dance with Jimmy? She knew him to have a dark side. He seemed to have a wall up, and had too high of an opinion of himself. He didn’t think women could do a thing on their own. And he was handsome and could unnerve her with a look for those gorgeous eyes of his. This was folly! But she didn’t want to spoil it for Melissa, who was so looking forward to seeing Buck again. What was one dance anyway? And as she had known it would, Saturday evening finally arrived.

Melissa twirled around in front of the mirror, trying to decide if she liked the dress she had chosen to wear to the dance. Would Buck like it? Did the color look good on her? Could Buck dance well? Did he like her?

“Why the frown?” Sarah asked as she walked into Melissa’s room, taking her in.

“I was just wondering if this dress looked alright on me. What do you think?” Melissa asked as she twirled around. Sarah smiled at the effect. The green taffeta made the already beautiful woman even more so.

“I think Mr. Cross will find it very hard to keep his eyes off you. The dress flatters you well. So what about me? How will I do?”

“That blue is such a rich color. I think that Jimmy will have a difficult time remembering why he doesn’t like you, IF he feels like you think he does. You’re so pretty!”

“Then I guess that neither one of us needs to frown then, do we? We’ll make a good impression. I’ll apologize to Jimmy, and then I won’t have to worry about whether I see him again or not.”

“I guess that’s true enough,” Melissa stated as she took one last look at herself.

Buck and Jimmy rode up in the carriage that Teaspoon had managed to borrow for them to take the ladies to the dance. There were two seats, and Jimmy had insisted on driving the horses. That way he could concentrate on that task instead of worrying what to say to Sarah.

“Do you think they’re ready to go?” Buck asked nervously as he straightened his tie.

“I hope so. I don’t want to wait around none.” Jimmy told him, knowing that he would wait as long as it took the ladies to be ready.

“Now remember what Teaspoon said. We got to treat them well.”

“I will,” was all Jimmy said as he, too, straightened his tie, wondering what his reception would be.

He knocked on the door and stepped back. It was quickly opened by Melissa.

“Hello Buck…Jimmy. We’re ready to go. Sarah! They’re here!” she called into the back of the house as she picked up her shawl.

“You look beautiful tonight,” Buck told her as he took the shawl from her hands and helped her put it over her shoulders. To him, she was a vision.

Melissa had almost gasped out loud when she saw Buck. He was dressed in a suit with a white shirt and a tie. He looked more handsome than ever, and she realized just how lucky she was to be going to the dance with him.

Sarah walked out carrying her shawl and she immediately caught sight of Jimmy. She’d always thought he was a handsome man, but dressed up as he was now, he was devastating. She gave him her most brilliant smile as she held her shawl out to him.

“Hi Jimmy…Buck. You’re right on time!” she complimented.

Jimmy was having a problem just breathing as Sarah walked across the room towards him. She looked wonderful in her delicate dress. And that smile…he shook his head to clear it.

Buck offered his arm to Melissa, and she squeezed his arm lightly as she slid her hand through his arm. Buck’s stomach did strange things to him with that squeeze. Tonight was going to be a great night!

Jimmy took the shawl from Sarah’s hands and placed it lightly across her shoulders. She gave him another smile for that, and now he really was having a problem thinking clearly. Buck helped Melissa into the carriage and quickly climbed in after her. Jimmy put his hands around Sarah’s small waist and lifted her up to her seat. How light she was! He also climbed up and was happy that he had the reins in his hands so he had something to do. Concentrate, he had to concentrate!

“Tell me about the dances. What should we expect?” Melissa asked Buck.

“Oh they’re real fun. Everyone dances with everyone else…”

“Even with Mary Jane Hankins! He really likes dancin’ with her,” Jimmy laughed.

 “Who’s Mary Jane Hankins?”

“Teaspoon always makes me dance at least once with her. She cain’t dance too good,” Buck explained.

“What about you? Does Teaspoon make you dance one dance with her?” Sarah asked Jimmy.

“I don’t usually go to the dances, and if I do, I don’t stay too long so I usually get out of it.” Jimmy told her with a small smile.

That small smile did a number on her stomach. Jimmy could probably be very charming if he wanted to be…when he wasn’t doing his best to be obnoxious.

“What else?” Melissa asked.

“The church ladies usually fix all the food, and like I said, they’re real fun.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” Sarah declared as she turned around to smile at the couple in back of her. “I’m counting on the two of you to introduce us to the people we didn’t meet on Sunday at church.”

“I think we can probably do that,” Buck replied.

“So who will all be at supper tonight?” Sarah asked whoever wanted to answer it.

“I think that Kid and Lou will be there. They’re married. Lou used to ride for the Pony Express, but she and Kid were married a few months back. Cody will be there. Noah’s out on a run, and of course Teaspoon and Rachel,” Buck, as always, answered.

“It will be nice to meet them all,” Melissa told him.
“How are the horses I sold you working out?” Sarah asked Jimmy.

“They’re jist fine. They’re good horses, and I imagine we’ll do business with you again.”

“That’s certainly good to hear,” she smiled at him.

They chatted for the rest of the trip to the Station, and the gentlemen helped the ladies form the carriage.

Cody, having finished getting ready for the dance, was sitting at the table reading. When the door opened, he looked up and was caught up in one of the most beautiful visions he had ever seen. He stood up quickly and held his hand out to the auburn haired beauty.

“Hi there. William F. Cody at your service ma’m,” he smiled at her.

Amused, Melissa took his hand and shook it. She was looking into pretty blue eyes and a very handsome, friendly face that had a lot of blond hair framing it.

“I’m pleased to meet you. Do you go by William?”

“No ma’m, it’s Cody.”

“Cody it is…I’m Melissa Crawford and this is my friend, Sarah Brooks.”

Cody was looking at another beauty...but Melissa was somehow a little more special for him.

“Pleased to meet you, Sarah.”

“It’s nice to meet you also. Hello Rachel….Mr. Teaspoon.”

“That’s enough of this Mr. Teaspoon stuff!” He told them sternly as he got up to hug them both.

Rachel smiled and said hello to both Sarah and her friend Melissa. “Nice to see you again Sarah. This is your friend that I’ve heard so much about? Good to meet you Melissa.”

Buck watched as the ladies spoke to one another. He wasn’t at all happy with the attention that Cody was paying Melissa. Why couldn’t he be noticing Sarah more?

“Where’s Lou and Kid?” Jimmy asked.

“Right behind you,” Lou stated as she and her husband came into the room.

Introductions were made, and soon they were all sitting down to their meal, getting to know each other. As always, Jimmy became the listener and observer. He was happy that Sarah was getting on with Lou and Kid. Buck didn’t seem to be real happy with the attention Cody was paying to Melissa. He was also paying attention to Sarah, but it clear which lady he was interested in. Rachel made a good meal, and too soon, they were all walking to the dance.

The ladies looked around in delight as they placed their wraps on the table. The men handed over their holsters and guns. Immediately, someone grabbed Sarah and took her to the dance floor. Jimmy made a move to grab her, but then decided that it was best just to let her go. If he played his cards right, he wouldn’t have to dance with her at all. Buck managed to somehow keep possession of Melissa, and steered her that way.

“Everyone comes to these, don’t they?” Melissa asked him. Having his arms around her as they danced felt very good.

“Give or take a few,” he said as they danced around the floor.

“And we have to dance with anyone who asks us?”

“That’s usually the way it goes. If the townsfolk know that you’re married or gettin’ married they usually respect that. Single people are all fair game.”

“It should be an interesting night,” was all she said to him as they danced together until the music ended.

Cody was immediately there.

“May I have this dance, Melissa?”

Buck reluctantly turned her over as he went to stand with Teaspoon, Rachel, and Jimmy.

“Mary Jane Hankins is standin’ over there all by herself. Which one of you boys is gonna ask her to dance?” Teaspoon looked at them.

Buck and Jimmy immediately pointed at the other.

“Thank you for volunteerin’, Buck,” Teaspoon smiled at him.

“But Teaspoon!” he wailed.

“Have a good time, son!” he said as he pushed him in her direction. He moved to stand next to Jimmy. “So why ain’t you dancin’ with Miss Sarah?”

“Look at her! I cain’t git near her!” Jimmy calmly pointed out.

“And you don’t hanker to none neither?”

“I’ll dance with her,” Jimmy told him as he walked over to Lou and pulled her onto the dance floor.

Sarah immediately noticed that Jimmy seemed to be dancing with every lady in the place except herself. With each dance that went by, she got angrier. Well, it had been obvious that he hadn’t wanted to ask her to the dance…and now he was making it painfully obvious for anyone who cared to notice!

After his dance with May Jane, Buck reclaimed Melissa as quickly as he could, and pulled her a little tighter against him with every dance that went by. At one point, it crossed Melissa’s mind that she should protest, but she honestly didn’t want to. It felt so right to be in this man’s arms. She felt safe, protected. She wondered if he would try to kiss her goodnight? That thought brought a smile to her face. Buck, seeing it, pulled her as close against him as he could. He was in heaven! The Great Spirit was shinning down on him.

At the conclusion of her dance with Teaspoon, Sarah decided it was time to find her escort and demand to know what was going on with him. She picked him out of the crowd and made her way over to him as the music began again.

“Are you going to ask me to dance tonight?” she demanded. “I mean you did bring me to this dance.”

Jimmy could tell that she was angry with him.

“It ain’t my fault. I couldn’t git near you!” he protested in his favor.

“Well, here I am now. Do I get that dance?”

Jimmy grabbed her arm and half dragged her out of the dance hall.

“Look lady…I’m really sorry that I rescued you! I shoulda listened to you when you told me you didn’t need no rescuin’! I shoulda left you out there to git snakebite or kidnapped by the Indians or whoever else wanted you!”

“And you’re sorry that Teaspoon made you take me to this dance tonight?” She glared at him, her hands on her hips.

“You’re one of the most ungrateful, unpleasant women to be around, Sarah. Why would I want to be around you?”

“The nerve! I’m ungrateful and unpleasant? I’m Little Mary Sunshine compared to you. You’re egotistic thinking that women can’t do anything for themselves. You never say a word unless someone makes you! Just who in the hell do you think you are?”

Jimmy threw up his hands, totally frustrated with her. He didn’t know if he should strangle her of just walk away so he didn’t kill her. And then she did something that totally threw him. She started to laugh.

“Would you listen to this? I had every intention of apologizing to you tonight and thanking you for rescuing me! I got angry because it seemed like you really wanted to be with anyone else at the dance other than me,” she confessed, giving him a small smile. “And I can’t say that I blame you. I’ve been a real shrew to you! I am sorry, Jimmy. I know that you saved me a lot of pain and aggravation. I couldn’t walk on my ankle. So thank you for rescuing me.”

He looked down at the ground, then back at her. Suddenly all his anger was gone.

“You’re somethin’ else, lady!”

“Does that mean you accept my apology?” she asked him hopefully.

“Yeah...and I know you can take care of yourself,” he added.

“Good. Now if you’ve revised your opinion of me, would you dance with me?”

Jimmy held out his arm to her.


She slipped her hand through his arm, and he led her back inside, taking her immediately into his arms. She gifted him with that dazzling smile of hers, and he felt the magic of being close to her all over again. He could feel his walls coming up, but determined, he pushed them back down. Tonight he would welcome the magic...he could give himself over to spending his time with her. There was nothing wrong with enjoying these few hours.

“Now ain’t that a purty sight?” Teaspoon asked Rachel as she pointed to the two couples on the dance floor.

Rachel smiled as she watched Buck and Melissa, dancing very closely, seeing the raised eyebrows it was causing, but choosing not to worry about it.

“Do you think Buck has finally found someone?”

“Yeah...I think it’s possible. She don’t seem to mind what he is.”

“And Jimmy. He actually looks happy. Have you seen him ever look like that? He never looked like that around Rebecca.”

“Maybe Jimmy’s met his match too. That would be right nice. I really like those two ladies.”

“Me too, Teaspoon!” Rachel agreed.

Then there was the sound of a shot being fired. There were a couple of screams, then silence as the music stopped, then a very loud voice calling, “HICKOK!”

Sarah looked up at Jimmy, and watched as his face quickly fell and his shoulders slumped. Then, just as quickly, he squared his shoulders and she watched a cold mask come down and cover his face.

“You stay with Teaspoon or Buck!” he ordered to Sarah.

“What’s going on?” she asked him, but he was already picking up his two guns, and heading outside. Sarah hurried over to Buck. “What’s going on?”

“Someone’s callin’ Jimmy outside.”

“No! Why?” she asked Lou who had joined the circle.

“You don’t know do you?” she asked sadly.

“No,” she said as she followed the crowd outside.

“Then it’s up to Jimmy to tell you,” Lou said as she patted her arm and looked anxiously out on the street.

Sarah saw Jimmy tying his holsters around his legs. He seemed very cool…detached from the situation.

“Teaspoon...isn’t there anything you can do?” Melissa asked.

“Nope. It’s all legal like. Don’t worry none. Jimmy’ll be alright,” he said, hoping he was speaking the truth, feeling sorry for Sarah, who looked all bewildered and frightened like. He put his arm around her.

“Whenever you’re ready, Hickok!” they heard the other man say.

Jimmy straightened up, never taking his eyes off the man.

“Who is it?” Buck asked Kid as he pulled Melissa up against his side.

“Don’t know.”

The scene that was unfolding around Sarah seemed unreal. One moment she had been in Jimmy’s arms, probably feeling things that she shouldn’t feel. The next, she was watching him in a shoot out!

“Did Jimmy do something bad?” she asked Teaspoon.

“Nope,” was all he said, and Sarah had a million questions, but before she could ask him, the man went to draw, and faster than she could blink, Jimmy drew and shot. She had never seen anyone as fast as Jimmy…never! The man fell, unmoving. Jimmy holstered his gun, turned, and began to walk down the street away from all of them.

Sarah started to follow him, but Kid quickly stopped her.

“It’s best to leave him be,” he told her kindly.

Teaspoon, playing a hunch, told Kid, “Let her go after him.”

“But Teaspoon….” Kid started to protest.

“Let her go,” was all he said, and Kid dropped his arm from around her.

Sarah quickly ran off after Jimmy. Instinctively, she knew that she shouldn’t ask him anything. Shouldn’t say anything. She should just be there. When she caught up to him, he was just standing on the edge of town, looking out into the darkness. Sarah went up to stand next to him, put her arm through his, and laid her head against his arm.

Her gesture touched Jimmy. How had she known how he felt? How had she known that all he needed right now was a non-threatening touch from another human? She didn’t try to talk to him, and they just stood there while she hugged his arm close to her. He felt her shiver in the cold. He finally looked down at her. She didn’t have her wrap with her. No wonder she was so cold. He pulled her against him, and she went willingly.

“Come on. Let’s go get your wrap, and I’ll see you home. I don’t feel much like dancin’ anymore.”

“Neither do I,” she told him.

He savored the feel of her against him, before they turned to go back to the dance hall. He kept his arm protectively around her.

“Buck, what exactly is Jimmy?” Melissa asked her escort as they both watched Sarah take off after Jimmy.

He appeared uncomfortable with the question.

“What do you mean?”

“What we just saw. With the way you’re acting, this must have happened before. I know Jimmy rides for the Pony Express, but what was what I just saw?”

“Look…none of it is Jimmy’s fault. He ain’t had an easy life, and there’s all these stories goin’ round bout him. None of them are true. Jimmy’s one of the few people I trust in Rock Creek. He’d do anything for any one of us. That’s what you need to know about Jimmy.”

“That’s good enough for me then,” she replied. “I guess when they get back, we should head on home. I doubt whether he’ll feel much like dancing now.”

“I’ll hitch up the carriage. Want to come with me?”

“Sure.” She agreed happily.

Buck looked expectantly at Rachel.

“Yes, I’ll tell Jimmy and Sarah to wait for you if they get here before you do.”

“Thanks!” Buck told her as he took Melissa’s hand and steered her towards the station.

Sarah stopped walking and found Jimmy’s eyes. They still held a little of the coldness in them. “All I need to know is if you’re alright. And if you’re not, what I can do to make you alright.”

Jimmy’s heart was touched with the caring and sincerity he saw in her eyes.

“Sometimes I think that my whole life story has already been written, and there ain’t nothin’ I can do about the outcome….it’s already been decided. But I’m alright...thanks for askin’” he gave her a little smile, trying to reassure her.

Sarah stood on her tiptoes, put one hand behind his head, and pulled his mouth down to where she could quickly brush her lips against his. He gasped as he felt her fire go through him, then pulled her tightly against him and returned the kiss. Oh Lord...he wanted this! He pulled her into the shadows so he could continue to kiss her in private. Her arms worked their way around him, and Jimmy just kept on kissing her like there would be no tomorrow.

Melissa watched, admiring Buck as he seemed to hitch the horses to the carriage with absolutely no effort. She liked watching his muscled arms as they lifted the heavy harness. His hair looked so silky in the lamplight. Would it feel that way if she could run her fingers through it?

Buck had turned around to ask her to hand him something, but upon seeing the look on her face as she looked at him, stopped him. He swallowed nervously. He’d never seen a lady look at him the way she was looking at him. Her look was calling to him to go to her. He went slowly over to her…cautiously...wanting to give her an opportunity to change her mind if that’s what she wanted to do,  But her expression didn’t change. He stopped very closely to her and reached out his hand to caress her face. She leaned into it, and then turned her face and placed a kiss on the palm of his hand. A shiver ran through his whole body as she walked into his open arms and laid her head against his chest. He knew she had ulterior motives...that she was doing this because she wanted to be closer to him.

“Oh, Melissa...” he said as he turned her face up to his and started kissing it. She returned his kisses eagerly, running her fingers through his very silky hair, and then wrapping her arms tightly around him. No man had ever kissed her like he was kissing her. She felt so cherished. Like she could trust him with anything. She didn’t want to ever leave his embrace.

Jimmy took a shaky breath and forced himself to pull away from her sweet mouth, but he couldn’t make himself pull away from her warmth that ran the length of his body.

“Sarah...I don’t want you to think that…”  No, that wasn’t right. “Sarah...” he tried again, “I cain’t do life right now…” No...that wasn’t it either.

Sarah put her fingers against his lips.

“It’s alright Jimmy. I think I already knew that. But this is tonight. It’s okay to need someone sometimes….even if I’m supposed to pretend tomorrow that you didn’t need me tonight.”

“I’m sorry, Sarah. You’re everythin’ any man could want.”

“Thank you for that. Now, I guess we should find Buck and Melissa, and reassure them that you’re alright.”

“Yeah...let’s go,” he agreed.

Buck vaguely heard the horses stamping and snorting impatiently. He could feel Melissa start to giggle.

“ you think they’re tryin’ to tell us it’s time to go?” he asked her, never wanting to leave this place or let this woman out of his arms.

“Perhaps they are. Jimmy and Sarah could be wandering around the town looking for us,” she agreed, but didn’t move from where she was being held against him.

“Do you think anyone would notice if we didn’t get back?” Buck questioned as he kissed her sensual lips again.

“Sarah would, but I think she would understand.”

“The other Riders probably would too, and they’d be funnin’ me about it.”

“We can’t have that!” she giggled as she reluctantly gave him one last kiss and pulled out of his arms. “We best go then.”

“If you insist!” He laughed.

Rachel watched Jimmy and Sarah walk towards her, hand in hand. She smiled to herself. Jimmy hadn’t had a lady in his life for quite some time. Would he let this one in? Tonight was a special circumstance and might never come to pass again. She hoped Jimmy would see the light with Sarah. She felt in her bones that he could be happy with her.

“Buck and Melissa around?” he asked in his quiet voice.

“They went to hitch the they come now,” she told them.

“Thanks again for dinner,” Sarah told her a she hugged her.

“You’re welcome, Sarah. You ‘n Melissa need to come again soon.”

“We’d like that,” she replied as Buck stopped the carriage in front of them, and Jimmy helped her into the back.

Sarah had been afraid he would start to pull away from her, but he didn’t. He kept his arm around her, but didn’t say anything. Buck and Melissa didn’t try to talk to them, and it didn’t take long to drive back to her ranch.

“Goodnight, Melissa.” Buck told her as he kissed her once again. “Go right in and sleep good.”

“Thank you, and I will. Come over anytime you’d like,” she invited.

“I will,” he told her with a smile before he went back to the carriage to wait for Jimmy.

“Thank you for tonight,” Sarah told Jimmy as he helped her from the carriage.

“Why are you thankin’ me? It weren’t a good nite!”

“Parts of it were,” she replied with her killer smile. “We got some things straight between us, and I got to dance a whole dance with you. You dance very well!”

“Thank you, ma’m!”

“So thank you for the good parts. I enjoyed spending them with you.”

He laughed as he held her close for a moment before he let her go.

“I enjoyed them with you too. Sleep good, alright?”

“Alright. Goodnight, Jimmy.”

“Nite Sarah!” He told her as he watched her walk to the door. He sighed to himself. Tonight couldn’t happen again. Being called out had only reminded him of that. There wasn’t room in his life for a lady…not until all of the craziness around him stopped. Shaking his head, he climbed in front with Buck.

“Did Teaspoon know who it was?” Jimmy asked him.

“Just some two bit outlaw out to make a name for hisself!”

“When’s it gonna stop?” Jimmy asked.

“Might never!” Buck told him truthfully. “Looks like you had a good time with Sarah.”

“I did, but that will be it. Tonight only made that more clear.”

“Does she know that?”

“Yeah...she knows.”

“But what if….”

“No, Buck. No what ifs. Did you have a good time with Melissa?

Buck felt only sadness for his friend. Sarah was a special lady, and could make Jimmy happy, he knew somehow.

“Yeah, I did. I feel in my bones that she’s gonna be special in my life. Sarah could be that for you too.”

“Drop it!” Jimmy ordered him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“It’s dropped,” was all that he said as Jimmy went inside himself. Buck had no choice but to let him.

Sarah stared out the window watching Buck and Jimmy drive off. She sighed to herself, but Melissa heard her. She came over to stand next to her.

“It was a strange night, wasn’t it?” Melissa asked her.

“I was so scared that Jimmy was going to be killed in that gunfight. Melissa, you should have seen the change come over him. He had ignored me the whole night until I confronted him. We were yelling at each other, but I finally apologized to him. We were getting along and dancing and having fun. Then he got called out, and it’s like this coldness came over him!”

Sarah shivered as she remembered it and wrapped her arms around herself. “You were there on the street. I’ve never seen anyone draw so fast! I have a million questions, but they won’t talk about him, and he won’t talk about it…but you can tell it’s happened before.”

“All Buck would say when I asked was that Jimmy hasn’t led an easy life...that it wasn’t Jimmy’s fault and none of the stories about him are true. Jimmy’s one of the few people he trusts in Rock Creek. Of course he didn’t say what the stories were, and I didn’t think I should ask since he so obviously didn’t want to talk about it.”

“None of it matters anyway, I guess. Jimmy made it clear that he doesn’t want a close relationship with any woman, but Melissa...I felt something there with him,” she said earnestly as she turned to face her friend. “I think he and I could be good together. And when he kisses me, I can feel the earth move!” She laughed.

“You were kissing him again?”

“Yeah, after the gunfight. It was like he wanted to be close to me, but really didn’t know how to be. We started to kiss...I felt some strange things.”

“I know how that is!” Melissa blushed. “Buck and I…I went with him to get the carriage, and in the dim light and all, I started to think about how great he looked and all...I think he could read my mind...I’ve never been kissed like that before, Sarah. It was pretty wonderful!”

“Well, one good least you have a good chance with Buck. He seems to be very taken with you. He seems of good character, and he is very handsome! But what of Cody? He seemed taken with you also, the way he stared at you all through dinner, and he did dance a few dances with you tonight. He isn’t bad looking either, and he seems nice enough.”

“He is nice…and funny. But I think he was just being nice to me since I was with Buck.”

“He wasn’t being that nice to me,” Sarah teased, enjoying watching Melissa blush again.

“I think I like Buck better though. And as far as Jimmy goes, I think that man has led a very complicated life. There’s a lot that I bet even the other Riders don’t know about him. Are you sure you’d want to get involved with a man like that?”

“There’s something inside me that’s drawn to him. I think he has all the good basic values, and even though he doesn’t know it yet, he needs me,” Sarah stated stubbornly.

Melissa took in the set of her jaw, the determined tone of her voice.

“Then I’d say be friends with him first. Get to know him. Let him get to know you. Let him see that you aren’t a threatening person to him…that he can trust you. Maybe then he’ll feel differently about having a woman in his life. Maybe he just sees it as being too dangerous to have one around…I mean if he gets called out a lot and all.”

“Maybe…Lord, Melissa! I sure am glad that you’re here with me!” Sarah stated as she hugged her friend.

“Hey Buck...did you get Melissa home okay?” Cody asked as he and Jimmy came into the bunkhouse.”


“Did you jist take her to the dance cause Teaspoon wanted you to?” he asked curiously.

“That was part of it,” Buck admitted. “Why?”

“No reason,” Cody replied, knowing he had a very good reason. He didn’t want Buck to know that. “The same reason with you, Jimmy?”

“ thinkin’ a goin’ to see Sarah?” Jimmy asked.

“I don’t rightly know. Would you have problems with that?” he asked Jimmy, wanting to throw Buck off.

“Nope. She’s a nice lady.”

“Pretty too,” Cody replied.

A picture of Cody kissing all over Sarah sailed through his mind, and Jimmy didn’t like the feelings that accompanied it. He brushed them angrily away. He’d had his one night with her; he’d been able to share kisses that were wonderful with her. He’d felt cherished with her, cared for. Briefly, he wanted it again, but he made that feeling go away. He might think about it while he was out on a run, but not now when she was so close by.

Buck lay in his bunk and fixed his mind firmly on Melissa. He went over all of their kisses and caresses. He only wanted to be with her again, but he had the run tomorrow so it would be a couple of days before he saw her again. Was Cody interested? Or did he like Sarah better? He hoped for Sarah’s sake (and his own) that it was her since Jimmy wasn’t going to go after her himself. As for himself, he planned on letting Melissa know he was interested in her.

Cody waited around until everyone was busy, then slipped out on his horse. As he rode up to Melissa and Sarah’s, he saw the ladies hauling hay to the barn.

“Let me help you with that!” he stated as he quickly tied his horse and hurried over to them.

“Cody! Good morning!” Melissa smiled at him. That smile warmed his heart.

“Mornin’ Melissa…Sarah…” he stated as he tipped his hat at both of them before he started lifting the heavy bales and moving them into the barn.

“ don’t need to do that!” Sarah told him.

“I know that, but I was ridin’ over to offer my services around here. It’s a couple of days until it’s time for me to ride, and knowin’ how these places are...I thought I could help you two ladies out if you needed some repairs done or anythin’ else.”

“Well, Mr. Cody, you certainly are a godsend! There are a couple of leaky spots on the roof I have no idea how to repair. Melissa and I have begun repairing the fences.”

“I can definitely help with that roof after I stack these hay bales.”

“Then I guess Sarah and I can work on the fences,” Melissa told him, smiling very prettily at him.

For her, he would have rebuilt the whole house if that’s what she had wanted.

“Okay then,” he smiled back at her.

Melissa had to admit that Cody had the nicest smile!

“Tools are right through that door, Cody. I really do appreciate this!” she told him gratefully.

“It’s a pleasure, ma’m!”

It was a pleasant day. While Cody workedon the roof, Sarah and Melissa worked on the fences. Midday, Sarah fixed them all a meal, and then they went back to work. In the early afternoon, Melissa took off to go to the church to start practicing for the Sunday service. As Sarah gathered up her tools, Cody joined her.

“I should have that roof done by tomorrow night. Um...where’s Melissa?”

Sarah sort of chuckled to herself. So, that’s why Cody had come over!

“She’s the new organist at the church, so she went to practice for the services on Sunday. I imagine you could probably still catch her there.”

“Sarah?” Cody asked as she followed him in so they could put all their tools away.

“Yes?” she answered.

“Does Melissa have a fella anywhere?”

“Tell you what, Cody. I’ll answer a question for you if you’ll answer one for me.”

“Fair ‘nough.”

“No...Melissa doesn’t have a fella anywhere. Now, last night when Jimmy got called out. How many times has that happened before?”

“We don’t usually talk none bout Jimmy,” he told her.

“We had a deal, Cody,” she reminded him.

“It’s happened lots of times, but you don’t have to worry none. He’s always been the fastest draw.”

“That’s real comforting, Cody,” she told him dryly. “Don’t you think there will come a time when he isn’t the fastest?”

“That’s what he thinks is gonna happen one day.”

“And that’s why he doesn’t want a woman in his life?” she guessed.

“Probably...he tried to get me interested in you last nite. I didn’t want Buck to think that I was coming to see Melissa, so I pretended to be interested.”

He looked so cute as he said that.

“It’s alright. And your secret is safe with me. Jimmy pretty much let me know he didn’t need any woman in his life.”

Cody really studied her for a moment. He liked what he saw.

“Jimmy don’t know what he needs in his life Sarah. I’m not sayin’ it would be easy, but if you think you’d like him, don’t let up on him.”

“I’ll remember that Cody.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow Sarah.”

“I’ll be expecting you then,” she told him with her smile.

Cody shook his head as he jumped on his horse and headed back to town. Jimmy was some fool to let that lady slip from his hand. Maybe he could do something to push Jimmy in that direction.

Melissa was just stacking her music books when she heard someone come into the church. Looking up, she saw Cody.

“Hey Cody…finished at Sarah’s?” she asked him as he walked toward her.

“Yeah. She told me I could find you here. So you’re the new church organist?”

“Yes. And I’m thrilled to death about it. I graduated from Music College, and I wondered how I would put my music training to work. It seems to be here for now. I think that I’ll start up a children’s choir. Wouldn’t it be fun to have them ready by Christmas to give a little Christmas recital?”

“That would be rite nice, Melissa. There are plenty of children in town, so I’m sure you’d have plenty of them for your choir.”

“I hope so. I was going to have Reverend Johnson announce it from the pulpit this Sunday.”

“Good luck with it.”

Melissa started to walk outside since she was finished with her practice.

“Um…would you like to come to the bunkhouse for supper tonight?” Cody invited.

“That would be nice Cody, but I’m sure that Sarah is expecting me. I’d hate to worry her.”

“How bout if I send Lou or Kid out to get her? That way neither of you will have to cook, and you’ll get a good meal.”

“You don’t think Rachel would mind?”

“Nope. She likes havin’ extra lady company. It don’t happen enough for her.”

“Then I accept. That’s sweet of you.”

“Come on…let’s go find Kid or Lou.”

Outside, she and Cody mounted their horses and rode to the bunkhouse. Rachel was outside sweeping the porch.

“Hi Melissa…Cody.” Rachel greeted.

“I invited Melissa and Sarah to supper tonight.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“You sure it’s no bother?” Melissa asked her.

“Not at all. Lou and Kid rode over to Black Pine on an errand for Teaspoon, so it’s nice to know that I’ll have two people to take their place.”

“Oh, is Jimmy around then?” he asked. “I was goin’ to send someone to get Sarah since she don’t know about the plans.”

“He’s in the barn, I think,” Rachel told him, her mind starting to work. “Cody...why don’t you get some water for me while Melissa goes to ask him to get Sarah? I think you already know where the barn is Melissa,” Rachel winked at her as she returned to her sweeping.

Melissa blushed and headed that way. How had Rachel known what she and Buck were doing last night? In the barn, she saw Jimmy, shirtless, pitching straw into the horse stalls. Not bad, she thought to herself as she watched him work for a few moments. It didn’t take him long to notice her.

“Hello Melissa. If you’re looking for Buck…”

“No, I was looking for you, actually.”

“Oh...what can I do for you?”

“Cody invited Sarah and I to supper. But Sarah doesn’t know that yet. Rachel suggested that I ask you to go and tell Sarah to come to supper.”

Jimmy leaned on the pitchfork handle. He’d been doing his best not to think of Sarah, and now he was being faced with her again. And he couldn’t ever tell Rachel no.

“Let me get cleaned up, and I’ll go fetch her.”

“Thanks, Jimmy. I do appreciate it. I didn’t want to worry her when I didn’t show up on time,” she told him as she sat down on a hay bale.

“Where was you?”

“At the church practicing. I’m the new church organist now. Cody found me and asked me to come eat here tonight.”

She watched the small smile go across his face.

“Cody asked you?”

“Yeah…is something wrong with that? I mean he was out at the ranch all day helping us out.”

“That sly dog!” Jimmy stated with a laugh. Knowing Buck didn’t have any idea about any of this. How like Cody!

“I beg your pardon?” she asked, not understanding his reaction.

“Don’t worry none,” was all he said as he finished with the stall and put the fork up. “I’ll go get Sarah now. I shouldn’t take too long.”

“Thanks …… Jimmy?”

“Yeah?” he asked as he picked up his shirt.

“About last night...are you okay?”

“Yeah, and I don’t mean to be rude, but I ain’t gonna talk about it, Melissa.”

“Alright. See you later,” she stated as she stood up.


“Yeah, Jimmy?”

“Thanks for askin’ though.”

“You’re welcome.”

Sarah had cleaned up from the day and was sitting on the top rail of a fence looking out over part of her herd. She was waiting for Melissa, and was surprised when upon hearing a horse, looked up and saw Jimmy riding towards her. Her heart skipped a few beats, but she tried to still her breathing. He wasn’t interested in her.

“Hey, Jimmy. Need more horses?” she smiled at him.

Jimmy had been cursing at himself because most of him was happy to be riding out to pick Sarah up. The more sensible part was telling him to get her off his mind.

“No,” he returned the smile. “I’ve been sent to git you for supper. It seems that Cody invited Melissa, and she wouldn’t come unless you came. Since Cody wants her there, I was ordered to come and get you.”

“You make it sound like a chore,” she told him, trying not to sound discouraged.

“It ain’t that,” he told her looking at her steadily. “So, would you like to come to supper?”

“I don’t want to let Cody down...Jimmy, does Buck know that Cody is doing this?”

“No. Buck’s out on a run, and Cody saw his opportunity to make his move. That’s Cody though. They’ll work it out if it needs workin’ out.”

“I suppose. I need to saddle my horse. Give me a couple minutes,”she told him as she lightly hopped down from the rail and went to the barn.
Jimmy looked out at the herd she’d been watching. His eye was immediately caught by a bay stallion that was prancing around. He was a proud animal, well muscled, and the most gorgeous piece of horseflesh he had ever seen.

Sarah quickly saddled her horse, Panache, and led him out of the barn. Jimmy didn’t hear her, so she could watch him watching her horses. There was a small smile playing on his lips as he watched them, but she could tell that one held his attention.

“Which one?” she asked quietly as she mounted her horse.

“The bay stallion.”

“He is beautiful, isn’t he? His name is Mariah…like the wind of that name in California. He’s very fast. Would you like to ride him one day?”


“Then you will. Let’s go make Cody happy,” she laughed.

Sarah decided then and there to remember what Melissa had told her. Be Jimmy’s friend. Maybe then he’d realize just how much he needed her…if she decided that’s what she wanted after she got to know him better.

Jimmy was happy that Sarah wasn’t one of those ladies that thought they had to chatter all the time. But he remembered Melissa’s question about last night. He suspected that Sarah probably had some questions of her own. Did he want to bring it up? Did he want to answer whatever questions she had? Did he want her to know him better? It just felt so good to be with her again. And she wasn’t putting any pressure on him.

“About last night Sarah…I imagine you have some questions….”

“Yeah, Jimmy, I do. Last night frightened me. I’d never been around anyone who’d been called out before. But I also think that you don’t really want to talk about it and whatever it is that caused it to happen. When you really want to talk about it, we can, and I’ll be happy to listen and find out more about you. Until then, you don’t need to talk to me about it.”

Jimmy digested that. Any other woman would have thrown so many questions at him, it would have made his head spin. Was this woman real?

“I’m sorry you were frightened. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“I know…lucky that I had all your friends there to reassure me…and don’t worry. None of them told me anything about you, but then I didn’t really ask. My only concern last night was that you survived it...that you were okay.”

“And I thank you for that, Sarah. That meant a lot to me…that even though you didn’t know what was going on, you were there for me.”

“I’ll be there any time you need me to be there,” was all she said as they resumed their silence.

Her words warmed him, and wrapped themselves around him. He knew she meant them, and that made him feel good.

“Thank you, Sarah.”

She just smiled at him as they rode into town. Rachel greeted them as they walked into the bunkhouse. Sarah looked at Cody, and he gave her a big smile. She felt like she was in a conspiracy with him, and she really liked Buck and didn’t want to betray him. Oh well, it was Melissa’s decision to make, and she looked perfectly happy with Cody.

“It’s so nice of you to invite us two nights in a row,” Sarah told Rachel as she sat down.

“I think it was all Cody’s idea, but I don’t mind. I like company, and there’s always plenty of food…especially when I don’t have all my boys here.”

“Yeah, I noticed that we seemed a few bodies short,” Sarah commented.

Cody filled her in on where everyone was.

They sat and Rachel served them supper. Cody had made sure that he was sitting next to Melissa, while Jimmy told himself to sit anywhere but next to Sarah. That was impossible though since it turned out it was the only place to sit. And he knew that he really didn’t mind if he let himself think about it.

Conversation over supper was kept lively by everyone but Jimmy. Sarah noticed that he seemed to have little to say unless someone asked him a direct question. Was he always like that? And the answers he gave were always just one or two words. Maybe he was just being like this because she was there, and he didn’t want her to know anything about himself.

Melissa was thoroughly enjoying Cody. She was finding that he was very entertaining to be around. He could tell a tale with the best of them, and she was enthralled with the adventures he’d had since riding with the Pony Express. He seemed very intelligent, funny, and enthusiastic. It was hard not to get caught up in him!

The ladies insisted on helping Rachel wash up. They played a few hands of poker, with Rachel winning all of them. Finally, Sarah mentioned that it was time for them to head on home.

“Jimmy and I will escort you home to make sure you git there safe,” Cody told him. “We’ll saddle up your horses too. You can wait on the porch for us.”

“Okay, Cody,” Melissa told him.

“There ain’t no reason why I need to go,” Jimmy told him as he followed him out to the barn.

“What if we get accosted by Injuns or such? I won’t be able to handle it on my own!” Cody told him.

“Injuns? This close to town?” Jimmy asked, looking at him as if he’d lost his mind.

Cody knew that Sarah would like it if Jimmy came along, and since she’d done him a favor with Melissa, he wanted to do one for her with Jimmy.

“You never know,” was all Cody said as he began to saddle Melissa’s horse.

Jimmy just shook his head as he quickly saddled Sarah’s animal, then his own. Taking both of the reins, he led them out of the barn followed by Cody.

“Thanks,” Sarah smiled at him as he handed the reins to her. She quickly swung herself up into the saddle.

With a laugh, Cody lifted Melissa up to her saddle, but Cody could get away with things like that.

“Night Teaspoon…night Rachel,” the ladies called to the two still standing on the porch.

“I really like them,” Melissa told Cody warmly.

“They’re the closest thing we’ve all had to a ma and pa,” Cody told her.

“You mean none of you have living parents?” Melissa asked, surprised.

“Nope. We’re all orphans. That’s why the company hired us. They didn’t want to worry none about parents gettin’ upset if’n we was to git killed.” Cody told her.

“Being without parents definitely is not easy. At least all of us have that in common.” Sarah stated softly.

Jimmy looked over at her quickly. She seemed sad all of a sudden. Of course, her pa hadn’t been dead all that long. At least he’d had years to get used to his state in life.

“I suppose you still miss your pa?” Cody asked her.

“Oh yes, but it gets a little easier with each day that goes by…right Melissa?”

“Yeah...but there are times when it still hurts real bad. I’ll wake up and for a moment forget that my parents are dead. But time does heal some,” she said shakily.

Cody reached over to pat her arm.

“So you guys are lucky to have Teaspoon and Rachel,” Sarah stated brightly, trying to shake her mood.

“I think we are. Especially Rachel. Before she came, it was too horrible to even think about. We had all these women who were stern and couldn’t cook...right, Jimmy?”

“Yeah...they were pretty bad!” he agreed wholeheartedly. “In fact, we had this one that all she did was sleep, and we had to do everything for her.”

Sarah was in amazement that Jimmy had spoken all of that without any encouragement. But that thought was short lived, when suddenly she felt like she was surrounded with war cries, ponies, and war painted Indians! She gasped in terror as Jimmy immediately drew and got his horse in position between her and the Indians. Cody was doing the same with Melissa.

“Give me your other gun, Jimmy,” Sarah called to him.

Without looking at her, Jimmy tossed it. Luckily she caught it, aimed, and started shooting carefully. She knew she only had six shots. She didn’t want to waste any. Luckily, Cody and Jimmy were much better shots than she was. Soon, two of the Indians took off...the other three laid on the ground.

“Can you see into the future Cody?” Jimmy asked as he looked carefully around to make sure the dog soldiers weren’t coming back for another attack. “There ain’t never been Injuns this close to town.”

“Let’s get out of here. They’ll be back to git these three,” Cody stated. “You alright, Melissa?”

“Yeah. Everyone else?”

“Fine,” they all said as they rode quickly off. It didn’t take that much longer to get to the ranch.

Sarah handed Jimmy’s gun back to him, and he reloaded it plus the one that he’d been using. Cody did the same.



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